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The "things that make you realise you're getting older" thread


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Moaning about money


Moaning about the younger generation


Moaning about going out


Moaning about not having any tea bags left


Paying a mortgage


Going even more grey


Falling asleep after sex


Watching Nature and Travel programs and enjoying them


Turning the music down

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An early night is a welcome chance to curl up with the cat and a book rather than the opening gambit to an all-night sex session with the missus.


Radio 4 is great to listen to, except for when they have that young-voiced bloke doing the shipping forecast. Sod off, youngie. The shipping forecast works best with an elderly Scottish accent.


Only drinking 2 pints in the pub whilst watching the footy. Not because you're skint, but because that's all you fancy.


Getting out of bed and stretching you legs sounds like someone playing the maraccas.

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Moaning about money


Moaning about the younger generation


Moaning about going out


Moaning about not having any tea bags left


Paying a mortgage


Going even more grey


Falling asleep after sex

Watching Nature and Travel programs and enjoying them


Turning the music down



You don't need to be old / getting old to do that!

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Moaning about money


Moaning about the younger generation


Moaning about going out


Moaning about not having any tea bags left


Paying a mortgage


Going even more grey


Falling asleep after sex


Watching Nature and Travel programs and enjoying them


Turning the music down



I do that and I'm 21, actually I did that when I was 18 too, but thats probably thanks to ale and I'm shit at sex.

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