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Ace Footy Shirts


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Has anyone found out if you can get custom shirts for a decent price.


I want one with my own sponsor , badge, name and number?




Pro direct soccer does them mate, not too sure how much, you could always enquire.

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I want to buy the new Liverpool top so much, does it count if I was to go to soccer sports and get it? rather than JJB or the liverpool shop.


Please say its OK to buy it from soccer sports.

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I want to buy the new Liverpool top so much, does it count if I was to go to soccer sports and get it? rather than JJB or the liverpool shop.


Please say its OK to buy it from soccer sports.




All shirt sales give money back to the club. Buy a dodgy Thai fake from Ebay or something.

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All shirt sales give money back to the club. Buy a dodgy Thai fake from Ebay or something.




Right, if everyone promises to chip in money to buy me the full new Liverpool kit, with Torres on the back. I will swim over to Dallas with my pet rifle and exterminate Tom Hicks!

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You kill Tom Hicks and I'll buy you a full new liverpool kit.


Deal. I hope to see a nice new Liverpool kit for me next week then.


Can somebody lend me a pair of armbands?

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I want to buy the new Liverpool top so much, does it count if I was to go to soccer sports and get it? rather than JJB or the liverpool shop.


Please say its OK to buy it from soccer sports.


No, £20 of every shirt sold is profit for the club which means its £10 for tom and £10 for george, give the cunts nothing bar the price of your match ticket!

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how much you think adidas make on a shirt then


Not sure of the exact figure but Its around £15 to adidas and shops make as little as £5 but make a fortune with lettering etc, when we released the last reebok 1 we were getting £18 for every one sold according to coco, so reckon with this 1 its at least £20. Adidas make the majority of the profit on other merchandise!

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