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On 30/12/2021 at 12:59, skend04 said:

One of the best comedies on TV at the minute. They filmed seasons 3 and 4 together so there won't be as big a gap between them as there has been from the last.

I enjoyed season 1, but really struggled with season 2. It took me about 10 goes to get through the 1st 2 episodes and I ended up fucking it off. Did you feel it was different in season 2? I don't know if it's worth going back to it. 

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Atlanta is like much of the cable half hour comedies around these days where it's not really a comedy, let alone a sitcom, it's like a hybrid comedy/drama/experimental art effort. See also Better Days, Dave, SMILF and Crashing. They're all good shows but there's a little bit of naval gazing 'aren't we clever how we analyse the human condition' about them.


The best sitcom that is a sitcom on TV at the moment is What We Do in the Shadows.

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1 hour ago, RedKnight said:

Atlanta is like much of the cable half hour comedies around these days where it's not really a comedy, let alone a sitcom, it's like a hybrid comedy/drama/experimental art effort. See also Better Days, Dave, SMILF and Crashing. They're all good shows but there's a little bit of naval gazing 'aren't we clever how we analyse the human condition' about them.


The best sitcom that is a sitcom on TV at the moment is What We Do in the Shadows.

SMILF and Better Days also got the Atlanta treatment from me. Neither of those shows (unlike Atlanta) made me laugh and I just got to a point with both where I couldn't see the point of the show. There was no real story or comedy. They just both felt like an excuse for them to hangout with their mates and film it and call it TV. 

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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:

SMILF and Better Days also got the Atlanta treatment from me. Neither of those shows (unlike Atlanta) made me laugh and I just got to a point with both where I couldn't see the point of the show. There was no real story or comedy. They just both felt like an excuse for them to hangout with their mates and film it and call it TV. 

Can't really disagree with that charge.

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