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Happy 60th Birthday Mr Dalglish...

Flying Pig

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Happy Birthday, King Kenny! The one and only. We hope this is the best ever for you.


From LFC.TV...


With the King of Anfield celebrating his 60th birthday today, here's a list of 60 reasons - provided by Liverpool supporters on both official and independent online forums - explaining why we all love Kenny Dalglish so much.





He held our city together and led us through the period after Hillsborough, to the detriment of his own health. Many of us could not have coped without him

His total and absolute love for everything to do with Liverpool Football Club

He is a link between Liverpool's great past and hopefully our great future

When he smiles it makes the world seem like a better place

His dignity, humour, compassion and loyalty. All absolute when it comes to our great club

Scored the goal to win us the league in his first season as player/manager, and won the double that season

He is LFC's best friend. True and loyal, who wouldn't want a friend like that?

Only player/manager to win the league, never mind the double

He is a symbol of strength and hope for us fans - and gives us many laughs along the way

He's given us the 'Us against the world feeling'


His glorious volley at Stamford Bridge to win us the double

One of three managers to win the league with two clubs

He knows how to celebrate a goal

The word legend is overused - he needs a new word just for him

Twice now, Kenny has helped to heal this club, this year after the splits and divisions caused by the previous owners, and previously in our darkest hour. He's family

The effect of his personality on people around him

His return is akin to a wise and trusted grandfather returning to the family fold to bring unity, direction and care

Kenny was made for Liverpool and Liverpool was made for Kenny. One can't be without the other

The way he refers to us as 'wor punters'

The way he speaks about the club and the positivity he brings is a breath of fresh air


He has single-handedly turned back the clock and suddenly the club is functioning in the way it should and has in the past when we were the elite club in Europe

It seems his joy and love of football is only overshadowed by his love of Liverpool and its fans

Mr Alex Ferguson et al are terrified of him

His razor-sharp wit when dealing with HM's press

He's like the Nelson Mandela of Liverpool. A man who can unite a collective

Quite simply the greatest man ever to have represented this club

His achievements, not only as a player or as a manager, but also and above all as a human being

His smile when we score

Each and every one of us feels like a big kid at the very mention of him - let alone the sight or sound of him

He gives the fans the feeling of ownership


He has not just steadied the ship, but raised the titanic

The effect of his personality on people around him

He is the post-Shankly generation's Shankly - a man who not only understands us, but fights for us

He says all the right things every time he speaks, and always with respect to everyone else but always defending Liverpool Football Club

He helped Liverpool Football club and it's supporters after Heysel by giving us something to be proud of again

He's cooler than milk that's in a glass with ice and been left in the fridge in Greenland in the winter

He's the only person out there who understands us

His legendary big coat

The way he jumped over them hoardings at Wembley in 78

His unique wit and flippancy towards the media when being interviewed


He is one of us and understands us fans like no-one in modern day football would

He loves the fans twice as much as we love him

118 goals, 355 appearances, 8 first division titles, 3 European Cups, 4 League Cups, 2 FA Cups

He is our moral barometer, keeping us enshrined in The Liverpool way of doing things

He is the guardian and gatekeeper of the house that Shankly built

Because he doesn't have to get 'us'. He is one of us, and much much more

Finished his first season getting the winner in the European Cup Final, to make us the first British team to be European Champions two years running

He has fully supported Marina as she has built Chemotherapy Wards for cancer patients at both Fazakerley and Clatterbridge

He is one of the greatest managers in the history of football, building the greatest footballing side ever to grace these shores, one of only 5 managers to have won the league and FA Cup double since 1900

He could walk in to any pub from Liverpool to Lands End and have someone want to buy him a drink


His press conferences have become the biggest 'must-watch' event every week

The way he sets out every team of his to play exciting, attacking football

He makes us know he would never do or say anything wrong as far as the club is concerned

He makes us, as Liverpool fans, feel bulletproof

He is what we are, but with just more power

Kate may get her Prince in April, but The Kop got our King in January

He doesn't need Twitter, he is already following you


He is our greatest ever player

Because he is Kenny Dalglish. I need no other reason

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Happy birthday King Kenny - it's my birthday on sunday, and I'm proud to be close to yours - the Pisces sign is usually depicted by two fish swimming in opposite directions, but you, as always, break the mold...you know exactly which way we're going...TO THE TOP.

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