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The Africa Thread


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28 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

For anyone who’s interested the bad ‘bad’ guy won and we won’t be able to go home for a very, very long time unless the country collapses fully and the international community step in to rebuild.


Sorry to hear that mate

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1 hour ago, Bruce Spanner said:

For anyone who’s interested the bad ‘bad’ guy won and we won’t be able to go home for a very, very long time unless the country collapses fully and the international community step in to rebuild.


RSF is the bad bad guys, or the other ones?

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8 hours ago, SasaS said:


RSF is the bad bad guys, or the other ones?



Currently killing, raping, looting and destroying a country unimpeded.


The UN is already investigating genocide and it won’t take them long to come to the conclusion as the RSF are quite open about it.


They have deliberately decimated critical infrastructure to make the country unliveable so people flee, but it’s at the point where there are now few places to flee as they have the majority of major centres.


The process started yesterday to legitimise them for the world cameras with the former prime minister, who had been exiled, meeting with the militia to start ‘the transition to democracy’. 

Obviously this won’t happen and the warlord who is propped up by the Wagner group and The UAE is about to have a puppet government on the face as he ravages a countries people.


The army has been useless in the face of the aggression and will now with be picked off and killed, or simply change uniforms and bolster the militia.

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6 minutes ago, Anubis said:

The world is fucked up. Sorry to hear that Bruce. What happened to your friends who were having difficulty getting out? Are they ok?

We managed and arranged to get more out than the useless British and that’s something that helps me sleep.


We got everyone out we could, in the hundreds eventually, and put things in place for others, but it ultimately came down to passports and access and a Sudanese passport doesn’t open too many doors sadly. 


Those that couldn’t leave we got to safety in Halfa and Port Sudan, so they’re ‘safe’ for now, but I’m now getting a lot of single ticks on WhatsApp from people I’ve been in touch with, which is worrying as they were at what were former safe towns which have now been overrun. 

I have some friends with uncertain fates which is horrible, I just hope they’re travelling and have not been caught up in the horror.

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2 hours ago, Anubis said:

Inhumanity everywhere you look. Here, Palestine, Yemen - how can our governments not be doing more?




Just watching a programme on Sudan now. It's certainly looking grim. Very bad. 

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9 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

I think the UK has actually cut funding to Eastern Africa the last couple of years - the region is a powderkeg.

Yep, as they have everywhere in truth.


The Senate in the States called the RSF’s attacks in the south west genocide last night which is a big step.


We’ll see what happens, but I doubt they’ll be too much engagement beyond ‘Stop doing that’.

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Just now, Bruce Spanner said:

We’ll see what happens, but I doubt they’ll be too much engagement beyond ‘Stop doing that’.


There is near zero support here for any direct engagement anywhere. 

Agreed that there is a bit more light being shined on this by senior politicos as well as the aid/economic packages the last few years being at record levels. 

As you have well pointed out the corruption levels - or at least the spectre of that - there make it difficult to be confident it all ends up being used as intended.

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4 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


There is near zero support here for any direct engagement anywhere. 

Agreed that there is a bit more light being shined on this by senior politicos as well as the aid/economic packages the last few years being at record levels. 

As you have well pointed out the corruption levels - or at least the spectre of that - there make it difficult to be confident it all ends up being used as intended.


One of the wider issues is that aid that was coming in, in part, was from the UAE and being distributed via the RSF offering them soft power and 'peoples protectors' optics which distorted a lot and created rift between people at the start.


It was always a game to these people as they look to lockdown mineral resources.


I said it pages back, the west just really took their eye of the ball with what is/was happening there and are still trying to piece it together, but throwing money at it and hoping that'll fix things is for the birds.

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13 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

The Senate in the States called the RSF’s attacks in the south west genocide last night which is a big step.


We’ll see what happens, but I doubt they’ll be too much engagement beyond ‘Stop doing that’.


I'm sure there will be marches in every major city in the country and continuous protests outside the embassy.

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13 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


Yea, this absolutely.


But they do need a shedload of money so somebody has to scratch a check right??



Sudan specifically has been so decimated that there is going to have to be a real concerted effort to rebuild, which I genuinely don't know if there is a will to to do that.


They have systematically attacked and destroyed key and critical infrastructure.


The rebuild is pretty much from scratch, so a generation at least.

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4 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


Yea, seemed to have been left out of Vision 2030.


Sudan was nuts deep in that shit.


We provided lots of basics for the UAE, with scope for huge expansion, as seen in the investmenst in ports and towns surrounding them.


That, plus the mineral wealth, should have seen a period of actual, relative, prosperity and growth, but that has now very literally gone up in smoke. 

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6 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

Do the UAE/Saudis see Sudan as second tier in your opinion?


The UAE see us as an easy target and ripe for squeezing.


Grain, wheat, soldiers, gold, minerals, labour all in abundance and cheap.


Strategically Sudan is perfect as you have easy access to The Sahel region and it's riches and you can bypass Egypt once you have the infrastructure in place.

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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:

This is seriously grim. Going from bad to worse.










Dreadful. Zero lessons learned but clearly millions starving financially benefits some fuckers somewhere. We can land on the moon but can't even feed our own? Cunt world. 

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