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American Politics


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2 hours ago, Gnasher said:


Yawn.A. I don't like the Russians. Why not ask in the appropriate thread. Why not give your opinion on the content of the post? What's your opinion on Blinkens end of year press conference yesterday?  This is the American politics thread. I think it was awful, and bad for Americas standing. 


Unbelievable as it sounds they'll end the year with more strength ,more allies and more rising 'soft' power than they deserve. China have today stopped ships off Yemen bound for Israel. 


Meanwhile western sanctions have (as many predicted) ended up as a disastrous policy of self harm.








The idea that the US is a pariah state because it didn't vote with San Marino and Turkmenistan is comedy gold. It's the most powerful country in human history. 


Small countries can vote however they want because nobody gives a fuck, it's like when towns like Wigan were raising Ukraine flags over their town halls and tweeting that they "stand with Ukraine". Great, how many F-16s will Wigan be sending to the front lines.


This is the problem with politics in the social media age. It's mostly marketing and virtually all bollocks.

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25 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


The idea that the US is a pariah state because it didn't vote with San Marino and Turkmenistan is comedy gold. It's the most powerful country in human history. 


Small countries can vote however they want because nobody gives a fuck, it's like when towns like Wigan were raising Ukraine flags over their town halls and tweeting that they "stand with Ukraine". Great, how many F-16s will Wigan be sending to the front lines.


This is the problem with politics in the social media age. It's mostly marketing and virtually all bollocks.


Americas sofl power status has tumbled. Its not social media, its a fact. 


Americas debt has risen to record levels. Another fact. 


America has supplied the weapons,  finance and backing to a country currently engaged in war crimes and genocide. By doing so it's not only put itself at odds with approximately half its own people but its put itself against the majority of governments and people on earth. 


You may believe ( like Blinken) America has had a good year. I disagree  



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59 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


The idea that the US is a pariah state because it didn't vote with San Marino and Turkmenistan is comedy gold. It's the most powerful country in human history. 


Small countries can vote however they want because nobody gives a fuck, it's like when towns like Wigan were raising Ukraine flags over their town halls and tweeting that they "stand with Ukraine". Great, how many F-16s will Wigan be sending to the front lines.


This is the problem with politics in the social media age. It's mostly marketing and virtually all bollocks.


I think their are a few larger countries on this list than the ones you mentioned. It's not "social media" it's the United Nations 




More on the Russians disastrous foreign affairs. Note this is also not social media but todays New York Times. Can't read the full article but I can guess where it's going. 






If only it was just "social media bollocks' unfortunately for us all it's reality. 

America has a President who's seriously ill and his replacement in court for election fraud. The other possible contenders for the Presidency are brain dead religious psychopaths.

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14 hours ago, Section_31 said:


The idea that the US is a pariah state because it didn't vote with San Marino and Turkmenistan is comedy gold. It's the most powerful country in human history. 


Small countries can vote however they want because nobody gives a fuck, it's like when towns like Wigan were raising Ukraine flags over their town halls and tweeting that they "stand with Ukraine". Great, how many F-16s will Wigan be sending to the front lines.


This is the problem with politics in the social media age. It's mostly marketing and virtually all bollocks.


We're facing the biggest upheaval in the middle east for over 80 years, its outcome will map out their future for decades to come. Social media journalists have provided the main source of insight and information regarding this war. Without them we'd know a lot less of whats going on. Mainstream journalists are often behind the curve in this war. although they are banned from going into Gaza so they have an excuse.


You and others might look down your nose at the people like below offering but they're as versed on American geopolitics as most in the mainstream. They're fully aware of Americas economic and military power. They're not fucking idiots. If you want idiotic look no further than Blinkens little end of year speech yesterday. It wasn't based in reality, that's why it was met with mirth.


As for the UN. It's certainly not 'a load of bollocks'.  A famine is on the way in Gaza and as Ames points out the world is seeing it all play out. It's hardly going to look good for the USA and Biden to stick with that line and four no mark countries.











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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

Yeah US presidents have always been popular in the Muslim world. 


I also don't think it's true he'd be under investigation by an international court for claiming something like that either. 


You wouldn't put him in charge of a jumble sale though, would you?


I agree with what you've said before about if he surrounds himself with competent people it shouldn't matter, but he doesn't have a fucking clue what he's saying. He can't even be trusted to just shut the fuck up about stuff and give a "diplomatic" answer.


He's a man in his 80s who has lost his marbles. That he's in charge of one of the two most powerful countries in the world is...well, it's not good.

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20 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


You wouldn't put him in charge of a jumble sale though, would you?


I agree with what you've said before about if he surrounds himself with competent people it shouldn't matter, but he doesn't have a fucking clue what he's saying. He can't even be trusted to just shut the fuck up about stuff and give a "diplomatic" answer.


He's a man in his 80s who has lost his marbles. That he's in charge of one of the two most powerful countries in the world is...well, it's not good.


Yeah I agree he's pretty hapless in those situations but I don't think he's any worse than what's gone before in my lifetime in terms of policy, and he could conceivably have stopped Putin getting a quick victory in Ukraine, and who knows where that could have led by now. Their economy is in good shape by all accounts too, and he's clearly got no time for the Tories, which is a plus in my book. He's said some good stuff about trickle down economics being bollocks too, which is refreshing coming from a US president.


Biden suffers the centrist curse of starmer, in that the right will hate him and his own left will hate him and both will seize on anything they perceive him to have done or said wrong.

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Biden suffers the centrist curse of starmer


Thought this read "of a stammerer".


Apparently many people have forgotten what a mental midget Bush Jr was. In his mid 50's he could barely string together an adult sentence. That was before expecting him to speak with any depth about an issue. His VP couldn't spell potato.


But yeah, Biden...

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57 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


Apparently many people have forgotten what a mental midget Bush Jr was. In his mid 50's he could barely string together an adult sentence. That was before expecting him to speak with any depth about an issue. His VP couldn't spell potato.


But yeah, Biden...


Yeah, everyone criticising Biden was a massive fan of George Bush or has forgotten what a complete fucking imbecile he is.


Is that really the level of defence of Biden warrants? He isn't George Bush.



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3 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


Yeah, everyone criticising Biden was a massive fan of George Bush or has forgotten what a complete fucking imbecile he is.


Is that really the level of defence of Biden warrants? He isn't George Bush.




He doesn't need defending - he is what he is, and you're right he is not George W.

Nor is he Trump.


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21 hours ago, SasaS said:

Some examples of very short memory in this thread. When exactly was American foreign policy popular around the world?


Unpopular to this extent? Never. 


I don't think the Iraq or Vietnam periods measure up to the contempt with which they're seen at the moment.


How Blinken and Co like to think the world veiws America.

How most of the world sees America. 




America are looking increasingly isolated.

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The recent Yemeni stuff appears to have come as a bit of a surprise to the US. I think they expected Australia and those European nations to just do as they were told, but it seems they've been told to fuck off. Would be good if it signified even a tiny change to policies regarding Israel. Doubt it, like.

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45 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Unpopular to this extent? Never. 


I don't think the Iraq or Vietnam periods measure up to the contempt with which they're seen at the moment.


How Blinken and Co like to think the world veiws America.

How most of the world sees America. 




America are looking increasingly isolated.


Looking from various echo chambers, it probably looks like it.


US is at odds with most of the world over Isreal, as always, because Israel always finds a way to fuck up any impartial support with its lack of restraint and proportion in responding to attacks. Americans are at the same time too invested in it not to continue defending it diplomatically and by doing so open themselves to attacks and pressure from other interests, often agents who you don't want to be gaining the upper hand.

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37 minutes ago, SasaS said:


Looking from various echo chambers, it probably looks like it.


"Echo chambers"




37 minutes ago, SasaS said:

US is at odds with most of the world over Isreal, as always, because Israel always finds a way to fuck up any impartial support with its lack of restraint and proportion in responding to attacks. Americans are at the same time too invested in it not to continue defending it diplomatically and by doing so open themselves to attacks and pressure from other interests, often agents who you don't want to be gaining the upper hand.


I mostly agree with that. Israel and as such America have gone to far this time (to put it mildly) I think the damage to Americas world standing and credibility because of its unequivocal support of Israel could be longstanding. 

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35 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


"Echo chambers"





I mostly agree with that. Israel and as such America have gone to far this time (to put it mildly) I think the damage to Americas world standing and credibility because of its unequivocal support of Israel could be longstanding. 


I don't think the question was press green if you hate M'rica.

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44 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Shame on Tuvalu for abstaining.


The yanks need all the freinds they can muster, Tuvalu and America, shipmates in the same boat.. Speaking of boats; their big announcement of an all nation sea fleet seems to have sunk without trace.


The Chinese and Russians must be grinning like Cheshire cats. 



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