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American Politics


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I thought Bentley boy made a big play of putting me on ignore. 

The quote from Ballard (which I credited) perfectly sums up some of the trump mob.


Unrelated but make what you will of the sky high American suicide rate posted.

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4 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

I thought Bentley boy made a big play of putting me on ignore. 


The quote from Ballard perfectly sums up some of the trump mob.


You have never read Ballard, have you?


I'm just bored an felt like poking the village idiot for my own amusement, I'll be back to ignoring you again soon, don't worry.



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2 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


You have never read Ballard, have you?


I'm just bored an felt like poking the village idiot for my own amusement, I'll be back to ignoring you again soon, don't worry.




Off you pop, don't forget your keys.

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1 minute ago, Gnasher said:


Ha see, the bullshiter here turns out to be you, Bentley boy. 


Why, I didn't plagerise a quote and try and pass it off as my own original thinking on the topic, despite never having read the book, the author, or anything for that matter?


 Bruce 1 - 0 Gnobber.

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6 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


Why, I didn't plagerise a quote and try and pass it off as my own original thinking on the topic, despite never having read the book, the author, or anything for that matter?


 Bruce 1 - 0 Gnobber.


You do your own scoring if it makes you feel better BB. It's better than you boring every cunt with another of your bullshiting monologues. 

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8 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


You do your own scoring if it makes you feel better BB. It's better than boring every cunt with another of your bullshiting monologues. 


Yes, of course, I'm a bullshitter, cool.


None of the things that happened to me, my family and friends happend despite it being documented you fucking moron.


Anyhows, you read Ballard, or not?

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8 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


Yes, of course, I'm a bullshitter, cool.


None of the things that happened to me, my famly and friends happend despite it being documented you fucking moron.


Anyhows, you read Ballard, or not?


Aw you're back. Sweet. Don't get upset I'm only having a joke at your expense kiddo.


It took your super intelligent brain to come up with that reply! I'm disappointed.


This photo by a Trump mug is more genuine than that bullshit pic you posted where you 'accidentally' put in shot your Bentley keys. Which sort of tells its own little tale about you;  Bentley Boy. 




Not working well for you this, is it BB. Bet you wished you hadn't lied and actually did put me on ignore. 

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Just now, Gnasher said:


Aw you're back. Sweet. It took your super intelligent brain to come up with that reply!


This photo by a Trump mug is more genuine than that bullshit pic you posted where you 'accidentally' put in shot your Bentley keys. Which sort of tells its own little tale about you;  Bentley Boy. 




Not working well for you this, is it BB. Bet you wished you hadn't lied and actually did put me on ignore. 


You just changed the subject and posted a random tweet, are you OK?


Like, seriously, do you have people around who can look out for you if you go full idiot.


I said about three/four posts back I took you off ignore to wind you up as I was bored, your comprehension isn't that bad, surely?


I asked a simple question, it's not difficult, have you ever read Ballard?



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5 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


You just changed the subject and posted a random tweet, are you OK?


Like, seriously, do you have people around who can look out for you if you go full idiot.


I said about three/four posts back I took you off ignore to wind you up as I was bored, your comprehension isn't that bad, surely?


I asked a simple question, it's not difficult, have you ever read Ballard?




Aw Bentley Boys bored. That's why he's making a cunt of himself. Now you know how people who converse with you feel  


Post another couple of your bullshiting pics. Or alternatively write another chapter of fiction for your blockbuster book. 


Go on Bentley Boy. Look at it as therapy.

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2 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

I’m trying to work out the phrase on her t shirt that ends in “beer” it’s too long a sentence in too small a font for “I’m only here for the beer” 


She's well armed. Sorry I can't help you.

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4 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Aw Bentley Boys bored. That's why he's making a cunt of himself. Now xou know how people you converse with feel  


Post another couple of your bullshiting pics. Or alternatively write another chapter of fiction for your blockbuster book. 


Go on Bentley Boy. Look at it as therapy.




You used to be better than this, I s'pose all that time frantically wanking over psy-op tweets have dulled your already dulled mind.




Anyhows, you read Ballard?



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2 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:




You used to be better than this, I s'pose all that time frantically wanking over psy-op tweets have dulled your already dulled mind.




Anyhows, you read Ballard?




Well you are so stupendously well educated BB. I believe you might have told us here and there. Let it slip so to speak. 


Anyway where's the pics. Come on, toot toot. 

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2 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Well you are so stupendously well educated BB. I believe you might have told us here and there. Let it slip so to speak. 


Anyway where's the pics. Come on, toot toot. 


I belive it was me who pointed out your plagerism, and asked a simple question.


I don't have anything I'm being asked to prove.


You seem to just be making randon expressions like you're headbutting the keyboard and hoping it'll produce something 'funny', or hoping it'll make me go away.


Ballard, yes, or no?

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4 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


I belive it was me who pointed out your plagerism, and asked a simple question.


I don't have anything I'm being asked to prove.


You seem to just be making randon expressions like you're headbutting the keyboard and hoping it'll produce something 'funny', or hoping it'll make me go away.


Ballard, yes, or no?


I certainly don't want you to go away Bentley. I find you entertaining, certainly more entertaining than your previous 'stories'


Go on post the pic with the Bentley keys. We can match it to the one I posted above with the Maga lady.  

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Just now, Gnasher said:


I certainly don't want you to go away Bentley. I find you entertaining, certainly more entertaining than your previous 'stories'


Go on post the pic with the Bentley keys. We can match it to the one I posted above with the Maga lady.  


Now, this makes no sense.


You want me to post car keys to prove a random tweet you found, and then ripped off the original and plagerised can somehow match something to something completely unrelated?


Are you malfunctioning.


Even for someone with your limited scope for thinking that's batshit.


Just a simple yes, or no.


Have you ever read Ballard?



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Just now, Bruce Spanner said:


Now, this makes no sense.


You want me to post car keys to prove a random tweet you found, and then ripped off the original and plagerised can somehow match something to something completely unrelated?


Are you malfunctioning.


Even for someone with your limited scope for thinking that's batshit.


Just a simple yes, or no.


Have you ever read Ballard?




But it makes perfect sense. Unlike your far fetched stories. Rico wasn't shy about his new car. No strange little hints hidden away in pics there  So why you so bashful BB?

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9 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


But it makes perfect sense. Unlike your far fetched stories. Rico wasn't shy about his new car. No strange little hints hidden away in pics there  So why you so bashful BB?




OK, you've not read Ballard, it's easy enough to admit.


There's shame there for sure in ripping off and plagerising, but it's not the end of the wolrd, you got found out, again.


I found out today that a friend of mine, and his four kids, are unaccounted for and assumed dead and no one can make contact with them and the militia are attacking his 'people'. I/we have been working for months on how we can get them to safety, this is one of many, one of which I actually hugged today for the first time in months as she escaped and was able to get to the middle east after horrors you can't imagine.


Gnipper, fuck you, you pathetic nomark.


PS. You don't know who Ballard is or what he represents, do you?



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