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Skrtel rejects 'unacceptable' contract. So what now?

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If all the new contracts are based on this bright idea, it puts a new complexion on the way the manager stops playing people and 'disappears' them for months at a time. If these contracts are affecting team selection that's a much bigger problem than selling Skrtel.

No it doesn't.



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Disrespectful of Skrtel towards the club to use the media as a device to leverage more money from the club.

But it's ok for Fenway to brief and leak to fuck? Fuck them, the know nothing about football cunts. I said they'd be shite (in terms of making us successful on the pitch) from day one. I've no time for tight, rich cunts in any walk of life.

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I just don't get people not being at all bothered by this story, fine you don't think it's disrespectful and that's simply a matter of opinion that I disagree with. But we are becoming a less attractive football club with every one of these stories, less attractive to sponsors, to supporters and to players. Of course some will argue that's a matter of opinion too while ignoring what's going on in front of their eyes.

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Possibly some half and half in there, I don't know, but suspect Sterling's motives are based on moving to London rather than financial.

Fair enough. I just recall you being pretty adamant and wondered if you might now see things in a different light .

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But it's ok for Fenway to brief and leak to fuck? Fuck them, the know nothing about football cunts. I said they'd be shite (in terms of making us successful on the pitch) from day one. I've no time for tight, rich cunts in any walk of life.

One of your best ever posts Tony.






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He has nothing to worry about then, he's getting a pay rise.


Cardie, I've been here for ten years.  In all that time your m.o. has never changed, not even once.


That's why I'm not even going to quote my two previous posts which have pointed out the other, blindingly obvious issue which could in fact affect the number of games he's going to play.  I think one person quoting selectively on here is quite enough and I'll happily concede that you have dibs on the method.

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Nobody finds it disrespectful when a player expects 100-150 thousand a week and then expects more on top of that for granting us the honour of playing a game for us or for winning a game.

I'm sure many people find it sickening actually, I know I do. But if we want to compete at the top level of the game it's a necessary evil, and if we don't want to compete at that level, well we'll soon find out what that leads to.

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Would it be disrespectful to offer him 20 year contract on 100000000000000000 per minute? That'd also be unusual


No, but of course if we'd offered him an unusually generous contract, I wouldn't have suggested that there was any lack of respect involved.  I wouldn't have suggested for a second that we should do that though. 


As for our best centre back, Sakho says hi.


I don't think there's much between them at all, I like Sakho.  I wonder if he's on one of these wonderful contracts, if he is I bet he won't be too chuffed at not playing 80% of our games these last two seasons due to the manager not picking him.

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Cardie, I've been here for ten years. In all that time your m.o. has never changed, not even once.


That's why I'm not even going to quote my two previous posts which have pointed out the other, blindingly obvious issue which could in fact affect the number of games he's going to play. I think one person quoting selectively on here is quite enough and I'll happily concede that you have dibs on the method.

The rest isn't relevant to Skrtel position.


If he's never injured, and is available for most games then why make such a fuss over a contract that will a) increase what he's earning and b) reward that reliability.


We're not talking about a clause that is left to the whim of a manager or club, we're talking about a contract that will pay him the full amount if he's available for selection but will pay a reduced fee if he unavailable. Not if he actually plays.



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The rest isn't relevant to Skrtel position.


If he's never injured, and is available for most games then why make such a fuss over a contract that will a) increase what he's earning and B) reward that reliability.


We're not talking about a clause that is left to the whim of a manager or club, we're talking about a contract that will pay him the full amount if he's available for selection but will pay a reduced fee if he unavailable. Not if he actually plays.


Are we?  Every reference to the contract on the table that I've seen refers to appearances not availability.  If you have a link or some other confirmation that it is solely dependent on availability I'll happily concede the point.

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Are we?  Every reference to the contract on the table that I've seen refers to appearances not availability.  If you have a link or some other confirmation that it is solely dependent on availability I'll happily concede the point.


He already has an appearance bonus in his contract, most if not all players do.


The fact they call it an appearance bonus in reports seems to be an issue of terminology.  In fact I'd wager that it's not a bonus at all in the traditional sense but a reduction in the basic wage deferred as a bulk payment once the target is hit 

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But it's ok for Fenway to brief and leak to fuck? Fuck them, the know nothing about football cunts. I said they'd be shite (in terms of making us successful on the pitch) from day one. I've no time for tight, rich cunts in any walk of life.

He's had £200m plus Kenny got money for Carroll and the rest. Hardly tight

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