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Petition to reinstate Rafael Benitez as LFC Manager

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Oh my god come on. This is getting beyond a joke.


"Liverpool FC fans, used to be known as loyal supporters and singers of You'll Never Walk Alone. Now known as internet terrorists and people who think worthless online petitions mean anything."


Maybe we should find JWH's and TW's emails and spam them.

Edited by mlwilliams
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Sweet baby Jesus and the orphans.


To fully turn into Newcastle all we need to do is ask for a legend who hasn't been a manager for over 10 years to take back over the club and the transformation is complete.


This. Please someone make this stop. Fucking hell.

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Guest ShoePiss

I'd have him back but I'm not going to sign this. Most of the time these epetitions are useless, this one is useless and a little embarrassing. It doesn't make me angry though.

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Guest ShoePiss
He can fuck that Borussia stuff off in future if this is the sort of stunt he's pulling on this forum. I'd rather have a friends across Europe with Milan.


This is a bit strange, you are telling him to stop doing his yearly trip thing because you don't agree with his petition? I don't think he'll take any notice of you nor should he.

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This is a bit strange, you are telling him to stop doing his yearly trip thing because you don't agree with his petition? I don't think he'll take any notice of you nor should he.


I don't give a fuck whether he pays any attention to me or not, but he will have shot himself in the foot big time with this pathetic stunt. Most of the people who are actually old enough to remember Mönchengladbach, never mind those of us that were there, won't be thinking very highly of this either.

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