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Jesus fucking wept what a horrible snide liar. She was quite clearly referring to people marching for peace in Palestine. Anyone denying that is a fucking bullshitter and trying to spin it as something it’s not. 

You’ve had some bad days strontz and this is up there. Right up there 

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4 minutes ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

I think it's probably about time the narrative was changed.

Hundreds of years have been spent wondering why Jews are always the victims of just about anything and everything, probably time to start asking, why have they been persona non-grata everywhere apart from radicalised, fundamentalist Christian nations like America and to a lesser extent the UK.

Since I've been alive, they've been basically allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, when they want and with the backing of the military industrial complex of nation states who are well versed in destabilising every other nation that has either a different sky god or who, more importantly aren't 'democratically' right wing.

Probably time to adjust thinking from perpetual 'victim' status to Lebensraum, Nuclear, western backed puppet state who get a free pass.


See, now this is an example of real racism.


I'm sure it will be just as ignored as it was the last two times you said it.

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Just now, Bjornebye said:

Jesus fucking wept what a horrible snide liar. She was quite clearly referring to people marching for peace in Palestine.


Pretty sure she was referring to people chanting "Globalise the Intifada". I don't know if you remember the last few, but Intifadas aren't exactly known for being peaceful. Although Jews tend to be pretty peaceful after they've been stabbed to death.

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1 minute ago, Strontium said:


See, now this is an example of real racism.


I'm sure it will be just as ignored as it was the last two times you said it.

Just out of interest….. can you explain why he’s wrong? (I’m not saying he’s right I’m just interested in your opinion on his post instead of just calling him racist) 

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Just now, Strontium said:


Pretty sure she was referring to people chanting "Globalise the Intifada". I don't know if you remember the last few, but Intifadas aren't exactly known for being peaceful. Although Jews tend to be pretty peaceful after they've been stabbed to death.

And what are those people? 

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5 minutes ago, Strontium said:

"Her words speak for themselves... which is why I have to put a particular spin on them to make them fit my prejudices about her as a person"

it was ‘words, actions and behaviour's’.


Like, for example, using an event, attributing it to ‘Islamic extremism’ and falsely, and dangerously, trying to conflate that event with the peaceful marches attended by hundreds of thousands if not millions of people from all faiths religions and background with false quotes about a ‘call for global intifada’, as a false forewarning about the dangers of these peaceful marches.



Horrible, dangerous racist.

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2 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Just out of interest….. can you explain why he’s wrong? (I’m not saying he’s right I’m just interested in your opinion on his post instead of just calling him racist) 


Fuck. Ing. Hell.



No, I've no intention of engaging in any "debate" about whether thousands of years of racism against Jewish people has any kind of justification.

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Just now, Strontium said:


Fuck. Ing. Hell.



No, I've no intention of engaging in any "debate" about whether thousands of years of racism against Jewish people has any kind of justification.

Show me where he said it’s justified? Show me where anyone has said that? 

Now come on, what did he say that was so wrong? Educate me 

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5 minutes ago, etho said:

it was ‘words, actions and behaviour's’.


Like, for example, using an event, attributing it to ‘Islamic extremism’ and falsely, and dangerously, trying to conflate that event with the peaceful marches attended by hundreds of thousands if not millions of people from all faiths religions and background with false quotes about a ‘call for global intifada’, as a false forewarning about the dangers of these peaceful marches.



Horrible, dangerous racist.


She didn't attribute anyting to Islamic extremism, she didn't conflate anything with peaceful marches, and it is an absolute fact that some people have been calling for a global Intifada.


You're just making things up now.

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Just now, Strontium said:


She didn't attribute anyting to Islamic extremism, she didn't conflate anything with peaceful marches, and it is ana bsolute fact that some people have been calling for a global Intifada.


You're just making things up now.

No, you are. Clear as day. It’s as embarrassing as it is laughable. 

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2 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Show me where he said it’s justified? Show me where anyone has said that? 

Now come on, what did he say that was so wrong? Educate me 


You don't want to be educated.


If you need me to point out why "it's time to have an honest conversation about why Jews have been despised throughout history" is racist, then you are utterly beyond redemption.

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7 minutes ago, Strontium said:


See, now this is an example of real racism.


I'm sure it will be just as ignored as it was the last two times you said it.

No it's not.

You are a cunt on here, always the victim, nobody likes you. 

It's just a microcosm.

Not racism.

When most of the world thinks you're an apartheid supporting cunt, then its time for introspection.

As I said, turn the narrative around, ignore all the apocryphal stories and nonsense of miracles and idiocy and stupid Americans believing anything, then what have you got left?

Ethnic cleansing.

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6 minutes ago, Strontium said:


She didn't attribute anyting to Islamic extremism, she didn't conflate anything with peaceful marches, and it is an absolute fact that some people have been calling for a global Intifada.


You're just making things up now.

You are aware that lying about something or not wanting it to be factual doesn’t mean it’s not true?



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4 minutes ago, Strontium said:


You don't want to be educated.


If you need me to point out why "it's time to have an honest conversation about why Jews have been despised throughout history" is racist, then you are utterly beyond redemption.

I’m asking for an opposing argument. I didn’t say I agreed with him. Instead you’re calling him a racist and accusing him of spreading nazi filth. 

Yet you’re here trying to claim Rachel Riley wasn’t blaming Muslims for an attack on Bondi committed by a white man then calling people who called her out on it as having an agenda because they hate her. 

Can you not see your own filth? 

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2 minutes ago, Strontium said:

"Always the victim" shouts on today of all days. Classy stuff, as always from the man who once accused me of killing Jesus.

Bringing Hillsborough into an argument to score points when only days ago you were defending people writing in the s*n. Stay classy dickhead 

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4 minutes ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

Like some negging do you Stronts?

Ok then.


You're just a Jew-hating, IRA-loving shithouse, who hides behind a veil of anonymity to spread your bile.


You're not worth the steam off my piss.

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5 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Bringing Hillsborough into an argument to score points when only days ago you were defending people writing in the s*n. Stay classy dickhead 


Go fuck yourself. There's no points to be scored here. Just you yet again not seeing grotesque antisemitism when it is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FUCKING FACE.

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2 minutes ago, Strontium said:


Go fuck yourself. There's no points to be scored here. Just you yet again not seeing grotesque antisemitism when it is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FUCKING FACE.

Fuck myself for highlighting your hypocrisy? No Strontz, go fuck YOURSELF 


You clearly can’t make an opposing argument so instead of going round calling people nazi anti-semites why don’t you answer direct questions and stop lying/deflecting. You absolute shitbag 

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5 minutes ago, Strontium said:


You're just a Jew-hating, IRA-loving shithouse, who hides behind a veil of anonymity to spread your bile.


You're not worth the steam off my piss.

Anonymity? Do you want my employers name and address first or mine, you tantrummy fucking Mummys boy cunt?

IRA loving? Fucking right I am.

And just so you know, I'm making it my lifes' work to neg every fucking post you've ever made on here you nasty, disturbed freak.

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