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Aldo: Rodgers is special and this is our best football in 25 years

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Mate, you asked why people were talking about Rodgers being put on a par with Rafa and GH.

Nope, I stated that nobody had put them on a par. I still think that's right. If people want to take a compliment to Rodgers and turn it into a 'why's Aldo picking on [insert manager's name of your choice]' then that's up to them.

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Nope, I stated that nobody had put them on a par. I still think that's right. If people want to take a compliment to Rodgers and turn it into a 'why's Aldo picking on [insert manager's name of your choice]' then that's up to them.


Surely you can see how people might have interpreted the words "Rodgers is the best manager we've had in a long time" as putting him (at least) on a par with Rafa and Houllier, regardless of what you yourself think the words might mean.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Surely you can see how people might have interpreted the words "Rodgers is the best manager we've had in a long time" as putting him (at least) on a par with Rafa and Houllier, regardless of what you yourself think the words might mean.

Yeah, I can see why. That's my grievance. It's not about what I think they mean, it's about what's actually said. Or, more accurately, what he didn't. Which, as a matter of fact, wasn't that he's on par with trophy winning managers. What I think it means doesn't come into it. My issue is having a dig over something that wasn't said. The guy is praising the brand of football the manager has bought to the club. No need for any of us to read into anything as a dig at other managers. If he'd wanted to do that, he could have. It just seems a bit needless to me, mate. I think he's doing what we've all been doing this season and thinking 'fucking hell, this is a good side to watch'. That's what he said before and after.

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Yeah, I can see why. That's my grievance. It's not about what I think they mean, it's about what's actually said. Or, more accurately, what he didn't. Which, as a matter of fact, wasn't that he's on par with trophy winning managers. What I think it means doesn't come into it. My issue is having a dig over something that wasn't said. The guy is praising the brand of football the manager has bought to the club. No need for any of us to read into anything as a dig at other managers. If he'd wanted to do that, he could have. It just seems a bit needless to me, mate. I think he's doing what we've all been doing this season and thinking 'fucking hell, this is a good side to watch'. That's what he said before and after.


I wasn't looking to get into a discussion over digs and grievances, I was answering what I thought was a simple question that lent itself to a simple response. People have read "a better manager than" as interchangeable with "on a par with", whereas you think they mean different things. Fair enough.


I personally don't think Aldo was having a dig at anyone, I just disagree with him that Rodgers can be declared a better manager than Rafa and Ged before he's won anything.

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To me it just reads like a crude dig at foreign managers regardless of the intention behind it. Why not mention the barren crap spell we had to endure under powder puff Evans and Souness? Because that happened in the last 25 years, too. Aldridge has form for bringing Rafa into it and it's high time it all stopped. Rafa and Ged gave me some of the best years I've had as a Liverpool fan and it grates when people belittle what they won and how they fought for the club. Houllier put his life on the line and, okay, he went a bit odd after that but he deserves respect. Rafa wasn't perfect but fought for us and gave us unforgettable times. Between them they kept us on the map during the noughties and we are still benefiting from it now with three of our back four being Benitez signings. Maybe Aldridge should remember that.


If Rodgers wins us the league it will surpass anything Rafa and Houllier did but there is some serious chicken counting going on.

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To me it just reads like a crude dig at foreign managers regardless of the intention behind it. Why not mention the barren crap spell we had to endure under powder puff Evans and Souness? Because that happened in the last 25 years, too. Aldridge has form for bringing Rafa into it and it's high time it all stopped. Rafa and Ged gave me some of the best years I've had as a Liverpool fan and it grates when people belittle what they won and how they fought for the club. Houllier put his life on the line and, okay, he went a bit odd after that but he deserves respect. Rafa wasn't perfect but fought for us and gave us unforgettable times. Between them they kept us on the map during the noughties and we are still benefiting from it now with three of our back four being Benitez signings. Maybe Aldridge should remember that.


If Rodgers wins us the league it will surpass anything Rafa and Houllier did but there is some serious chicken counting going on.


I think you have read a little bit too much into some fairly innocuous and excited comments there dude.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

I wasn't looking to get into a discussion over digs and grievances, I was answering what I thought was a simple question that lent itself to a simple response. People have read "a better manager than" as interchangeable with "on a par with", whereas you think they mean different things. Fair enough.


I personally don't think Aldo was having a dig at anyone, I just disagree with him that Rodgers can be declared a better manager than Rafa and Ged before he's won anything.

As before, he hasn't said that. That's my entire issue.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Hasn't said what? That Rodgers is a better manager than Rafa and Houllier?

Yeah. That's exactly what he hasn't said.

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He hasn't said that Neil.  He said he thinks the style of football is better than anything he's seen for 25 years.  No-one would seriously suggest that a manager who has yet to win anything in the game is a better manager than those who've won domestic and european trophies for us.  

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Yeah. That's exactly what he hasn't said.



He hasn't said that Neil.  He said he thinks the style of football is better than anything he's seen for 25 years.  No-one would seriously suggest that a manager who has yet to win anything in the game is a better manager than those who've won domestic and european trophies for us.  


So just to be clear, in your opinion the sentence "Rodgers is the best manager we've had in a long time" shouldn't be interpreted as him saying Rodgers is better than Rafa and Houllier?

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

So just to be clear, in your opinion the sentence "Rodgers is the best manager we've had in a long time" shouldn't be interpreted as him saying Rodgers is better than Rafa and Houllier?

It's not about opinions. He didn't say it. How you personally read into it is up to you. Whether you think it means Rafa or Ged or Evans or Fagan or Paisley or Shankly is up to you.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

If Rafa was managing this squad this season, where do you think we'd be in the league right now?


* Exits thread *

We'd have a better defensive record.

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and a worse attacking one... 


whats the point of all this.


just what if's etc etc.


if he wins the league this season then he will be the best for 25 years IMO but for now he isn't. Lets just enjoy the football we are playing and let things play themselves out.

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So just to be clear, in your opinion the sentence "Rodgers is the best manager we've had in a long time" shouldn't be interpreted as him saying Rodgers is better than Rafa and Houllier?


In my opinion he could be talking about Dalglish and Hodgson, he could be going back further.  He didn't say either.  I'm not interpreting anything from it.  Fans should judge managers on their achievements.  

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It's not about opinions. He didn't say it. How you personally read into it is up to you. Whether you think it means Rafa or Ged or Evans or Fagan or Paisley or Shankly is up to you.



In my opinion he could be talking about Dalglish and Hodgson, he could be going back further.  He didn't say either.  I'm not interpreting anything from it.  Fans should judge managers on their achievements.  



Fair enough. I personally don't see a problem with people assuming that the words "in a long time" encompass the reigns of Rafa and GH.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

and a worse attacking one... 


whats the point of all this.


just what if's etc etc.


if he wins the league this season then he will be the best for 25 years IMO but for now he isn't. Lets just enjoy the football we are playing and let things play themselves out.

Yeah, but what about the defence?

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

In any case, it's way too early to know if Rodgers' reign will be as fruitful as Rafa or Houllier's. They had many years to build and did so from a better starting point and in a climate which didn't include multiple oligarchs. I'm hoping in 6 years we'll look back and all agree he has been better for us. With any luck we'll look back in 16 and think 'fucking hell, Rodgers looks young in those pictures before winning the CL and Premier league 12 times'. For now, he's been here a quarter of the time they were so it can't be compared.


He has done more for us than Hodgson. On that point, let's all rejoice.

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I think you have read a little bit too much into some fairly innocuous and excited comments there dude.

I don't think so. Aldridge can barely hide his contempt for Benitez and Houllier. He isn't even trying. It's a shame he's not capable of praising Rodgers without resorting to that.

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