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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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1 hour ago, dave u said:

The worst thing they're doing is trying to cost up with everyone else outside 'the sly six' looking to gain support. Absolute pricks. Saw some of them trying to ingratiate themselves to Wolves the other day because Wolves are (justifiably) kicking off at how they keep getting shafted by VAR.


There is nothing remotely similar about what's happening to Everton and Wolves. It's cringeworthy the way they're trying to curry favour with other clubs.


It's completely cringeworthy.


And having to be associated with them being from the same city?


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1 hour ago, dave u said:

The worst thing they're doing is trying to cost up with everyone else outside 'the sly six' looking to gain support. Absolute pricks. Saw some of them trying to ingratiate themselves to Wolves the other day because Wolves are (justifiably) kicking off at how they keep getting shafted by VAR.


There is nothing remotely similar about what's happening to Everton and Wolves. It's cringeworthy the way they're trying to curry favour with other clubs.

You would think that after trying to cosy up to the Mancs last week for their support, then getting hit with the anti-scouse songs they might have learned their lesson.


Everton fans problem, as ever, is down to the fact that they have poisoned themselves to be defined solely by their hatred of us. 
Otherwise they might have found support from a big club who know exactly what it’s like to be owned by shysters.

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On 29/11/2023 at 11:53, Anubis said:

I think he means there is one Evertonian to twenty Liverpudlians in Liverpool


Haha - it doesn’t even make sense. I thought it was to every kopite. Liverpudlian doesn’t denote what team you support. Fools!

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3 hours ago, Block305 said:



This is complete nonsense. The proposal was actually to remove those clubs from the CL, not the PL. They would have formed a closed European competition, but both the CL and UEFA league would still have existed for other PL clubs to compete in. The PL didn't have any rule covering this situation, so accepted a goodwill gesture knowing they wouldn't have a leg to stand on in court, and then introduced rules afterwards to take account of that situation - an immediate 30 point deduction.

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I don’t live / work with a lot of Bloos, so being in our site in Chester the last few days was interesting. 

I was barely through the door 5 mins and one of them went on a rant. I know most of you have these conversations significantly more than I do, it was like living in a parallel universe…


Youse clubs weren’t even punished for trying to leave the league…


We weren’t leaving the league, we were leaving the Champions League / UEFA.


Youse weren’t punished…


All the clubs were fined £3.6m…


The Big 6 will be protected  in future…


No, there is now significantly tougher rules in place to stop it happening (I didn’t specifically know what it was, I’ve since read it’s a £25m fine and -30 point deduction).


But the fact hat happened to us was unprecedented…


You’d have been fined more in the Championship. The PL wanted you docked more, the independent panel reduced the recommendation. 

It’s only £19m…


No, it’s £19m than the allowable £105m loss. It’s 18%, if you had an increase 18% of the value of your write offs, you’d expect some action to be taken. 

Leicester came up in 2015 and broke the rules and weren’t punished…


Whatabout isn’t a defence for something you’ve admitted.



Blah blah blah. There was then some more chuff about Sigurdsson, BMD, who shot Kennedy, 9/11 was an inside job and if man really walked on the moon…

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12 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

I don’t live / work with a lot of Bloos, so being in our site in Chester the last few days was interesting. 

I was barely through the door 5 mins and one of them went on a rant. I know most of you have these conversations significantly more than I do, it was like living in a parallel universe…


Youse clubs weren’t even punished for trying to leave the league…


We weren’t leaving the league, we were leaving the Champions League / UEFA.


Youse weren’t punished…


All the clubs were fined £3.6m…


The Big 6 will be protected  in future…


No, there is now significantly tougher rules in place to stop it happening (I didn’t specifically know what it was, I’ve since read it’s a £25m fine and -30 point deduction).


But the fact hat happened to us was unprecedented…


You’d have been fined more in the Championship. The PL wanted you docked more, the independent panel reduced the recommendation. 

It’s only £19m…


No, it’s £19m than the allowable £105m loss. It’s 18%, if you had an increase 18% of the value of your write offs, you’d expect some action to be taken. 

Leicester came up in 2015 and broke the rules and weren’t punished…


Whatabout isn’t a defence for something you’ve admitted.



Blah blah blah. There was then some more chuff about Sigurdsson, BMD, who shot Kennedy, 9/11 was an inside job and if man really walked on the moon…


Everton fans are the sporting equivalent of flat earthers. 

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I was thinking they would still stay up quite easily, thinking a bit more now, last weekends results really has put pressure on them. 

Personally, I don’t like the atmosphere at Woodison. I’ve only ever been to watch us there. If things on the pitch are going good, it’s all well and fine. When it’s not (which is often the case when we’re playing), I think it reeks of desperation. Obviously from our perspective, it’s absolutely hilarious but I don’t think it’s particularly supportive and suffocates their players. 

The longer they remain in the bottom 3 or fail to make progress out of it, the more desperate the atmosphere will become, even more than previous seasons. 

They need to focus their energy on supporting and lifting the team, not their anger at the PL. 


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15 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

I was thinking they would still stay up quite easily, thinking a bit more now, last weekends results really has put pressure on them. 

Personally, I don’t like the atmosphere at Woodison. I’ve only ever been to watch us there. If things on the pitch are going good, it’s all well and fine. When it’s not (which is often the case when we’re playing), I think it reeks of desperation. Obviously from our perspective, it’s absolutely hilarious but I don’t think it’s particularly supportive and suffocates their players. 

The longer they remain in the bottom 3 or fail to make progress out of it, the more desperate the atmosphere will become, even more than previous seasons. 

They need to focus their energy on supporting and lifting the team, not their anger at the PL. 



As someone once said about the Anfield effect:



We haven’t pulled off all these remarkable European wins against all odds because we shout and scream abuse at the opposition. That’s part of it, but players get that all the time and that alone wouldn’t bother great teams in the way that Anfield has time and time again. If it was just about snarling and being abusive to the opposition then Everton would win the league every year.


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