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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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18 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

I was thinking they would still stay up quite easily, thinking a bit more now, last weekends results really has put pressure on them. 

Personally, I don’t like the atmosphere at Woodison. I’ve only ever been to watch us there. If things on the pitch are going good, it’s all well and fine. When it’s not (which is often the case when we’re playing), I think it reeks of desperation. Obviously from our perspective, it’s absolutely hilarious but I don’t think it’s particularly supportive and suffocates their players. 

The longer they remain in the bottom 3 or fail to make progress out of it, the more desperate the atmosphere will become, even more than previous seasons. 

They need to focus their energy on supporting and lifting the team, not their anger at the PL. 



It's no coincidence that Everton's best set of recent home results were during the Covid lockdowns and when fans weren't allowed in and it was also our worst set of recent home results.


Goodison is toxic. 

Three away wins this season compared to one win at home. 

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2 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:


It's no coincidence that Everton's best set of recent home results were during the Covid lockdowns and when fans weren't allowed in and it was also our worst set of recent home results.


Goodison is toxic. 

Three away wins this season compared to one win at home. 

They also had Ancelotti then, I do agree in principle though. 

I’m not against hostile atmospheres, I genuinely enjoy them, I think @deiseach summed it up perfectly above. Going to Old Trafford is hostile, it’s doesn’t have the stench of toxic desperation like Woodison. 

I can only think of the Gerrard slip game has Anfield resembled that Woodison atmosphere, given the title was on the line and everybody wanted it so much (too much?), its understandable, but it wasn’t pleasant. 

The clue is in the name - supporters. You go to support your team. We have c.50k supporters, Woodison has c.40k abusers. 

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Check out the responses to this Jonathan Wilson Twitter post. He writes for the Guardian as a football journalist. His post is amusing but the Everton fans who have responded must all have had a complete humour bypass. I reckon it’s barely got going yet as it’s only been up about an hour.



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7 minutes ago, Vincent Vega said:

Check out the responses to this Jonathan Wilson Twitter post. He writes for the Guardian as a football journalist. His post is amusing but the Everton fans who have responded must all have had a complete humour bypass. I reckon it’s barely got going yet as it’s only been up about an hour.



It's 100 percent spot on too. They fucking cheated in order to get sporting benefits and now they are saying a sporting punishment is unfair... fuck off. The only fair punishment is a sports one.

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1 minute ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

It's 100 percent spot on too. They fucking cheated in order to get sporting benefits and now they are saying a sporting punishment is unfair... fuck off. The only fair punishment is a sports one.

Again, this lad was saying “What sporting benefit have we had?”


”Errrm, you stayed up by 2 points, which if you hadn’t broken the rules, you might not have got…”

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I went in 2003 as my mate gave me a free ticket. A 0-0 draw at home to Wesh Ham, sat in that paddock in the main stand where that Pauline Fowler lookalike smacked the Palace player on the arse.


Most of them encourage shit Sunday league style footy celebrating hefty challenges and running around looking busy. Once someone makes a mistake they get dogs abuse. Can remember Li Tie warming up and everyone was saying he would have to rush off to open his chippy up or catch some stray dogs in Stanley Park. 


I know there's some miserable bastards at Anfield but there it was worse than the pink slime off ghostbusters.

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3 hours ago, Megadrive Man said:

I used to like Burnham and hope he would be a future Labour Leader, but sadly his inner Everton has now destroyed any creditability he ever had.

He is your typical blue who thinks they are clever like the Esk and can hold down a responsible job. But as soon as you involve Everton with their persecution complex and their massive hatred of Liverpool fc any rational thinking goes out the window. 

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26 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Again, this lad was saying “What sporting benefit have we had?”


”Errrm, you stayed up by 2 points, which if you hadn’t broken the rules, you might not have got…”

They were also able to sign better players (coughs) because they were spending more money than they actually had. The signing of these players helped them to reach more points than three other clubs who finished below them. If that’s not a sporting benefit what is?

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17 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

I went in 2003 as my mate gave me a free ticket. A 0-0 draw at home to Wesh Ham, sat in that paddock in the main stand where that Pauline Fowler lookalike smacked the Palace player on the arse.


Most of them encourage shit Sunday league style footy celebrating hefty challenges and running around looking busy. Once someone makes a mistake they get dogs abuse. Can remember Li Tie warming up and everyone was saying he would have to rush off to open his chippy up or catch some stray dogs in Stanley Park. 


I know there's some miserable bastards at Anfield but there it was worse than the pink slime off ghostbusters.

A mate of mine who is a season ticket holder says nobody hates Everton more than Everton fans. He was half joking.

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1 hour ago, Vincent Vega said:

Check out the responses to this Jonathan Wilson Twitter post. He writes for the Guardian as a football journalist. His post is amusing but the Everton fans who have responded must all have had a complete humour bypass. I reckon it’s barely got going yet as it’s only been up about an hour.



They react all Charlie Hebdo to the slightest criticism. Paddy Power and Dominoes have outraged them in the past.


They love giving it out especially to us but can't take it back. As a wise man on here once said "Once you tell them you go the game they run out of ammo"

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1 hour ago, Scott_M said:

Again, this lad was saying “What sporting benefit have we had?”


”Errrm, you stayed up by 2 points, which if you hadn’t broken the rules, you might not have got…”


"Yeah I broke into that house but I didn't nick anything, therefore I am not a burglar!" Nil Sense Nisi Optimism.

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15 hours ago, Vincent Vega said:

Check out the responses to this Jonathan Wilson Twitter post. He writes for the Guardian as a football journalist. His post is amusing but the Everton fans who have responded must all have had a complete humour bypass. I reckon it’s barely got going yet as it’s only been up about an hour.



 Pretty sure that’s not the Guardian’s Jonathan Wilson

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They seem to be blaming the Olympia job in the UK, which looks like it went sideways on them with changes made, but I bet their exposure on BMD is considerable.




They must be shitting it at the thought of Everton going into administration though.

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8 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Is the suggestion that Bramley Moore Dock is not the fixed price contract Everton would have us believe?

They told everyone it was a fixed price deal at £500 mill only for the mosh to reveal it was coming in at £750 and rising. 

Dont think uncle uzzy’s super steel deal got off the ground

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