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He won a few flick ons. Big deal.


I don't understand why people would back fucking Andy Carroll over Rodgers. He's shit, he's lazy, he doesn't score goals and his game is on a par with Kevin Davies. He also cost us £35M and the scalp of our previous manager.


But yeah, he gives us something different just like Huth used to do with Chelsea.

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Dalglish had a more direct style and gave up playing Carroll. Bad manager?

Dalglish never gave up playing Carroll.


For the record, I'm not saying Rodgers is a bad manager: I just think in the very short time he's been here, he's done some good stuff and some bad stuff. The jury's still out.

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The Match of the Day commentary team did a fine job of trying to make us look like cunts, and make Carroll look like a World Class striker, but that was the obvious narrative they were looking for.


The reality is that Fulham defended like amateurs and Jol conceded as much. The defenders should have let Carroll win it.

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Has anybody got any Idea if we could cancel the loan agreement with West Ham?


As they paid a fee, I think if we attempt to cancel the loan agreement we have to give them money. Not sure how much, but I imagine it would be more than the 1 million they paid us to take him on loan.

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Guest San Don

Its a season long loan, no recall as far as Im aware although that would depend on the exact wording of the contract.


EDIT, just read we can recall him but only in the January window!

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for the record rodgers is out of his depth

andy carroll wanted to stay an fight for his place .he deserved it at the way he finished last season . to pay 10 milloin for borini is a waste .

only we should now why fsg got rid of the king because rodgers is a bigger arse licker than ayre bring bak kenny and andy carroll

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  • 4 months later...


Despite the contents of that article suggesting otherwise, I will be fucking astunded if

a) West Ham buy him

b) Having bought him they pay anymore than 10m

c) he doesn't end up back here in the Summer, broken and nobody is remotely interested in him.

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Because he's shit.


That factor did enter the equation also.


There is no way that Rodgers wont be manager into next season now, barring an absolute calamitous end to the season, so he simply wont be wanted or needed.


I think West Ham or any other potential suitors will know this and make an offer accordingly. They will also know that he's one dimensional, that an attack needs to be built round him and that he is worth 10m absolute tops, even taking into account the 'English' tax.


I was going to put 'striker' tax too, but there has been little evidence over the last 2 years that he actually is one.

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If Andy decides he doesn't want to stay on at West Ham after the loan, does the deal between Liverpool and WHU become void?


I expect so mate.

Unless we have it absolutely watertight, I suspect West Ham will want to void it also.

Anybody who pays 17m for him in the Summer needs fucking shooting.

Our only hope is that the ugly, fat Ego is still in charge of West Ham and still wants it to happen, he is stupid enough to be fair.

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The fat walrus cunt will be sacked by West Ham before the end of the season.


This is what I suspect will happen too.

For no other reasons that he is a fat, shit, slobby eyesore of manager and human being and that if they fuck him off, there is no likelihood at all that they will have to part with dough for Carroll.

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Unless he suddenly becomes French, and cheap, he's not going back to Newcastle.


A £12/13m deal for a local lad they sold for £35m will tick quite a few boxes for them in both footballing and PR terms, I reckon.


Depressing thing is, that's probably a fair enough valuation of him.

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