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I just want him to do well for West Ham and score goals so that we can get a decent fee for him in the summer.


If we've already agreed a deal then the number of goals he does or doesn't score* has no bearing on his fee.


*Goals for West Ham obviously because the fact he was such a fucking abortion for us means we've lost most of the money on him.

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If we've already agreed a deal then the number of goals he does or doesn't score* has no bearing on his fee.


*Goals for West Ham obviously because the fact he was such a fucking abortion for us means we've lost most of the money on him.


I understand that If the player doesn't want to go to West Ham on a permanent contract then whatever we agreed with West Ham is void. So I'm hoping he performs well so that if he doesn't chose West Ham, other clubs will appeal to him and we'll get a good fee for him from another club.

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Comolli still thinks he's ace and will come good. And, to be fair, he defended Henderson and Downing and they've come on lately, so perhaps there's more to come from Carroll?


I'd hang on to him for another year, even if we loan him out again. I'd hate to sell him on the cheap this Summer and then he come good and his value sky rockets. No need to sell now, lets just try and recoup as much as we can, even if it means a year down the line.

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Comolli still thinks he's ace and will come good. And, to be fair, he defended Henderson and Downing and they've come on lately, so perhaps there's more to come from Carroll?


I'd hang on to him for another year, even if we loan him out again. I'd hate to sell him on the cheap this Summer and then he come good and his value sky rockets. No need to sell now, lets just try and recoup as much as we can, even if it means a year down the line.


There is much sense in that. Stoke perhaps?

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Congratulations to Andy Carroll for being the first Liverpool striker this season to score a match winner against Swansea. Must be nice to have someone who can unlock those stubborn defences...


Fucking hell. Is it Carroll's second or third league goal of the season? Not exactly the prolific striker we have needed.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
Injured players less prolific than fit ones shocker.


It's 2 more than Borini' date=' or as I prefer to look at it, infinity times as many as Borini.[/quote']


No, it's one more than Borini.


How many more goals than Suarez did Carroll have before his injury? Borini had one more than Carroll before he wad injured.

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