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Especially because one of the reasons Code hates Lucas and Allen is that they don't score enough.



As midfielders.


I'm not exactly a big fan of Carroll either, but he has been good for West Ham so I dont see a reason to deny that.


He is much more fit than he was at the start of his career with us as well and that seems to work well for him.

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I haven't filtered anything, that's how it shows up. Still, I see you're filtering it to make him go higher. You're trying to make him out to be higher ranked than he is. You and your objective star-gazing. Maybe we should look at signing Sean Morrison, who has a similar return as Carroll.



What part of less than 10 games did you not understand?


I wondered if I should include Morrison, but 7 games was not enough to make it.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
What part of less than 10 games did you not understand?


I wondered if I should include Morrison, but 7 games was not enough to make it.


I understood your arbitrary, meaningless filtering. I just think it's fucking pathetic. He scored 2 goals in 12 appearances. He scored four league goals last season. Thanks for your £35m striker, but no thanks.

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I wondered if I should include Morrison, but 7 games was not enough to make it.


No need to worry pal, they have done it for you.

"* Only players with total appearances greater than the average number of appearances in Premier League are displayed"


It's called a representative sample set. They do it for a living.

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I'm not exactly a big fan of Carroll either, but he has been good for West Ham so I dont see a reason to deny that.


He is much more fit than he was at the start of his career with us as well and that seems to work well for him.


That's okay, I'm not a big fan of Allen either at the moment. But fingers crossed he comes good.

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No need to worry pal, they have done it for you.

"* Only players with total appearances greater than the average number of appearances in Premier League are displayed"


It's called a representative sample set. They do it for a living.


Their limit is 13 games, Carroll has 12 so I think its fair to include him.

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No need to worry pal, they have done it for you.

"* Only players with total appearances greater than the average number of appearances in Premier League are displayed"


It's called a representative sample set. They do it for a living.


If that is their idea of a representative sample set they will not make a living in statistics.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
Who was the fucking belm who advocated using him as a defensive midfielder last season?


KopOut. Same guy who thinks Suarez is the problem in our team because he's too lazy.

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