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Guest Numero Veinticinco
Teams should have the ability to mix it up, and the arial game is a big part of the english game. As is crossing balls into the box. We don't have that option this season. He's also a much better footballer than people give him credit for and has great pace and holdup play.


Andy Carroll has 'great pace'. Can I just check, is there two Andy Carrolls? Maybe I've been watching the wrong one this entire time.

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Bad news for Liverpool again then. But I suppose all those that are happy that he's gone, despite it being detrimental to the squad, will raise another smile.


Why's it bad news for Liverpool?


It's not like he's shattered his leg in fourteen places and will never play again.


He'll be back playing in a month or so.


He's at West Ham all season.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
Looked more like a knock to the outside of his thigh. I hope he's ok. He did his job in the first half.



He actually had his hamstring in the palm of his hand. It was definitely what he was grabbing when he went down.


I agree, though, he did his job, and I hope he's not injured for long.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
The difference was back then we had a brilliant Manager and where run as a proper football club if you remember.


I think it was more of a case that Toshack was good and scored a goal in every two and a half games. That's the main difference between Toshack and Carroll. Toshack was really good and Carroll isn't.

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I don't think he's the answer, but he's a much better striker to bring of the bench than fucking no one, which is what we have currently on the bench.


And Carroll just gone off injured. Ahh well.


So that love in lasted all of what, 69/70 mins? I'd rather give Morgan, Sterling, Assaidi or even this new kid Yesil the chance given they are seen as part of our future and they can all play in the front three.

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Why's it bad news for Liverpool?


It's not like he's shattered his leg in fourteen places and will never play again.


He'll be back playing in a month or so.


He's at West Ham all season.


The better he does, the more chance we've got of getting a good fee in the summer. Carroll picking up an injury does no one any favours.


We're better off with short term egg on our face that'll come with him having a great season, then him being shit and valued lowered next year.

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I think it was more of a cash that Toshack was good and scored a goal in every two and a half games. That's the main difference between Toshack and Carroll. Toshack was really good and Carroll isn't.



I wasn't comparing the players as you know ,you made out the system was shite and compared Huth at Chesea but I pointed out it does work and previous Liverpool managers have used it with great effect.

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West Ham don't play for another fortnight, I'm sure he'll be back for that.


Standing ovation for the big man when he went off, nice to see. If our forwards (or should that be "forward") play as well against Arsenal tomorrow I'll be very happy.


If our forwards play as well tomorrow then we will have scored 0 goals and probably lost the game, so I doubt you'd be overjoyed.

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I hope he does do well at West Ham, despite the fact that they're managed by a cunt. But it's a bit cheap, and irrelevant, to use any progress he has there as a stick to beat us with.


He just bested fulham single handedly , absolutely brilliant. We should sign him, may cost a few bob though, plus he's english, hell cost a bomb no doubt. We are lacking height up front after all.


Anything more than £35m and we're getting ripped off.

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Looked like the exact same Carroll that we saw at Liverpool all last season. Slow, unable to find space for himself in the box, limited technique, but decent at deflecting balls that are hung up in the air.


Good to see some people can see the woods for the trees.


I'd love to see some kind of analysis that shows how long he actually spends in opposition penalty areas. He's just a rich stupid man's Kevin Davies!

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Guest Numero Veinticinco
I wasn't comparing the players as you know ,you made out the system was shite and compared Huth at Chesea but I pointed out it does work and previous Liverpool managers have used it with great effect.


Oh, right. That's even more crazy. The systems are nothing alike. We weren't a hoof it team. Not even close.

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