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Small pleasures?


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Listening to a record you love but haven't heard in ages, and then discovering all over again just exactly what you loved about it in the first place.


And similarly, bumping into an old friend you haven't seen in ages, going for an impromptu pint and realising they are exactly the same great person you always remembered.

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Similar to the above I suppose, but certain seemingly insignificant things (events, smells, tastes, places etc etc), that remind you of great things / places / events / or people you have experienced in the past.


A song that reminds you of the first time you clapped eyes on that girl in the nightclub.


The feeling of the sun on my bare back and a warm breeze in the height of summer.


The taste of buttery Reddy-Brek which immediately takes me back to breakfast time as a kid, when I was still naive and without a worry in the world, truly happy.


Driving past an old pub I haven't frequented in ages and remembering all the good times I had in there in my formulative drinking years, and all the friends I made at the time, some still mates, some long gone but still fondly remembered nevertheless.


I find myself quite often being drawn back, reminiscing and smiling to myself. All of these "small" things make me happy.

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This one is for all you breaking bad fans etc.


When you have followed a show from start to finish and loved every minute of it, and then the finale throws up a wonderful song that will always make you remember the joy that show gave you.


It has happened twice to me, firstly with the last scene of Six Feet Under and now with Breaking Bad. Those finale songs will always make my heart feel all warm and gooey.


In fact I am gonna Youtube Six Feet Under final scene now (Best ending sequence in living history)..

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When the rain is lashing down and you're all warm and cosy reading comic books

When you're the first up and 4 beautiful dogs get up to great you and you give them a good fuss before they climb back into bed until it's walking or feeding time

Finding a quality record in a charity shop that plays perfectly. Bridge over Troubled Water for a quid, but I gave the woman 4 and change because it was in such good nick and it's one of the best albums ever. Plus charity and all that. 

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Its been years since that happened and I have settle for 'not quite a scowl' now.


Haha....that was my first thought when I read Rushie's post (he's got young kids, then). I dont get much in the way of demonstrative affection from him (his lanky mate on here) but sometimes when missy looks for a hug and holds on for that bit extra time, that's really nice

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Had an excellent scratch of my balls today. I went kayak fishing and got soaked in salt water, which is probably what caused the itch, but who needs a reason?

Nigh on orgasmic.

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