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Wataru Endo Welcome to Liverpool


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I'm not forgetting about the absolute shitshow that led to this signing, but I couldn't be any more all in on this lad now after watching the interviews today. He's gonna be boss and we're all going to fucking love him. Klopp had a little gleam in his eye when he was talking about him and then looking right into the camera and telling us to "just watch".


Again, it doesn't alter the ludicrous way we've botched things but in a strange way we may end up better off in the long run if he holds down the fort for a few seasons and we spend the money we saved on Caicedo / Lavia wisely.

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Just now, dave u said:

I'm not forgetting about the absolute shitshow that led to this signing, but I couldn't be any more all in on this lad now after watching the interviews today. He's gonna be boss and we're all going to fucking love him. Klopp had a little gleam in his eye when he was talking about him and then looking right into the camera and telling us to "just watch".


Again, it doesn't alter the ludicrous way we've botched things but in a strange way we may end up better off in the long run if he holds down the fort for a few seasons and we spend the money we saved on Caicedo / Lavia wisely.


I said higher up the thread that people's first reactions to the signing were all about timing. If it hadn't come after the double debacle of that week everyone would have thought it was an absolute no brainer.

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1 minute ago, Section_31 said:


I said higher up the thread that people's first reactions to the signing were all about timing. If it hadn't come after the double debacle of that week everyone would have thought it was an absolute no brainer.


It's definitely that, I've said the same in the diary. I actually resent the way they've fucked this up because it robbed us of the chance of being happy about the signing. If we'd done this in May I'd have been buzzing with how shrewd we'd been.

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