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Transgender stuff - what's going on?

Gym Beglin

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I think where its possible people should be able to be who ever they choose to be and treated exactly how whatever they group they identify as are treated. We should strive for equality of being but and its a fucking big but it won't always happen, life is intrinsically unfair by its nature, people are born with disabilities, people are born with talents that will never be recognised due to where they where born, culturally, religously, their wealth, class, sex or religion, there's so many different factors. We should do our best to make everyone feel included if it harms no one else then the goal of happiness should be a path we all help build.


I cant help think though if you are born male with all the physical attributes that comes with being male if you transition but want to compete against women then your just a fucking cunt and you don't believe equality, you want every advantage to further your own success. Equality isn't getting everything.

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1 hour ago, Captain Willard said:

Was in the north east today visiting a council office. This is the sign for the toilets. It does beg the question of why bother with a sign at all ? Just say toilets.



Weird elbow that, had you been attacked by an alligator before you made it to the bogs? 

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On 12/10/2023 at 18:13, Captain Willard said:

Was in the north east today visiting a council office. This is the sign for the toilets. It does beg the question of why bother with a sign at all ? Just say toilets.



That is truly shit.  It looks like the kind of stuff you get from a Diversity Committee composed entirely of middle-aged, middle-class, non-disabled, straight white men.

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16 hours ago, Strontium said:

I suspect it was the erotic fantasies about killing a local woman and stealing her identity which were the tipping point here.

It's a knee-jerk thing with you, isn't it.  You just refuse to have any basic human sympathy or empathy for people you class as "the other"; even when something tragic happens to them, your instinct is to find a way of blaming or smearing them.  It's an instinct that's highly valued in the editorial offices of The S*n.

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4 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

It's a knee-jerk thing with you, isn't it.  You just refuse to have any basic human sympathy or empathy for people you class as "the other"; even when something tragic happens to them, your instinct is to find a way of blaming or smearing them.  It's an instinct that's highly valued in the editorial offices of The S*n.


How do you know what I do or do not have? I was commenting on the dubious logic used by the Twitter user "Zach W. Lambert", whoever he is, who is cynically using a tragic event to push his own agenda.

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On 17/08/2023 at 18:29, Section_31 said:

Now this is fucking stupid to be fair.


The International Chess Federation (FIDE) says it is temporarily banning transgender women from competing in its women's events.



It's over lads - erm lasses.


The world’s top chess federation has ruled that transgender women cannot compete in its official events for women until its officials make an assessment of gender change.


The decision by the Switzerland-based federation FIDE, published on Monday, has drawn criticism from advocacy groups and supporters of transgender rights.

FIDE said it and its member federations increasingly have received recognition requests from players who identify as transgender, and that the participation of transgender women would depend on an analysis of individual cases that could take up to two years.

“Change of gender is a change that has a significant impact on a player’s status and future eligibility to tournaments, therefore it can only be made if there is a relevant proof of the change provided,” the federation said.

“In the event that the gender was changed from a male to a female the player has no right to participate in official FIDE events for women until further FIDE’s decision is made,” it said.


Holders of women’s titles who change their genders to male would see those titles “abolished,” the federation said, while holding out the possibility of a reinstatement “if the person changes the gender back to a woman.”

“If a player has changed the gender from a man into a woman, all the previous titles remain eligible,” the federation said.

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Pope invited trans women over for a pasta & meatballs dinner

A former sex worker sat next to the Pontiff making small talk as they had tiramisu for dessert.

Pope Francis has made strides in the Catholic Church’s acceptance of transgender people over recent months, but recently took a dramatic step to ensure that his message was being received.

A group of transgender women with a history of personally interacting with the Pontiff were invited to join 1000 other poor and homeless guests for lunch to mark the Catholic Church’s World Day of the Poor. The women were treated like VIPs, with one, a former sex worker, seated at the table with the Pope.

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