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Transgender stuff - what's going on?

Gym Beglin

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19 minutes ago, Strontium said:


That's not a serious question, it's a wanton insult poorly disguised as a question.


Yet again, for the benefit of you and all the other double figure IQs around here, having an opinion on something that differs from yours is not the same as trolling.


I agree. However I am on the forum because I have like minded people on here that I can discuss footballing and general topics with. 


They are like minded. 


How many like minded people do you have on the forum that you get to discuss things with?


I dont need your answers. Just evaluate yourself. 


Oh and the Negs hurt man- Can you stop pleaaaaase 

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5 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

On trans kids, there are quite a few at the secondary school my teenager goes to. I suspect our kids are more clued up on it than we are. 


More accepting as they just see a person as a person. With no ulterior motive 

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2 minutes ago, Fowlers God said:


I agree. However I am on the forum because I have like minded people on here that I can discuss footballing and general topics with. 


They are like minded. 


How many like minded people do you have on the forum that you get to discuss things with?


I dont need your answers. Just evaluate yourself. 


Oh and the Negs hurt man- Can you stop pleaaaaase 


I don't really see any merit in this point, it's the same as ostracising someone for being transgender.


Should everyone on the forum have to agree on everything?

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3 minutes ago, Mook said:


I don't really see any merit in this point, it's the same as ostracising someone for being transgender.


Should everyone on the forum have to agree on everything?


Because he is just trolling now. Its not even a discussion. 


a forumite is talking about inclusion for all and is called misogynistic. Come on......


edit: and I am not ostracising SD for his view points- Just asking if it isnt for trolling- why is he here?>

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Having a difference of opinion = not trolling


Discussing the subject at hand in earnest = not trolling


Posting nonsense from social media to provoke a reaction and then attacking anyone that dares to question it = closer to trolling


Just self-righteousness, ultimately. Like how anyone that thinks you're acting a bellend must have "double figure IQs". Get over yourself.

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50 minutes ago, Strontium said:


That's not a serious question, it's a wanton insult poorly disguised as a question.


Yet again, for the benefit of you and all the other double figure IQs around here, having an opinion on something that differs from yours is not the same as trolling.

You’re an arrogant troll. And a shit human. 

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25 minutes ago, Mook said:

I don't really see any merit in this point, it's the same as ostracising someone for being transgender.


Should everyone on the forum have to agree on everything?


Some people want an echo chamber, unfortunately, because they don't want their obvious bullshit to be challenged, no matter how many women and girls are harmed by it.


Oh, and they're also arrogant enough to believe that they speak for everyone. I guess I must have missed the survey of the entire forum when I wasn't looking.

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20 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


How did you find out?


After drinking there for almost two years regularly, you start to get to know people I suppose.


One of the barmaids let my mate chat her up for 2hrs before announcing she is '100% dyke'. That was probably my favourite reveal.

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5 minutes ago, Mook said:


After drinking there for almost two years regularly, you start to get to know people I suppose.


One of the barmaids let my mate chat her up for 2hrs before announcing she is '100% dyke'. That was probably my favourite reveal.


So your mate - he's a bit dim?

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7 minutes ago, Mook said:

One of the barmaids let my mate chat her up for 2hrs before announcing she is '100% dyke'. That was probably my favourite reveal.


In keeping with this topic, the power move here would have been for him to tell her he was a woman.

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27 minutes ago, Pidge said:

Posting nonsense from social media to provoke a reaction and then attacking anyone that dares to question it = closer to trolling


This can't be the case for ALL threads - it just won't work - a few fellas would be out of a job.

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1 minute ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:




When have I ever objected to anyone holding a different opinion? Let alone to the extent that I suggest they stop posting here altogether.


If you're going to accuse someone of hypocrisy, it's generally only a good idea if they've done something hypocritical.

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Just now, Strontium said:


When have I ever objected to anyone holding a different opinion? Let alone to the extent that I suggest they stop posting here altogether.


If you're going to accuse someone of hypocrisy, it's generally only a good idea if they've done something hypocritical.

Quite amazing. Quite simply, amazing. 

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51 minutes ago, Captain Turdseye said:

On trans kids, there are quite a few at the secondary school my teenager goes to. I suspect our kids are more clued up on it than we are. 

My niece was telling me about her 10 year-old son's class.  They're all little gobshites, because they're kids, and they take the piss out of each other for having shit hair or the wrong shoes; but the trans kid in the class doesn't get grief for being trans.  Maybe they haven't learned that yet.

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3 minutes ago, Strontium said:


When have I ever objected to anyone holding a different opinion? Let alone to the extent that I suggest they stop posting here altogether.


If you're going to accuse someone of hypocrisy, it's generally only a good idea if they've done something hypocritical.

Read your words in the bit that I quoted.


That's what you do all the fucking time.

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1 minute ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

My niece was telling me about her 10 year-old son's class.  They're all little gobshites, because they're kids, and they take the piss out of each other for having shit hair or the wrong shoes; but the trans kid in the class doesn't get grief for being trans.  Maybe they haven't learned that yet.


Possibly because they're 10 & have no idea what it means.

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