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Former CNN propagandist Clown Cuomo changes his tune on ivermectin, says clinicians he spoke with knew it was harmless during covid but kept quiet about it and that his own doctor was giving it to family and patients and it was working. Imagine him trying to say this if he was still at CNN.



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4 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:

Former CNN propagandist Clown Cuomo changes his tune on ivermectin, says clinicians he spoke with knew it was harmless during covid but kept quiet about it and that his own doctor was giving it to family and patients and it was working. Imagine him trying to say this if he was still at CNN.



Have you written that book yet? 

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5 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:

Former CNN propagandist Clown Cuomo changes his tune on ivermectin, says clinicians he spoke with knew it was harmless during covid but kept quiet about it and that his own doctor was giving it to family and patients and it was working. Imagine him trying to say this if he was still at CNN.




Wow. That is a worryingly good performance. Presented as totally candid, but he's been very careful about what he's said there. Says it works, but only after he's mentioned it's used as an anti-parasitic drug and never says it works for COVID (because it doesn't), says it's not owned by anyone (but ignores the fact that the commercial products definitely are). Talks about it being a boogeyman but never specifies what "bad information" he's referring to while simultaneously suggesting that there's some conspiracy behind that info (again with nothing even close to specifics).


Like a 10/10 in misinformation. Incredible work, this guy has potential. 


Just needed to plug a discount code at the end...


Bet it turns out his Dr's kids had a persistent case of headlice around the pandemic or something

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9 hours ago, Pidge said:

Says it works, but only after he's mentioned it's used as an anti-parasitic drug and never says it works for COVID (because it doesn't)


I love how so many people are so sure it can't possibly work for covid at all. You even edited what he said yourself, he literally said anti microbial, anti viral, then says his doctor used it during covid for family and patients. But you couldn't add that? He's not at CNN now though so must be a grifter.


Or maybe he was grifting at CNN and might now be making a bit more sense.


I'm still not sure if it works but I wouldn't be surprised if it does simply because it's anti viral. There's probably all types of things that helped lessen the effects of covid purely by being anti viral to some extent but I think people have just been served too much bullshit for years on end by the media and won't have it. It's almost political now, if you accept that ivermectin might have worked the right wingers have won or some shit so people have dug in and won't have it. There's never been a whole lot of sense to a lot of the covid stuff though so hardly surprising.


I still remember when some people that'd been working for the gov even came out and admitted that they'd helped with propaganda and said how wrong they thought it was but it was just shrugged off. That was the point I started caring a whole lot less about what people think.


10 hours ago, Rico1304 said:

Have you written that book yet? 


Write one yourself about ivermectin if you want. Might need to make some edits at some stage though if the narrative changes.

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3 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:


I love how so many people are so sure it can't possibly work for covid at all. You even edited what he said yourself, he literally said anti microbial, anti viral, then says his doctor used it during covid for family and patients. But you couldn't add that? He's not at CNN now though so must be a grifter.


Or maybe he was grifting at CNN and might now be making a bit more sense.


I'm still not sure if it works but I wouldn't be surprised if it does simply because it's anti viral. There's probably all types of things that helped lessen the effects of covid purely by being anti viral to some extent but I think people have just been served too much bullshit for years on end by the media and won't have it. It's almost political now, if you accept that ivermectin might have worked the right wingers have won or some shit so people have dug in and won't have it. There's never been a whole lot of sense to a lot of the covid stuff though so hardly surprising.


I still remember when some people that'd been working for the gov even came out and admitted that they'd helped with propaganda and said how wrong they thought it was but it was just shrugged off. That was the point I started caring a whole lot less about what people think.



Write one yourself about ivermectin if you want. Might need to make some edits at some stage though if the narrative changes.


If and when a medical study shows promise, it might be an interesting footnote, although even then, the vaccines have proven to be tremendously helpful. So far though, there's been fuck all apart from the usual bleating from grifters and the the usual suspects, e.g. https://www.cochrane.org/CD015017/INFECTN_ivermectin-preventing-and-treating-covid-19




Key messages


We found no evidence to support the use of ivermectin for treating COVID-19 or preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection. The evidence base improved slightly in this update, but is still limited.


Evaluation of ivermectin is continuing in 31 ongoing trials, and we will update this review again when their results become available.




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Key messages


We found no evidence to support the use of ivermectin for treating COVID-19 or preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection. The evidence base improved slightly in this update, but is still limited.


Evaluation of ivermectin is continuing in 31 ongoing trials, and we will update this review again when their results become available.



What are the limitations of the evidence?


Our confidence in the evidence, especially for outpatients, improved since the last review version, because we could look at more participants included in high-quality trials. Although we are quite certain regarding our results on risk of people dying and quality of life, the confidence in the evidence is still low for many other outpatient and inpatient outcomes because there were only few events measured. The methods differed between trials, and they did not report everything we were interested in, such as relevant outcomes.


Cochrane might be known as the "gold standard" for reviews but as you can see what they currently have is far from settled.

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Research by Cardiff University shows that over-the-counter cold and flu treatments are safe and effective for managing mild COVID-19 symptoms at home


Over the counter cold and flu treatments can now help, ok. I don't remember that being such an acceptable suggestion years back.


And look at this from the CDC :



Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness and can recover at home. You can treat symptoms with over-the-counter medicines, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to help feel better.




Most people now have a "mild illness" that can even be helped with ibuprofen, but there's still no way that ivermectin could possibly help right? Even though a mild illness might mean that ivermectin working as an anti viral that they say only has any effect with high doses might work better now with smaller ones. Have they done recent studies to check on this or not? Let's look back at the cochrane review :



How up to date is this evidence?


The systematic literature search is up to date to 16 December 2021. Additionally, we included trials with > 1000 participants up to April 2022.


Ah right, so not when most covid infections were classed as a "mild illness". Don't be surprised if things change.

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19 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:

Research by Cardiff University shows that over-the-counter cold and flu treatments are safe and effective for managing mild COVID-19 symptoms at home


Over the counter cold and flu treatments can now help, ok. I don't remember that being such an acceptable suggestion years back.


In the same way they help with the symptoms of the common cold, that's very different to them being a cure for the cold.


Even during the height of COVID you were told to take over the counter medication to help battle some of the symptoms.


Ivermectin was being pushed as a cure which is very very different.


The complete misunderstanding of what you read and the lack of critical thinking is worrying.

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1 hour ago, Red Phoenix said:


I love how so many people are so sure it can't possibly work for covid at all. You even edited what he said yourself, he literally said anti microbial, anti viral, then says his doctor used it during covid for family and patients. But you couldn't add that? He's not at CNN now though so must be a grifter.


Or maybe he was grifting at CNN and might now be making a bit more sense.


I'm still not sure if it works but I wouldn't be surprised if it does simply because it's anti viral. There's probably all types of things that helped lessen the effects of covid purely by being anti viral to some extent but I think people have just been served too much bullshit for years on end by the media and won't have it. It's almost political now, if you accept that ivermectin might have worked the right wingers have won or some shit so people have dug in and won't have it. There's never been a whole lot of sense to a lot of the covid stuff though so hardly surprising.


I still remember when some people that'd been working for the gov even came out and admitted that they'd helped with propaganda and said how wrong they thought it was but it was just shrugged off. That was the point I started caring a whole lot less about what people think.



Write one yourself about ivermectin if you want. Might need to make some edits at some stage though if the narrative changes.


No we have looked for answers scientifically and there has been no evidence of it being the answer.  It is a research drug only as an anti-viral as far as I know.


And don't have a go at me for "editing" people's words (when I was clearly paraphrasing) and then in the next sentence drag me into the "grifter" bullshit. One of the lamest fucking buzzwords of the last couple of years, fuck off with that brainless shite.


And I'm sorry that I'm not moved by the story of a nameless doctor apparently being happy to prescribe anything and everything to people. Famously discretionary when passing out the drugs, Americans. No opioid crisis going on or anything...

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39 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:



Cochrane might be known as the "gold standard" for reviews but as you can see what they currently have is far from settled.


Honestly, this is just ridiculous. There's no evidence whatsoever. And this is what you're latching on to now, after several years of successful vaccines- a podcast by someone sacked from CNN citing some anecdotal 'evidence' from unnamed persons?


5 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:


In the same way they help with the symptoms of the common cold, that's very different to them being a cure for the cold.


Even during the height of COVID you were told to take over the counter medication to help battle some of the symptoms.


Ivermectin was being pushed as a cure which is very very different.


Quite. Pain relief and stuff that helps reduce your body temperature, the universal recommendation for colds, 'flu and numerous other viral infections.

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3 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Remember when a certain poster claimed to know more about it that anyone else and predicted it would be over 4 winters ago? 


Man, he was an absolute arsehole during that. One post saying people would be looking back laughing at how serious everyone took it, and he twisted and spun like a fucking dervish for 18 months, continually going quiet when all the evidence was against him and then piping up when some out of context bullshit supported him. I guess Ecology degrees don't really equip you with decent cognitive skills, depsite him trying to appeal to what little authority he thought he had.


Mind you, there was so much bullshit going around in 2020/21, largely due to that fucking Toby cunt who started Lockdown Sceptics- remember when we were being gaslit into believing that everyone had had it by mid-2020 and we were all immune? What the gullible like Red Phoenix don't get, is that all this conspiracy shite appears every pandemic, and it's all fomented by massively rich cunts who are losing a couple of percent of their income and have the cash to push the grifters into the limelight and pitch them against scientists who actually know what they're talking about.

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26 minutes ago, Mudface said:



Honestly, this is just ridiculous. There's no evidence whatsoever. And this is what you're latching on to now, after several years of successful vaccines- a podcast by someone sacked from CNN citing some anecdotal 'evidence' from unnamed persons?


Quite. Pain relief and stuff that helps reduce your body temperature, the universal recommendation for colds, 'flu and numerous other viral infections.


Yeah only pain relief and reducing body temp, nothing else like anti viral aspects of several different things I'm sure.


I remember ages back posting links to studies on various things from NIH that suggested different things could help and I really doubt they'll all be proven to have been wrong. I can go back and find several again I guess and if they're "disinformation" or wrong they should probably have been removed by now.


Simpy reducing it all to grifters isn't accurate really. Even the NIH covid guidelines say that Ivermectin has been shown to inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures but they then go on the say that they think you'd need "doses up to 100-fold higher than those approved for use in humans". I'm not really buying that now, especially when they're saying that it's now a milder illness.


And I'm not latching onto anything, just thought it was interesting seeing someone like him saying what he has. I wonder how many people talking about doctors prescribing ivermectin and saying it helped would be enough to make some people stop and wonder though. Maybe no amount would be good enough and the "gold standard" of cochrane and whoever else with their studies can be the only truth.

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12 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Anyone have a bad arse when they had the vid? Asking for a friend 

I’ve had the wilds this week and the lad and Mrs Curly have both got mild cold symptoms. You got/had the sheeites recently?

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48 minutes ago, Mudface said:



Honestly, this is just ridiculous. There's no evidence whatsoever. And this is what you're latching on to now, after several years of successful vaccines- a podcast by someone sacked from CNN citing some anecdotal 'evidence' from unnamed persons?



Quite. Pain relief and stuff that helps reduce your body temperature, the universal recommendation for colds, 'flu and numerous other viral infections.

This has always confused my basic mind. If the body has a strong immune response to a virus or infection, it creates strong responses, like fever, which is the body’s natural response to fighting off and killing the infection, but we take tablets to reduce the fever, therefore not fighting it naturally with all our immune system’s power. Then people who get or got Covid with no symptoms are said to have a strong immune system, but that seems backwards as the body’s immune response is to exhibit symptoms. I don’t get it all

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3 minutes ago, Mudface said:

What the gullible like Red Phoenix don't get, is that all this conspiracy shite appears every pandemic, and it's all fomented by massively rich cunts who are losing a couple of percent of their income and have the cash to push the grifters into the limelight and pitch them against scientists who actually know what they're talking about.


There was probably a whole load of things "massively rich cunts" could've done to get richer during covid that didn't involve going against scientists, lockdowns, covid measures, proposed plans for vaccine passports and increased surveillance, etc. Or maybe I'm wrong and it was only who you decide the grifters were that were the real grifters.


It could've been a lot easier to simply dump some of their cash into shares of pharma, amazon, etc.

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5 minutes ago, Curly said:

This has always confused my basic mind. If the body has a strong immune response to a virus or infection, it creates strong responses, like fever, which is the body’s natural response to fighting off and killing the infection, but we take tablets to reduce the fever, therefore not fighting it naturally with all our immune system’s power. Then people who get or got Covid with no symptoms are said to have a strong immune system, but that seems backwards as the body’s immune response is to exhibit symptoms. I don’t get it all


It depends what your immune system is doing. If it's killing off the virus before it infects your calls, then you wouldn't even notice. If it's fighting a rearguard, scorched earth action then, not so great. This channel has quite a few videos on it, this is a good one.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 17/04/2024 at 07:57, TheHowieLama said:

Aaron Rodgers just can't drop the stupid stick w his stupid schtick. Poor guy has gone from a bonafide NFL legend to a dyed in the wool crank complete with his own research.


Jets QB Aaron Rodgers says U.S. Government created HIV back in the ’80s


‘And if you do even a smidge of research — and I know, I’m not an epidemiologist, I’m not a doctor, I’m not an immunologist, whatever – I can read, though. And I can learn and look things up just like any normal person. I can do my own research, which is so vilified, to even question authority.’






I will take "Smells like Bullshit" for $200 Alex.


Aaron Rodgers said on Tuesday that he chose to continue his NFL playing career rather than becoming Robert F. Kennedy's running mate in the US presidential race.

Kennedy ultimately named Silicon Valley attorney and entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan as his vice-presidential pick.

“There were really two options. Retire and be his VP or keep playing. I wanted to keep playing,” the 40-year-old Rodgers told reporters as the New York Jets quarterback spoke for the first time about the potential choice he had to make when it came to switching the pigskin for the podium.

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The own research lot really haven’t found that golden “hurrah” yet have they? It’s a bit like when you watch them far right lunatics with a leader saying “judgement day is coming” “we will shed the blood of them to fulfil our white destiny” etc etc 


Everyone else is just getting on with life. It’s always always the same types. 

It’s always the same types. 

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