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Halsey: Referee standards have dropped to alarming levels  


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2 minutes ago, sir roger said:


He's pretty honest generally, to be fair.

And quite funny. 

His description of Maguire and Evans, as playing like ' two dogs trying to fuck on roller skates' was very good.

I don't actually mind him tbf, he doesn't seem to be biased and will give credit where it's due and seems to understand the game a bit. Not seen any gimp like banter from him etc. I do love to watch him fume when they get hammered though, the rage is fantastic.

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1 hour ago, Scott_M said:

And maybe it’s my lack of knowledge, that’s kind of my point. 

Who does Webb report to? Who does PMGOL report to? What is the escalation process? Is there anybody who can force a change? 

IMO, unless the clubs vote no confidence in PMGOL, there is a zero chance Webb will resign. 


Although I absolutely want the level of officiating improving, I don’t know how we do it. Collectively clubs should responding but other clubs likely just think what happened on Saturday was hilarious. 


Maybe exploring our range of options will conclude there isn’t any. 

I Google'd this earlier and it appears that PGMOL is owned jointly by the PL, FA and EFL - so, a faceless committee. I hope the club is dealing with whoever these people are and sidelining Webb..... who is part of the problem.

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53 minutes ago, DaveT said:

I Google'd this earlier and it appears that PGMOL is owned jointly by the PL, FA and EFL - so, a faceless committee. I hope the club is dealing with whoever these people are and sidelining Webb..... who is part of the problem.



Like The Time Keepers in Loki. I bet Alex Ferguson is He Who Remains.



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20 minutes ago, Leyton388 said:

Not the first time these cunts have cost us. The basically cost us the title a few seasons ago by not giving Everton that pen against City.

I wonder if they had an all-expenses paid trip to the UAE shortly before or after. 

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22 minutes ago, Leyton388 said:

Not the first time these cunts have cost us. The basically cost us the title a few seasons ago by not giving Everton that pen against City.

Worst one was Anthony Taylor not sending off Kompany in 2019 at 0-0 for either of two valid red card reasons in the match that effectively decided the title.

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If they really want to persist with this notion that they're all above board, then what they normally do to the likes of Suarez should be done to them - haul them up in front of a monitor, play them back clips and demand they explain themselves: 'You see that booking for our player waving an imaginary card? Now look at their player doing it - why no card for him? You see Van Dyke getting the red card for that tackle? Now look at that Spurs player do much the same - why no card for him? You see that Kane tackle on Robertson? Why was that nothing and Jones's a red?' Make them go through example after example. If they've nothing to hide, and claim there are hardly any inconsistencies, let them talk their way out of empirical examples. And if they refuse to do so, make all of it public, give it to the broadcasters and say, 'Have a look. If you're as concerned as we are, try them in their absence'.

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13 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


And another a few years before via Sterling offside.

I think that was at least pre VAR. Plus Sterling through on goal isn’t exactly a guaranteed goal haha.

The handball at the pit and what happened on Saturday are inexcusable. And to lose the league by millimetres in the same era, with that ball on the goal line at Man City! All that before we even address the 115 (115!) charges of breaking the financial rules. I mean, fuck me.

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24 minutes ago, Leyton388 said:

Not the first time these cunts have cost us. The basically cost us the title a few seasons ago by not giving Everton that pen against City.


There are a few answers needed about that ref. Like: how the hell, in an age when fitness is claimed to be crucial, do you pass someone who looks like he's just been banned from Wetherspoons? And if you dropped him before, what, other than give him a nice little rest, did you do to make sure he came back less likely to mess it all up again - and why didn't THAT work? And who picked him to fly off to a rival club's owners shortly before the game?' They all hope that this 'let's be kind' mantra will allow them to protect him from further scrutiny - they'll probably announce that his 'mental health' is in trouble next. Every trick that every rogue uses these days.

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10 hours ago, Scott_M said:

And maybe it’s my lack of knowledge, that’s kind of my point. 

Who does Webb report to? Who does PMGOL report to? What is the escalation process? Is there anybody who can force a change? 

IMO, unless the clubs vote no confidence in PMGOL, there is a zero chance Webb will resign. 


Although I absolutely want the level of officiating improving, I don’t know how we do it. Collectively clubs should responding but other clubs likely just think what happened on Saturday was hilarious. 


Maybe exploring our range of options will conclude there isn’t any. 


Well the PGMOL is entirely funded by the PL, EFL and the FA. So they have to answer to the PL and I would imagine the PL are the largest funder of the group. 


So I think there has to be an ability to to escalate. And it seems unimaginable if the PL was to withdraw support in the PGMOL, thaybthey could continue. The question really is are Liverpool alone on this or do actually most clubs agree there's institutional level failings with PGMOL. And if Liverpool is a lone voice, you'd think there'd be some form of liability clause we could go after. But that'd be pretty unlikely to see the end of Webb. 

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15 hours ago, Scott_M said:

I still don’t know what to make of the clubs statement…


In the meantime, we will explore the range of options available, given the clear need for escalation and resolution.”


Like what? 

Maybe they want the Premier League to impose some conditions on PGMOL to make officiating more open and responsible?

e.g. All VAR decisions must be recorded and released to clubs/media/public immediately. 

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Has anybody seen a report that actually asks what those fuckers at Stockley Park were doing when the game was being played? Because if they were following the game , as they should have been, they would have know offside was called . I haven’t seen the question asked.

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36 minutes ago, CapeRed said:

Has anybody seen a report that actually asks what those fuckers at Stockley Park were doing when the game was being played? Because if they were following the game , as they should have been, they would have know offside was called . I haven’t seen the question asked.

Shay Given was on 5 Live and said he saw in on a little muted TV in the corner of an airport restaurant on the other side of the room. And he knew straight away it was onside.

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1 hour ago, Poor Scouser T said:

Shay Given was on 5 Live and said he saw in on a little muted TV in the corner of an airport restaurant on the other side of the room. And he knew straight away it was onside.

Given is a twat just . I just saw a show with him and Chris Foy on and whilst he said VAR fucked up he then justified Jotas first and 2 nd yellow. Don Hutchison was also on and asked Foy why udogie didn’t get a 2nd yellow . Oh he was just lucky because the turd in black was too busy sorting out Jota !! Still haven’t heard anybody ask what the fuck VAR were doing to not see the flag go up and Diaz stop celebrating.

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2 hours ago, CapeRed said:

Has anybody seen a report that actually asks what those fuckers at Stockley Park were doing when the game was being played? Because if they were following the game , as they should have been, they would have know offside was called . I haven’t seen the question asked.

The screen during the VAR broadcast actually showed ‘checking disallowed goal offside’. How they claim the goal was given makes no sense otherwise where did that caption come from?


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20 hours ago, Scott_M said:

I still don’t know what to make of the clubs statement…


In the meantime, we will explore the range of options available, given the clear need for escalation and resolution.”


Like what? 

Using the words "full transparency", "unacceptable", "escalation" and "resolution" it reads to me that the club want to use powerful language but vague lawyer speak so that the referees and the whole of PGMOL are finally on the back foot. For months now they have had the upper hand in the dispute with Liverpool so the club are taking the initiative and power back.

The club wants them to feel fear that if they fuck us any more that we could sue them individually or as a collective. Even just a whiff of a vested interest by any one of them and they could be fucked individually but also the whole system would be called into question.



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5 minutes ago, Razoray said:

Using the words "full transparency", "unacceptable", "escalation" and "resolution" it reads to me that the club want to use powerful language but vague lawyer speak so that the referees and the whole of PGMOL are finally on the back foot. For months now they have had the upper hand in the dispute with Liverpool so the club are taking the initiative and power back.

The club wants them to feel fear that if they fuck us any more that we could sue them individually or as a collective. Even just a whiff of a vested interest by any one of them and they could be fucked individually but also the whole system would be called into question.



I can’t help but think that isn’t realistic and it’ll do more harm than good. 

I’m fully behind forcing change, the officials level of performance / incompetence can’t go on (not just us, the league in general), suing people isn’t the answer.

How we can force through change / accountability / transparency etc, hopefully with the rest of the leagues support, I don’t know. 

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20 hours ago, Scott_M said:

I still don’t know what to make of the clubs statement…


In the meantime, we will explore the range of options available, given the clear need for escalation and resolution.”


Like what? 

The wording of the PGMOL specifically states ‘significant human error’. According to the football rules, in the event of human error the result stands and everyone moves on. If it’s found that there has been a significant misinterpretation of the rules, this opens up options to the clubs involved such as replays etc. 


This is why the Liverpool statement included the response that ‘significant human error’ was unacceptable as it is their attempt to shut the door.

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6 minutes ago, Shooter in the Motor said:

The wording of the PGMOL specifically states ‘significant human error’. According to the football rules, in the event of human error the result stands and everyone moves on. If it’s found that there has been a significant misinterpretation of the rules, this opens up options to the clubs involved such as replays etc. 


This is why the Liverpool statement included the response that ‘significant human error’ was unacceptable as it is their attempt to shut the door.

Shirley we can’t expect a replay? 

We have to be careful, we’re walking a fine line between being trying to force a fundamental change for good and looking like sore losers.

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3 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Shirley we can’t expect a replay? 

It happened in USA apparently under Howard Webb’s stewardship. FSG will know this. I’m sure there are other options too. The whole mistake narrative seems too ‘poor us, we’re only human’. Seems odd no one is mentioning checking disallowed goal when VAR claim they thought the goal was given. I doubt FSG lawyers have missed that.

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1 minute ago, Scott_M said:

Shirley we can’t expect a replay? 

Let's just hypothesise - what if the audio demonstrates a bias or even distraction by the VAR officials, e.g. one was asleep, ordering pizza, outside smoking (or as Dave suggested, that they were watching the golf)? Or what if it it shows them laughing about it afterwards?


What do you think happens then? We currently have no fucking idea what was going on in the VAR room at 6:04pm on Saturday, and until we do, then nothing is off the table.



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Replays for technical errors happen all the time in sport. It didn't happen in the Villa Sheff Utd game when a goal should have been awarded so I can't see it happening here. I don't want it to happen either, perfectly satisfied of Webbs head is on a plate.

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