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36 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

I'll just cheese it with long range weapons, walkthroughs, and summoning, same as I did the main game.



No, you have got to play in underwear only and fight with a torch. That's what a true souls player does.









Me too.

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Took me a while to find the portal in the Consecrated Snowfield due to being very rusty and the enemies being very tough in that area. Had a quick go on the DLC and it's as beautiful as you'd expect, the first giant is an absolute cunt as well the fucking firepit-headed twat.

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Having been away from pc gaming for a good ten years l decided to get myself a decent spec pc and get back into it. Bought Elden Ring in mid April and I've put around 240 hrs into it so far.

I'm still only level 70 and l haven't beaten Radahn or Mogh yet so l'm nowhere near being able to play the dlc. No rush though, I'm having a blast so far, I only just made it to the royal capital last night and l'm getting my arse kicked all over the place.

Fantastic game, happy l made the decision to get back into pc gaming.

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  • 1 month later...
8 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


Just watched the full 10 minutes, and it doesn't get any better.


Ah well, saved me a few quid.


I didn't get much past the sliding animation and it was enough for me, shame because the presentations we've seen on it have been relatively encouraging.


They've put this out to drum up interest and made it look like an asset flip game.

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46 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:


I didn't get much past the sliding animation and it was enough for me, shame because the presentations we've seen on it have been relatively encouraging.


They've put this out to drum up interest and made it look like an asset flip game.


The fact that this footage was chosen worries me more than anything. It's so bland. It's like a Star Wars game designed by committee.


The voice acting seems weirdly off too, but I think that might be the animations making it seem a bit jarring. It's like everything is slightly out of sync.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Elite said:

Wukong is fucking ace. Loads of fun.


Ridiculous sales by the looks of it- it hit nearly 2.25 million concurrent today, way ahead of any other single player game on Steam and the third highest game ever. China look to have gone mad for it, completely ignoring some shrieks from IGN about the devs making some sexist jokes.

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35 minutes ago, Mudface said:


Ridiculous sales by the looks of it- it hit nearly 2.25 million concurrent today, way ahead of any other single player game on Steam and the third highest game ever. China look to have gone mad for it, completely ignoring some shrieks from IGN about the devs making some sexist jokes.

The Chinese market obviously a big factor but I've played 2 hours and the combat, graphics, enemy variety are all very good.

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Just reading the review on IGN who have given it 8 out of 10. They say that the game would benefit from a map as there’s tons to explore and not having a map makes it more difficult. They also say it’s currently full of bug.


Think I might hold off until around Xmas when hopefully patches have been released to fix the bugs, and maybe pick the game up a bit cheaper if there’s any offers available. 

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18 minutes ago, Vincent Vega said:

Just reading the review on IGN who have given it 8 out of 10. They say that the game would benefit from a map as there’s tons to explore and not having a map makes it more difficult. They also say it’s currently full of bug.


Think I might hold off until around Xmas when hopefully patches have been released to fix the bugs, and maybe pick the game up a bit cheaper if there’s any offers available. 

I've not encountered any bugs thus far on PS5. It's running very smoothly. Doubt the price will drop for a while as it's selling so well.

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21 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Fucking tiger vanguard in that game is pissing me off to no end.

Just got up to him. Just had my first attempt, easy enough until halfway when he starts attacking like Bruce Lee on whiz.

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2 minutes ago, Elite said:

Just got up to him. Just had my first attempt, easy enough until halfway when he starts attacking like Bruce Lee on whiz.

I got him down to next to nothing then he just went ballistic with his sword. My character drinks his fucking health medicine like  he's trying to pair it with pork on Saturday kitchen. Neck it and move you son of a bitch.

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2 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I got him down to next to nothing then he just went ballistic with his sword. My character drinks his fucking health medicine like  he's trying to pair it with pork on Saturday kitchen. Neck it and move you son of a bitch.

I just had him quite low on my 2nd attempt then but one slash and took my health. I'm letting my 7 year old have a go at the moment.

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32 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Yeah I beat him after about my 100th attempt and it was so close I thought I was going to rapture to a higher plane when I got the hit in first.

I had a slither of health left, the two bosses after him were easy. They are either very hard or can beat first attempt.

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