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Liverpool 3 Brentford 0 (Nov 12 2023)

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Made up with that. We needed a result and a performance after the last couple of disappointing games and that’s what we got. It wasn’t perfect and on another day this could have been a much closer game than it was because Brentford did what they do well and gave us plenty to think about, but our superior finishing proved to be the difference.


We took three of the chances we created, whereas Brentford took none of theirs. And they had plenty. They’re a right handful aren’t they? Especially against the better sides when they change their set up to 5-3-2 and play on the break. They don’t need much of the ball to cause problems and they had the two clearest opportunities of the first half, both of which came at 0-0 I think. If they take either of those it’s a different game. But they didn’t, and it wasn’t.


Low key we’ve got something of an injury crisis going on and as a result of that our bench looked like a school kids day out. Robbo, Thiago and Bajcetic are long term absentees, Jones and Gravenberch we knew would miss the game, Macca was suspended and then Konate and Gomez were added to it unexpectedly. I may have forgotten about someone too.


The starting eleven was still quite strong looking and we had Elliott and Diaz in reserve, but there was not a great deal else in the way of experience. I wasn’t surprised Diaz was benched but Harvey can consider himself lucky to have missed out, especially to Gakpo who isn’t a natural midfielder.


It was only afterwards it became clear what Klopp’s thinking was with that; defending set-pieces. Not only was his starting line up effected by this, but he also left his subs much later than usual because he needed his tallest players on the field while the game was still in the balance. It’s a compliment to Brentford really, but Klopp knows the threat posed.


With some opponents you’re wary about giving away corners or free-kicks in your own final third. You can manage that to some extent by keeping them away from your goal. With Brentford it’s not that easy. Look at their first chance of the game that should have led to a goal by Pinnock. It’s a foul by Endo in the Brentford half, but they sent everyone forward and the keeper (I think) knocked it long. A flick on, a cross, some confusion and before you know Pinnock has the goal at his mercy, seven yards out. He skewed his kick wide but even then there was a Brentford player a whisker away from sliding in and converting at the back post.

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Your commentary on Darwin is about as unbiased as my takes on Firmino, if this was hand-written there would be saliva all over the paper! A great read nonetheless! We are all susceptible to favouritism, it's one of the few good things left about this sport that you can get completely immersed with a player, their movement, skill, pace, power (whatever floats your boat). I doubt he'll ever be my favourite, but he's steadily improving in the team aspects of the game, both his pressing and interplay (the goal being the most obvious example) looks a lot better now. I still think there's plenty to improve on that should be coachable both technically and tactically now that his English has presumably gotten better, which  bodes very well for the coming months and years.


I'm reserving a bit of judgement on van Dijk when he's faced with one-on-ones where he needs a sudden change of direction, but his speed is nearly there, and he looks a lot more assured when going into duels on the ground and in the air. In terms of where he is compared to his peak, I'd say he's between 90-95%, which still makes him the best CB in the league by a distance. Last year was more like 60-70%, so something must have clicked, either mentally or physically (or maybe both). I don't think we'll see a season like his (18-19) from a CB ever again though. F***ing Pickford... 

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4 hours ago, lebron said:

Your commentary on Darwin is about as unbiased as my takes on Firmino, if this was hand-written there would be saliva all over the paper! A great read nonetheless! We are all susceptible to favouritism, it's one of the few good things left about this sport that you can get completely immersed with a player, their movement, skill, pace, power (whatever floats your boat). I doubt he'll ever be my favourite, but he's steadily improving in the team aspects of the game, both his pressing and interplay (the goal being the most obvious example) looks a lot better now. I still think there's plenty to improve on that should be coachable both technically and tactically now that his English has presumably gotten better, which  bodes very well for the coming months and years.


I'm reserving a bit of judgement on van Dijk when he's faced with one-on-ones where he needs a sudden change of direction, but his speed is nearly there, and he looks a lot more assured when going into duels on the ground and in the air. In terms of where he is compared to his peak, I'd say he's between 90-95%, which still makes him the best CB in the league by a distance. Last year was more like 60-70%, so something must have clicked, either mentally or physically (or maybe both). I don't think we'll see a season like his (18-19) from a CB ever again though. F***ing Pickford... 


Yeah all fair comment. You got Bobby's book yet? I've just reached the chapter on Salah and Mané, he isn't pulling any punches!

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Top report as always DU. Couple of points,  firstly we are seeing a few managers and their media allies banging on about injuries etc (eg Newcastle, Spurs, Chelsea) yet we had EIGHT regular squad players missing for this game. 


You're right about the bench,  I haven't checked the average age but if you discount the 3rd keeper Adrian who ain't never gonna come on then it's probably about 19-20. 


Secondly, the atmosphere in the ground has dropped off this year and the empty Anfield Road Upper has a lot to do with it. I reckon we will be unbeatable when it's fully opened with the away fans drowned out on all sides. Mind you we are ace at home anyway but we might need the extra few percent when it really matters towards the end of the season. 

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