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Jennifer Lawrence NSFW


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I can see why her lawyers tried to fight hammer and tong for these not to be released now.


Lawyer- "Jen is there any more explicit pictures of you on your icloud account?"


Lawrence - "Yeah, there's one with my boyfriend spreading my pussy with two fingers and taking a photo of the inside"


Lawyer - "Fuck!"

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Jen's lawyers at their headquarters right now "I want this guy dead, i want his family dead, i want his house burnt to the ground, i want everyone with a picture of Jen put in prison, i want everyone that put these pictures on any website dead, i want Apple dead, i want her ex boyfriend dead and i want you to go out and dig a hole so deep, they'll never find any of them in a million years. 



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So am I the only one with a missus that has no interest in doing anything like this?


And I'm not talking about anus shots. Just basic boob stuff.

No you arent but Im guessing your bird isnt a multi millionairess film star who seems to crave attention while pretending not to.

She is good looking by normal standards of course otherwise she wouldnt be in films.

I still think there are much better out there but I am more than happy to look at naked pictures of her even if thats what i believe.

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Guest Super Sub

So am I the only one with a missus that has no interest in doing anything like this?


And I'm not talking about anus shots. Just basic boob stuff.

So taking explicit photos of you and your missus and uploading them to the cloud isn't you thing then? I am single and would be into taking the photos; although I wouldn't use a mobile at risk of the being backed up to the could only for me to then forget.

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