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Jennifer Lawrence NSFW


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NV I kinda agree. A bit of the magic of imagination has been destroyed with this. I'd have preferred to keep imaging what Kate Upton's baccie pouch would look like instead of it being no different to countless other birds I've banged. Kinda taken the sparkle off somewhat.


I'll still look of course and imagine giving them a few seconds of luxury sausage.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

NV I kinda agree. A bit of the magic of imagination has been destroyed with this. I'd have preferred to keep imaging what Kate Upton's baccie pouch would look like instead of it being no different to countless other birds I've banged. Kinda taken the sparkle off somewhat.


I'll still look of course and imagine giving them a few seconds of luxury sausage.

Heh, not quite the reason why I find it repugnant and abusive, but it's also true.

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NV I kinda agree. A bit of the magic of imagination has been destroyed with this. I'd have preferred to keep imaging what Kate Upton's baccie pouch would look like instead of it being no different to countless other birds I've banged. Kinda taken the sparkle off somewhat.


I'll still look of course and imagine giving them a few seconds of luxury sausage.

You can consider the other rep a second one for this post. In fact I may well just use up my ten a day on anything you post for the rest of the week.


Any man able to see himself as the true victim of a global picture hacking scandal of naked female celebrities is a friend of mine.


Bravo mate.

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More Lawrence. Ye'll have to scroll through them yourselves!




If you're reading this Jennifer, I think it's a terrible thing, having your most intimate moments splattered all over the internet.


But if it's any consolation I've learnt that we have the same duvet set! 

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