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Newcastle (A) - Sun 27th Aug 2023 (4:30pm)


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Amongst all the absolutely deserved plaudits for Nunez and Alisson especially - and they deserve it in spades - i thought Gomez was a proper unsung hero today.


Did his job well in tough circumstances.


Very encouraging given he is likely going to be needed now.

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Refs crying about abuse has really played a fucking blinder. They're getting away with loads of shit a d anyone that says boo gets suspended. Unless cunts the lot of them


The only thing they seem to do well is the lino and offside calls

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7 minutes ago, s(k)aturation said:


Have been hearing plenty post-match why that was a red card for van Dijk.


"The attacker's next touch takes him in on goal and therefore it's a goalscoring opportunity..."


So, we're assuming his next touch would have been a good one, and he would have been in on goal?


But he never took that touch, and was instead brought down by a slightly mis-timed tackle attempt.


Very very fucking unlucky, Virgil there I reckon.  

A red card, seemingly, based on assumptions.


That's the way I'd be arguing it in an "appeal".


Going away from goal if he gets it

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3 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

Refs crying about abuse has really played a fucking blinder. They're getting away with loads of shit a d anyone that says boo gets suspended. Unless cunts the lot of them


The only thing they seem to do well is the lino and offside calls

They have now created an environment where they can be as shite and incompetent as they want, but the people most affected by it - the players and managers can't show their frustration, displeasure or anger at it, and if they do they get treated like naughty kids by an unreasonable teacher.


Imagine the passion and fight in the heat of the battle that we as fans all want to see and demand being basically castrated by over officious robots who are shite at their jobs - but you can't express any sort of feeling against it, even though that shiteness may be a contributing factor to you losing games or worse your job.


It's disgusting - but it sums up the arrogance and the ego of these useless cunts and their new leader.

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13 minutes ago, s(k)aturation said:


Have been hearing plenty post-match why that was a red card for van Dijk.


"The attacker's next touch takes him in on goal and therefore it's a goalscoring opportunity..."


So, we're assuming his next touch would have been a good one, and he would have been in on goal?


But he never took that touch, and was instead brought down by a slightly mis-timed tackle attempt.


Very very fucking unlucky, Virgil there I reckon.  

A red card, seemingly, based on assumptions.


That's the way I'd be arguing it in an "appeal".



It's like rules are made of play-doh. When Kane attempted to amputate Robbo's leg - 'nope, he didn't mean anything nasty'. When Virge played the ball - 'yup, a clear red'. If the season goes on like this, we may as well give up.

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I think the start of the season has been pretty interesting.


Klopp himself admitted we were unable to impose ourselves against Chelsea and that we couldn't get on the ball. We then get blitzed by Bournemouth before recovering and then propose nothing against Newcastle until we somehow pull it out.


7 points in 3, against two big teams away, with long periods of a man disadvantage, and yet I think we have shown very, very little tactically. 


All credit to the players, is all I can say really. 

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So so many positives from this today...I said at 1-0 even if we lost there was a huge amount we can take from it, didn't see this though!

Defensively excellent and matip and Gomez both were superb. Szobo and Mac are the difference, they transform the midfield and Newcastle's three have had loads of praise. They've been outplayed by two here. Nunez! Finally he looks ready to shove the shitty criticism of rival fans and some of our own.

7 points from these 3 games? Down to ten in both and we haven't even played well yet. So much to build on

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1 minute ago, 3 Stacks said:

I think the start of the season has been pretty interesting.


Klopp himself admitted we were unable to impose ourselves against Chelsea and that we couldn't get on the ball. We then get blitzed by Bournemouth before recovering and then propose nothing against Newcastle until we somehow pull it out.


7 points in 3, against two big teams away, with long periods of a man disadvantage, and yet I think we have shown very, very little tactically. 


All credit to the players, is all I can say really. 


Changed those up pretty well going down to 10 twice - much more compact with an obvious out ball.


With 11, no idea what is supposed to be happening. 

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Just now, 3 Stacks said:

I think the start of the season has been pretty interesting.


Klopp himself admitted we were unable to impose ourselves against Chelsea and that we couldn't get on the ball. We then get blitzed by Bournemouth before recovering and then propose nothing against Newcastle until we somehow pull it out.


7 points in 3, against two big teams away, with long periods of a man disadvantage, and yet I think we have shown very, very little tactically. 


All credit to the players, is all I can say really. 

The positive spin is hopefully we'll nail the tactical stuff and as players settle and gel and get used to each other and their jobs and we move away from make and do situations like Gakpo in midfield - the performances will improve and we'll really be in business.


Winning whilst frankly still a bit of a mess/a work in progress at best and a bit hamstrung is very handy of course.

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