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Is Trent Really Worth It?

The Trent Problem   

87 members have voted

  1. 1. Is TAA worth building a team around?

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4 hours ago, Supremolad said:

Some truly nonsensical comments about Trent in here. People making shit up and trying to justify their hatred of a player who has been crucial to the team's improvement from last season.


Some of our fans are really entitled cunts. Sure, Trent occasionally makes the wrong decision on the pitch but that applies to every world class player. And make no mistake, he is a world class player contrary to the thoughts of the idiots on here who want to cane him at every opportunity. He hit the crossbar and to them it's because he was looking for a "Hollywood finish". He bust a gut to support a counter attack and he gets slagged off. Agenda much?


Grow up, ye cry baby. 

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12 hours ago, The Guest said:

You need to start watching the game properly.  His attitude absolutely stinks.  How there are people with this opinion of him still doing the rounds completely oblivious to his laziness and arrogance is baffling.  He thinks he’s above doing the boring dirty side of the game.  Sometimes we go a game without conceding from something obvious he’s done and that suddenly means he’s been excellent defensively.  He wasn’t.  He was sow to get to his man countless times.  He lazily wakes back a load of times as well.


It’s like he’d prefer us to concede so that it shows there was no point in him getting back because he wouldn’t have got there anyway.  It’s funny watching him start to run when Konate or someone else wins the ball but It spills and falls to where he would have been had he not been day dreaming.


Another thing that this setup is doing is boring him.  We pass it around struggling to create something because everything is in the middle and there’s no out ball to the right back.  He gets bored and tries something risky.  Their free kick for their goal came from a high risk stupid pass to Salah that was never getting there because we don’t have a right back.  It gets intercepted and then we give the foul away but if you’re living in this Trent fantasy land I doubt you even see him giving the ball away never mind the rest of this stuff.

You've had your knife into Trent for years. Everything you say on the matter has zero value. 

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4 hours ago, Supremolad said:

Some truly nonsensical comments about Trent in here. People making shit up and trying to justify their hatred of a player who has been crucial to the team's improvement from last season.


Some of our fans are really entitled cunts. Sure, Trent occasionally makes the wrong decision on the pitch but that applies to every world class player. And make no mistake, he is a world class player contrary to the thoughts of the idiots on here who want to cane him at every opportunity. He hit the crossbar and to them it's because he was looking for a "Hollywood finish". He bust a gut to support a counter attack and he gets slagged off. Agenda much?

Spot on. The "Hollywood finish" was just a side foot that happened to bobble before he hit it. If the ball doesn't bobble, he stokes it home. Do people think when players shoot on goal they don't hit it with force? This isn't Sunday league, unless the ball is hit with intent, even a shite keeper like Raya will save it. I don't think Trent is having a great time of it at the moment, but some of the nonsense on this thread is unreal. 

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12 hours ago, The Guest said:

You need to start watching the game properly.  His attitude absolutely stinks.  How there are people with this opinion of him still doing the rounds completely oblivious to his laziness and arrogance is baffling.  He thinks he’s above doing the boring dirty side of the game.  Sometimes we go a game without conceding from something obvious he’s done and that suddenly means he’s been excellent defensively.  He wasn’t.  He was sow to get to his man countless times.  He lazily wakes back a load of times as well.


It’s like he’d prefer us to concede so that it shows there was no point in him getting back because he wouldn’t have got there anyway.  It’s funny watching him start to run when Konate or someone else wins the ball but It spills and falls to where he would have been had he not been day dreaming.


Another thing that this setup is doing is boring him.  We pass it around struggling to create something because everything is in the middle and there’s no out ball to the right back.  He gets bored and tries something risky.  Their free kick for their goal came from a high risk stupid pass to Salah that was never getting there because we don’t have a right back.  It gets intercepted and then we give the foul away but if you’re living in this Trent fantasy land I doubt you even see him giving the ball away never mind the rest of this stuff.


@Shithouse Cunts are you going to allow this?

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22 hours ago, etho said:

What the actual fuck are these comments. Players miss chances. It’s an absolutely terrible

miss but the ball slightly bobbles up as he hits it, it’s consistent with how he usually strikes those kind of shots he just gets it wrong. And he absolutely should be there as that’s how we’ve attacked for years. He’s scored goals not disssimilar (Leicester at home in the 4-0 spring to mind) when we break and he breaks forward as well.

starting to get really angry at the criticism of him. He’s fucking brilliant and we’re lucky to have him. He was also excellent defensively yesterday.

He is an excellent player in our system and the ball definitely did sit up on him but he is not a brilliant defender. He is a very good one on his day,but his value to the team is the versatility, his pace,shot and athleticism he has. The problem with any team who risks full backs who attack as much as ours is against good counter attacks and Arsenal fit into this bracket of team. Trent's Hollywood stuff ( the miss wasn't his 'Hollywood' stuff) just needs to be at the right time and sometimes it isn't. We are functioning at about 70-80% of capability now,at best and all mistakes or poor choices are magnified. A perfect example is Konate and his terrible defending for their goal yet I thought he was excellent for the rest of the match.

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I was worried about what his performance would be last night. 

At Luton, he played basically played the whole game in midfield, Gomez was at left back coming infield and we were incredibly disjointed - I was worried the same would apply last night.


Luckily it didn’t, he played well and we looked balanced throughout. 

Since he moved infield, we’ve played 29 games, won 19, drawn 9 and lost 1 (where we were screwed). 

66 points from 87. Over 38 games, that would be 86 points. Likely not enough to win it, certainly enough to challenge.

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That effort last night that hit the crossbar was outrageous.

Along with Robbo 57 Assists as the most from defenders in Premier League history and he's only 25 we are so lucky to have him love watching him play. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

He comes across like he wants the glory without the graft, the way we play we can't afford that type of attitude. I'm hoping it's still the injury or illness because he sucked today badly.and it's not through ability but attitude. Maybe he just can't cover that much space and resents it.

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Wouldn't be shocked if he leaves in the summer. A year left on his deal, he will definitely have the likes of Madrid and Bayern in his agents deal telling him to sit out his deal or say he wants to leave in the summer. 

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That 5-10 second period where Martinelli was just stood between him and Konate while Arsenal were passing the ball on his side of the pitch between themselves summed him up.  He literally never gives a shit about players going on the outside but for some reason he just stays wide and it’s because Martinelli has gone inside.  It showed to me that he’s a fucking coward.  He was hoping somebody else would deal with it but Konate can’t cover everyone.  You just can’t get away with his attitude and body position in big games.  He just doesn’t care.

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