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Football Manager Comp (Rules)

Bruce Spanner

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Guest Alex_K

My Aguero / Lautaro Martinez combo will have Gnabry's head spinning so much when he plays them he'll doubt he's even a professional footballer, let alone a midfielder

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5 minutes ago, The Golden Eel said:

So, assuming he's actually being serious, what's next? 

I draw lots on his player, you’re aloud to swap out if you want to take one of his. That player exchanged goes in to the draw until everybody has had a go. Once everybody has tried the players remaining go back in to the draft.


Dynamo Kuntstain start in administration, with no players and bankrupt and everybody gets an easy six points every season.


Unless someone wants to take on his team at this late stage?

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Guest Alex_K

I think those players he’s chosen need to be removed from game - it’s way too unfair for whoever is handed additional first round picks. Or find someone else to continue the team if he doesn’t want to play 

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11 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

I draw lots on his player, you’re aloud to swap out if you want to take one of his. That player exchanged goes in to the draw until everybody has had a go. Once everybody has tried the players remaining go back in to the draft.


Dynamo Kuntstain start in administration, with no players and bankrupt and everybody gets an easy six points every season.


Unless someone wants to take on his team at this late stage?

Just jib his players. No point divvying about 6 players up. Plus, he should still play and we should all hound him until he agrees. 

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Guest Alex_K
53 minutes ago, Skidfingers McGonical said:

Just put one player at a time back in, but do it at random times. Don't bin the players.

How can you do it at random times? Every one of those players become by far the best available picks left in the game. Not fair for other teams. 

Ditto to find someone else to pick the team up - ask on the FF. Continue the picks meanwhile.

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If the teams out the players should go into a pool for the first transfer window. 



Or something like

The bottom clubs get first dips or could trade their pick for a player from another team like a transfer. 



They shouldn't go into the pool now, it would be a massive advantage for who gets them 

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