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Football Manager Comp (Rules)

Bruce Spanner

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1 minute ago, sir roger said:

My IT capacity only runs to copying the previous post and adding a  footballer's name next to mine. , so not guilty m'lud.

You’re the one that removed my name, you mad bastard. I swear to god Inter Yermam are gonna batter you home and away and home and away and home and away. 

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23 hours ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Transfer windows at normal times when you can swap with other people, max two trades per window.


Will there be a dodgy transfer investigations committee so nobody swaps Harry Kane for Howdy Doody to help someone win the league this time?

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Guest Alex_K
7 minutes ago, Strontium Dog™ said:


Will there be a dodgy transfer investigations committee so nobody swaps Harry Kane for Howdy Doody to help someone win the league this time?

Don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of time for you to request Bruce to change your formation to mine again in a vain attempt to keep pace once we’re underway.

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2 minutes ago, Alex_K said:

Don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of time for you to request Bruce to change your formation to mine again in a vain attempt to keep pace once we’re underway.


It's not my fault FM21 is biased against the best formation in the history of the game and instead allows various cheat formations to prosper.

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20 minutes ago, John102 said:

Have i missed something regarding U23 players?

Need to have the following quota of U23 players in your squad. You can of course have more, but the minimum requirement is to at least be met.


G - 1 (of 3)

D - 2 (of 8)

M - 1 (of 6)

A - 1 (of 6)


The requirements are mentioned at the top of each respective selection thread

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Just now, John102 said:

Are there any other stipulations other than the u23's?

Nope, nothing more.


The transfer window will be the same as last time - up to 2 separate trades each, though obviously this time we'll have the Winter and Summer transfer windows to negotiate.


I'd have liked an emergency loan option in the Winter window to cover for long term injuries (limited to 1 loan within the Winter window, and the player being U23/U21).

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Guest Alex_K
5 minutes ago, John102 said:

Like a little snake, i propose a 6 hour deadline.

Yeah I’d second that. This is taking way longer than last time even 

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27 minutes ago, sir roger said:

Bruce , I am assuming the player's ages have not moved on a year on the database due to last season ?


No, we've gone back to the start of this season.


The U23 thing is proably not all that important as most will automatically pick them.

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