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I hate the Guardian

dennis tooth

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2 hours ago, Kevin D said:

It’s a shame you can’t neg newspapers, because their weird obsession with the Garrick club is doing my head in.


That's been utterly bizarre, a ridiculous amount of fuss. Everyone knows what the Garrick is, a club for the old boys' network. The main objection as far as I can make out is that they want powerful women to also take part in the clique. They quickly dropped the sexism angle after people pointed out there were more single sex clubs in London for women than men and let's face it, your average wage slave isn't getting in, never mind your genitals . Absolutely none of the 'revelations' they've reported on has been worthwhile.

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8 hours ago, Mudface said:


That's been utterly bizarre, a ridiculous amount of fuss. Everyone knows what the Garrick is, a club for the old boys' network. The main objection as far as I can make out is that they want powerful women to also take part in the clique. They quickly dropped the sexism angle after people pointed out there were more single sex clubs in London for women than men and let's face it, your average wage slave isn't getting in, never mind your genitals . Absolutely none of the 'revelations' they've reported on has been worthwhile.


Not one of their 12.3 millions articles on this utter shite, that affects almost no-one, has a comments section. I imagine because they know even the Guardian readership is going to slaughter them over this.

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5 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


Not one of their 12.3 millions articles on this utter shite, that affects almost no-one, has a comments section. I imagine because they know even the Guardian readership is going to slaughter them over this.


They actually did have one and you're right, most of the comments were highly critical of this waste of time. Must have learned their lesson after that.


Edit:- think this was the one. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/22/garrick-club-row-women-men



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I don't mind the guardian but they do have their strange crusades.

It doesn't surprise me that the guardian and the fucking mail are the most read newspapers online though. Literally every other one are unreadable due to their intrusive adds and pop ups.

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42 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

I don't mind the guardian but they do have their strange crusades.

It doesn't surprise me that the guardian and the fucking mail are the most read newspapers online though. Literally every other one are unreadable due to their intrusive adds and pop ups.


Especially anything by Reach (Mirror, Express, Echo, Daily Post, loads of regional newspapers). Their websites are absolutely ridiculous, it's no wonder they're losing tens of millions.

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On 28/03/2024 at 22:38, sir roger said:

After the shit they threw at Corbyn, one of my small pleasures is watching the amount of articles that I have read without giving them a penny totting up, and the growing annoyance in the tone of their exhortations for me to contribute.


Only 20 articles a month now on the app. Then you hit the new paywall. 

Absolute bastards. May as well delete the fucking thing. 

Edit: 20 articles every 15 days. Still shite. 

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I’ve got the app. No chance I’m subscribing though. I quite like when they have an article trying to keep a common ground then one of their writers contradicts the fuck out of it further down. 

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On 29/03/2024 at 10:48, littletedwest said:

I don't mind the guardian but they do have their strange crusades.

It doesn't surprise me that the guardian and the fucking mail are the most read newspapers online though. Literally every other one are unreadable due to their intrusive adds and pop ups.


Have you ever tried to open an Echo story? The entire wifi Network of south liverpool goes into complete systems failure. 

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18 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Have you ever tried to open an Echo story? The entire wifi Network of south liverpool goes into complete systems failure. 

South Liverpool scum 

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Utter twat of a paper.

Pay lip service to change but the minute there's any chance of it they revert to being lily livered middle class  elitists looking down on the very people they say they are representing.


Owen Jones, Marina Hyde all of them can get right to fuck.

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

I’ve got the app. No chance I’m subscribing though. I quite like when they have an article trying to keep a common ground then one of their writers contradicts the fuck out of it further down. 

I listen to GFW and they will often advertise for ‘contributions towards independent, excellent journalism’ or some such. 

I emailed in saying if Max Rushden and Barry Glendinning didn’t spend so much time advertising their talkshite show I might, but seeing as it was set up by Kelvin fucking MacKenzie and is the s*n’s sport radio station aimed at the very worst dregs of society then no I wouldn’t contribute to an organisation that allowed this advertising whilst begging for money. 

Funnily enough my email was never read out or replied to. 

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I havent bought an actual hard copy newspaper in years, I just go on the net and read bits and bobs here and there, I certainly dont subscribe to anything.


The Guardian currently features articles from Adrian Chiles, I think he is with someone high up in that paper, and his articles are just the most pointless fucking shit imaginable, stuff about nothing he should be ashamed to take the money.

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Just now, redinblack said:

I havent bought an actual hard copy newspaper in years, I just go on the net and read bits and bobs here and there, I certainly dont subscribe to anything.


The Guardian currently features articles from Adrian Chiles, I think he is with someone high up in that paper, and his articles are just the most pointless fucking shit imaginable, stuff about nothing he should be ashamed to take the money.


Yeah, they've got a few regular columnists like that. Just mundane, self-regarding drivel. Tim Dowling, Arwa Mahdawi and Emma Beddington are just a few that I avoid like the plague.

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3 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

In certain that one day Adrian Chiles is going to admit his whole writing career in the Guardian was some form of performance art piece about how we give platforms to celebrities to comment on stuff they know nothing about or trivia that no one cares about. He’s definitely taking the piss out of the rest of us. 

its certainly a plausible explanation as the only other alternative is money for old rope

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5 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

I knew an art student who had to do a piece of performance art as his final piece. Every week in his last year there would be a seminar where students spoke about their progress.  He couldn’t think of anything and was stressing about it but the wank middle class lecturer thought this was his work, a performance piece about a student who couldn’t think of anything to do a piece about. He got a first. I often think of him when I read Adrian Chiles. 


I tried to do the same, but it doesn't really work with Chemistry.

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