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Foods which set your arse off

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Coffee, orange juice, coke, any particularly acidic drink. Rice, citrus fruit, anything especially greasy or fatty. I generally avoid bread and cakes too as they make me feel sick and bloated. I can tolerate lager as long as it's not 3-4 days in a row, wine's fine but bitter just goes through me.

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10 minutes ago, Mudface said:

Coffee, orange juice, coke, any particularly acidic drink. Rice, citrus fruit, anything especially greasy or fatty. I generally avoid bread and cakes too as they make me feel sick and bloated. I can tolerate lager as long as it's not 3-4 days in a row, wine's fine but bitter just goes through me.


Cast of Cocoon over here. 

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6 minutes ago, Mudface said:


Sadly, IBS since my early twenties.


My sympathies. Have had it myself since about 15 but it calms down from time to time. Tends to kick off when I'm stressed, such as at airports. 

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Green chillies, nature's enema, and coffee on an empty stomach. Boiled eggs on occasion have stripped my intestines within a matter of hours of eating them. They are the worst offenders. All have the ability to clear my colon.

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Porridge; Chip Shop; Chillies seeds; Strong Pain Killers. 


Worst part is that I have since having my gallbladder removed I have developed Vasovagal Syncope. 


So if anything sets my stomach off in a bad way I now pass out. - Great isnt it, 

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My lad has IBS, not much fun for him on the wagons.

Coffee and anything greasy or spicy kick him off.

I don't have that problem, quite the opposite in fact. 

I'm usually that bunged up if I ate Semtex it wouldn't shift it. Which isn't much fun either.



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18 minutes ago, Jennings said:

Jalapeno peppers destroy my guts now.


A short period of time after eating them, I just need to shit. Like, immediately. Emergency. 




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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:


My sympathies. Have had it myself since about 15 but it calms down from time to time. Tends to kick off when I'm stressed, such as at airports. 


Same- mine was mainly mental, I'd get worried about having an attack, which in turn would make an attack more likely... Nice vicious circle and one which made travelling an absolute nightmare. I still avoid trigger foods regardless and I'm very careful about what I eat if I'm travelling, but a course of CBT about 15 years ago really helped, and Fybogel is an absolute game changer.

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