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Mon 2 Jan 17:30 Brentford vs Liverpool


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19 minutes ago, Red Shift said:

2 seasons ago, we had a defensive injury crisis. This season we have a striker injury crisis, with a raw new signing having to shoulder the burden, with plenty of help from Mo. If Darwin had put away just half the chances he’s missed, we’d be two places up the table. I know he’s scored 9 goals, but its a low hit rate on his opportunities. 
He’ll come right, but we need those goals now.

We must have been a goal down after 30min the last 30 games, or it does feels like it.

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Just now, Red Shift said:

You can only ruthless when you have squad options. Klopp could ‘drop’ a lot of players, but a team of youngsters has a hard steep learning curve ahead of it. Could it be worse? Possibly.

I mean in transfer windows too. Honestly I think if Lallana wanted to be here he still would be because Klopp loves him as a person, same for Ings. Okay I'm partially messing about but it goes for the fans too, we never want to sell anybody just let every fucker run out of contract or pick up their pension while still having a squad number. 

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11 minutes ago, liverpoolsno9 said:

Jurgen has more goodwill in the bank after what he’s done for us without entitled CUNTS like you questioning him. There’s quite a few raising their heads above the parapet in here today. Just fuck off, get back on Twitter with all the other knee jerk twats. This place was mainly full of decent fans not too long back, looks like it’s attracted a load of glory hunting cunts if this thread is anything to go by. FUCK OFF. Cunt. 


Spot on, its amazing how willing people are to roll out shite like this every time there is a bad run of form or a shit result(stuff like its like his last season at Dortmund etc.).


I will caveat this doesn't mean i think the manager is above recieveing criticism for decisions etc.

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32 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

I don’t think Klopp actually cares that much anymore. He’s won everything possible, made millions, seen it all before. I remember the old Klopp screaming at the players, running down the touch line, shouting at referees. Now we concede 3 goals and he just stands there grinning. He’s waiting for the German job.  


Give your head a wobble, mate.


Wouldn't it make more sense to do a good job while positioning for a top international role?

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It's infuriating but it isn't surprising. We lost the game in the first half, and particularly the second goal was unforgivable. To do what we did in the manner we did immediately after a var let off is a serious mentality issue. That let off should focus and galvanise you to go again. 

The little margins make a big difference and I think maybe Trent, with the full trophy locker in his cabinet at 23, and the amount of smoke up his arse, does not play with full focus 100 percent of the time. 

If we take one thing away from today then Elliott, who I rate, shouldn't be starting away games, possibly any games.

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Utterly gash, very reminiscent of the bad old days when we'd fall apart at places like Stoke and Hull.


We'd actually been OK for 10-15 minutes but from the moment Brentford went on a counter-attack that needed a save by Ali, we just could not get a foothold. Darwin had had an effort blocked (if that was Haaland, the exact same shot would find the net) and Kostas fired a powderpuff effort straight at the keeper.


What was alarming was how ragged we became. Brentford found the net 4 times in that first half and had 2 chalked off for offside.


Virg was hooked at half time, supposedly with a knock, but there was an air of complacency about him all game. One instance, when we were 1-0 down, saw him toss the ball in the vague direction of Kostas who wanted to take a quick throw in, but had to retrieve the ball first. If he is giving those vibes, a spell on the sidelines will do him good and get his head back in the game. Mo - one fine pass to Darwin in the first half aside - was similarly ineffectual and didn't try to take the game by the scruff of the neck.


Something is very broken about us, because there just isn't any intensity or real belief that we might be contenders for anything.



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25 minutes ago, liverpoolsno9 said:

Jurgen has more goodwill in the bank after what he’s done for us without entitled CUNTS like you questioning him. There’s quite a few raising their heads above the parapet in here today. Just fuck off, get back on Twitter with all the other knee jerk twats. This place was mainly full of decent fans not too long back, looks like it’s attracted a load of glory hunting cunts if this thread is anything to go by. FUCK OFF. Cunt. 

Weird flex. This is not North Korea. 

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The really annoying/ confusing thing is the signing of Gakpo  good player don't get me wrong but we need a midfielder or two, Klopp said in the summer he was wrong and admitted we needed a midfielder we loan Arthur who played 13 minutes and gets a long term injury here we are 5 months later next transfer window rolls around and we buy........ A FUCKING attacker and supposedly no more money without selling to bring anybody else in Arthur is still fucked, I just don't get who is buying the players and what is Klopp doing about it? We've had 2 transfer "gurus" quit inside 12 months Edwards and now Ward half the medical team fucked off before the season started and Pep "Intensity is our identity" Lijnders seem to have more of a say than any assistant, it all stinks to high heaven it needs sorting soon either FSG pony up the money or they sell soon.

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9 minutes ago, dockers_strike said:

We got out of jail on Friday night. After almost making Leicester, who got their arses handed to them by Newcastle, in front of their own fans and, we made look quite good at Anfield, I really thought we'd be up for this. I was wrong.


I love Jurgen, he's done incredible things at this club. I dont understand why he and the coaching staff havent addressed the problems in defence. You can pay a heavy price because of too much loyalty to your boys. We look every bit as shaky at the back now as we did before he and Virgil arrived. Maybe they have tried addressing the issues but the players arent listening or capable of doing what's asked any more?


It doesnt seem to matter who we have in the back 4, we look as shaky as fuck. And no, it's not just because the midfield is shit or Ox played or Harvey played.


Im talking the back 4 cant seem to defend any more and especially at corners. Even with the best midfield in front of them to protect them, I couldnt see this defence keeping a cleansheet. Good luck if others think a whole new midfield solves all the problems, we're sorted and, back to 100 points a season form. But I dont see it.


We were all over the shop defending any corner Brentford got. Konate was desparately unlucky the ball came off his shin and left Alli unable to get near it. But even after that, they had the ball in the net twice more only for VAR to correctly rule them out. That, by the way, says a lot to me about the ref tonight. Some fucking weird decisions he didnt spot and like it or not, that's a shove on Konate for the 3rd.


But when Brentford did get their 2nd, Trent unfortunately got caught out. Im not blaming him for the 2nd but it happens a little too often. Either coach him to attack the ball better in those situations or, bite the fucking bullet, move him into midfield and put someone who can head a ball at right back.


Once again Darwin had a great chance and was unlucky Mee got back to block it. Or, could a bit more composure have made sure the ball ended in the net instead? Tough call, I dont know. What I do know is, you cant keep just saying 'unlucky' on every missed chance or offside goal.


He scored a lovely 'goal' a few minutes of the 2nd half restart. Only he'd timed his run wrong and was offside.


Ox soon pulled a goal back and I thought he was having a good game, certainly better than his instant detractors on here would give him credit for. That still gave us the best part of 30 minutes to find an equaliser. Againt fucking Brentford! We should have been looking for a winner at that stage. Fair play to Brentford. Once again, they shocked us and probably deserved the win for sheer tenacity and effort. But it doesnt sit easy with me that they were better than us.


And why the fuck was Mo playing out wide all game again? We seem to have gone back to this Mo on the wing and Darwin down the middle. I dont like it. They seemed to link up well in the first 10 or so minutes but after that?


I really dont see us getting past Real in the CL or Wolves in the FAC at this rate and form. 4th is looking a real struggle and we cannot have any more slip ups if we are to nick it.


It's not fucking good enough, Jurgen. Sort it out and quickly, please.



Brentford got only one goal from a corner. You’re right, we looked dodgy, but those corners were the result of getting hit far too easily on the counter attack because of our poorly executed tactics. BTW, give Brentford some credit for whipping in excellent corners. Why aren’t we doing the same from our corners?


Darwin has been very very wasteful since arriving, but that offside was a very fine margin indeed, and I thought the angle used by VAR was poor. Another angle may have seen him onside, it was that close, but what a take and what a finish. 


Yeah, Mo playing out wide. WTF was that all about? perhaps he was just trying to find more space…Brentford pretty much parked the bus real early, but it was frustrating to see.


Fourth is going to be a massive fight, but Spurs are imploding and Newcastle just look like they’ve lost their head of steam. We’ll need to beat Chelsea at home and away, if they go on a run. As Ive said before though, Chelsea’s current lethargy is not too dissimilar to ours - no surprises that they were run as ragged as us last season and have been just as slow out of the blocks. Tuchel was the scapegoat and Potter won’t know how to fix it. Its the same issue. Mental and physical lethargy. Neither Chelsea or us have the squad depth of the Oil Cheats.


If we beat Real Madrid, and yes, its a massive if, it will be a huge boost in confidence, which our key players seem to really need. I think we’ve a different attitude in Europe and look strong. The lads lookup for it. They’ve lost interest in the league - unprofessional, but not surprising after being Title challengers for 3 out of 4 seasons.


Jurgen’s hands are tied…too an extent. The purse strings are held by others. Gakpo will make a huge difference up front - badly needed. Jurgen’s comments at the pre Brentford presser, didn’t bode well for further renewal in January. His fault? How do we know he isn’t screaming down the phone to get it done? Maybe he’s too nice a guy, I don’t know.


My only real questions of Jurgen are about our persistent 4-3-3 formation and continual push forward when we continually get caught out with bad passing and an inability to rescue the situation after making terrible mistakes in possession. Again and again and again.

Like others on here, I want changes. Yes its a great experiment, but why can’t Trent play RM with Gomez behind him? He lives on the halfway line anyway, whats the fucking difference?

We could play Darwin and Mo more  central, with Cody in the hole.


Anything but the ineffective 4-3-3 we’re currently butchering.

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4 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:

Klopp is.

Is he? Obviously I'd assume he has a say but I'm a production manager and if I need a specific type of machine operator I advertise and interview and hire a person who can do that job properly I don't bring in somebody who cant run the machine but put him on there anyway and I don't hire a person who runs another machine that I've already got 2 or 3 people who can already run it and just get by. It's all a bit fucked up really Edwards goes his replacement then goes 6 months later (working his notice till the end of the season) If klopp is buying the players then he needs to rewind and watch his own press conference where HE said we needed midfielders.

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2 minutes ago, Grinch said:

Wrong, as he’s admitted on more then one occasion.


Klopp has always had the final say on players signed, his influence on who those players are has continued to increase since Edwards has left.


Diaz/Nunez and Gakpo have all been Klopp/Ljinders driven (Nunez especially).

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22 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Just logged on briefly to say:


1. Bumcunt - you referred to a black player as a monkey. It doesn’t matter if you put the word cross in front of it because that shit doesn’t fly in 2023. Have a word with yourself.

You're a cunt-monkey, throwing shit around like that. 


Trent is a full back who is supposed to be good at crossing, and should be crossing regularly.  Thats his main job.  So cross the fucking ball Trent.  Stop hogging the ball, stop slowing shit down to a crawl, stop trying to retain possession with a 5 yard pass inside when you created pressure on yourself by chewing the ball for 10 seconds while in a position to cross.  It's not impressive, it's not cultured, it's not helping us, and for fucks sake don't half-assed close down the player in front of you and get caught too far forward and then don't sprint back.  


Unless you think my reference to athleticism is a bit of a trope.  



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4 minutes ago, Mark M said:

Klopps comments blaming the Ref and saying the 3rd goal shouldn’t have stood doesn’t look good.

if he thinks this result / performance can be brushed under the carpet by blaming the officials he’s badly mistaken. 

He said we deserved what we got.

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Sick of hearing/reading excuses for our poor efforts this season like "They are disappointed after last season"....."They are mentally drained"....."They are tired" blag blah fucking blah....

If they haven't got the heart, the guts, the bollocks for the fight anymore then they don't deserve to wear the shirt anymore.

What was it Rocky Balboa said...."It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!".....So yeah they have taken some big hits, but get up and fight back and the desire to win after losing should be higher than ever.

I actually don't believe it is about them being fucked mentally anyway as it happens - for me it is simply we no longer have the right attributes in key areas to do what we are trying to do and what we did so well 3 or so years ago.

When we were at our best we were an intense pressing side with lots of legs in the team who pressed the shit out of teams, ran teams ragged, squeezed games, forced and punished errors ruthlessly and outran, outfought and with the class we had often outclassed teams.....It was all about intensity and it was all about playing a high speed, high octane game.


It of course needed and had really good footballers, but on top of that it really needed and had really good footballers with lots of energy, great engines, legs and no little nous - those attributes enabled them to go out as a team and perfectly execute that high speed, high octane game plan.


The players we have now simply do not have those attributes in anywhere near the required amounts to execute what is pretty much the same plan, and what we are seeing as a result is the sort of performances we have had to endure far too often this season - we are getting exposed and punished, because we are leaving gaps, there is nobody alert to those gaps, nobody plugging them before they become a problem and all too often nobody who has the legs to recover.

Teams are carving us open with ease - aiming for and exploiting the time and space they have.....time and space are things you just don't want to give the opposition, when you do you run the risk of being hurt, when you do it often you will get hurt......Teams didn't often have time and space against us when we were an athletic, intense side with players with powerful engines.....

It starts from the front - Mane and Firmino used to press like evil bastards and we won so much ball high up the park as a result....the mayhem that we caused as a result was a joy to watch.

That pressing from the front is barely seen now and as a result we don't win ball in those dangerous areas as often and the front men don't get the chances they once did as a result.

Then we come onto the midfield and its press/its success rate in winning 2nd balls....When we were in our pomp it was top drawer at these things - it was pretty much all it did and all it needed to do really, win the ball and then give it to the marauding full backs or the front 3 and watch the fun begin as we attacked out of shape teams and caused havoc....

We used to have Hendo and Wijnaldum who covered the space when the full backs pushed on.....now Hendo has not got the legs, Wijnaldum is gone.

Now because of our lack of legs, broken play just means our back line gets exposed and teams walk through our midfield and onto our defence/keeper.

There is so much space, we are caught out of shape and the gaps are too big for our slow midfielders to close.

We if we we are not going to get in the players with the legs we need in there and ability to win those 2nd balls/win those battles/be in the right place to snuff out danger and put us on front foot will have to play within our limitations, and adopt a more compact shape.....we are currently embarrassingly easy to pass/play through.

We are being out pressed and our slow, unathletic midfield and forwards who used to lead our press so well are starting their pressing movements from further away and often not at all or too late.....and are simply much, much less effective.

When our midfielders were younger/more athletic and when our forwards pressed like fuck they were the triggers, when Bobby pressed the two wide forwards closed down the passing lanes and Hendo and the rest of the midfield gambled and closed down the opposition and we won the ball and got at and behind teams.....As that happened the centre halves pushed up and squeezed the play too.

Now the press is slow and half arsed and often non existent, players can't physically get there. That means we now get passed through at will and our centre halves get exposed.


We are trying to play same way we used to but are not doing the key parts of it anywhere near effectively enough because players are physically incapable of it now.

If you are going to play a high line then you have to press as a team and above all pick up loose balls/win those challenges when the ball breaks and opposition are committed....again we just don't do this right now.

I remember at the toilet this season as just one example in sadly too many TAA put in a long ball and the mancs cleared it....a couple of seasons ago Henderson would have mopped it up no sweat and we would have had a transition and probably punish them - instead his lack of athleticism and inability to pick up a loose ball meant we were exposed with half our team out of position and we get played through.....goal..... We have all seen it too many times this season.

We see young Elliott being shoehorned into midfield, the poor lad thinks like a forward/penalty area player all the time because that is what he is......We are trying to shoehorn the poor kid into midfield and ask him to do all that entails and he just does not have the skillset or mindset to do it and as a result he is exposed defensively and the resulting gaps, time and space lead to big problems for us.

We desperately need legs and some defensive nous in what is an urgent midfield rebuild, we need our forwards to be pressing properly again....Or we have to accept that we need to cut our cloth to suit and change how we play.....Stop committing so many players up the park and in advance of ball....be a bit more conservative.

We are too open, we play too attackingly with everyone pushing forward and players looking to do things quickly all the time....things like Elliott trying little flicks and looking to get ball into a dangerous area but not being switched on to the gaping hole behind him that when the flick does not come off the opposition are going to exploit.

Things like pushing too many men forward too quickly, we take too many chances and we over commit......which is all well and good IF you have solidity around that and players with ability to plug gaps/recover and sense danger.....We don't now and teams are just picking us off at will.

It will continue to happen too....we simply don't have the tools to play how we try and play anymore and how we played when we did have those tools.

We either buy the required tools or we have to accept that this set of players can no longer do the job they are asked to do to the level we need and change.

At present we look like a team who are trying to play the Jurgen Klopp way but without Jurgen Klopp players....

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