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Mon 2 Jan 17:30 Brentford vs Liverpool


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The only positive I can take from the game was the best poor scouser tommy that was sung, which was the best sung version I have heard in over 20 years.


Other than that - midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield.



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1 hour ago, Chip Butty said:

The only positive I can take from the game was the best poor scouser tommy that was sung, which was the best sung version I have heard in over 20 years.


Other than that - midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield, midfield.



Maybe! I'm thinking we need another left sided forward, possibly two.

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1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Maybe! I'm thinking we need another left-sided forward, possibly two.

Let's just go the whole hog and go for 3 left-sided forwards that way we can bypass midfield and just keep kicking it wide left, and problem solved. That aside I'm still fuming about last night and even Leicester (we were lucky) nothing is changing in regards to formation, tactics, and positional problems being addressed and fixed (midfield) I'm still fucking puzzled as to why we spent all our January money (it the quotes were true) on another fucking forward whilst our midfield is on its arse and were leaking goals like fucking Norwich. It's an unpopular thought I know but Klopp and his coaches need fucking for this, Klopp said we aire some dirty laundry in Dubai and got some things cleared up.....well it didn't work its the same nothing has been fixed nothing has been addressed if we can't buy anyone then change formation stop shipping goals tighten up the midfield or go 3 at the back but nothing same old same old now I want Klopp here as manager but it doesn't make him bulletproof he's got some big issues to fix and if he doesn't then what? we just carry on? the way Newcastle / Chelsea / City even Utd and Arsenal are spending money missing out on the top 4 could be a long slog to get it back, Bellingham is a pipe dream whilst FSG are here let's be realistic and fix the problems legs and power in midfield will be a big help.

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1 hour ago, Mook said:


Has anyone said they want Klopp out on here?

The Tory Dog walker has gone pretty close.


On 02/01/2023 at 18:31, Captain Willard said:

I’m starting to think we’ve gone as far as we can with Klopp. He’s too sentimental, too loyal to shit players, not ruthless enough. We need to make 5 subs here but he won’t change anything until the 87th minute, I’d like to see Thomas frank given the job.  


On 02/01/2023 at 19:47, Captain Willard said:

I don’t think Klopp actually cares that much anymore. He’s won everything possible, made millions, seen it all before. I remember the old Klopp screaming at the players, running down the touch line, shouting at referees. Now we concede 3 goals and he just stands there grinning. He’s waiting for the German job.  


On 02/01/2023 at 19:27, Captain Willard said:

At the final whistle, Klopp will come on, big grin, shake everyone’s hand. It’s all a big Fucking laugh. 


On 02/01/2023 at 19:16, Captain Willard said:

I’m so Fucking sick of the sight of Klopp laughing at yet another defeat. Just fuck off. 


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1 minute ago, Harrison Booth said:

The Tory Dog walker has gone pretty close.







I've never understood anyone posting during a match.


Posting that we should change the manager during the match is even less comprehensible.


Having said that, I'm not sure tory boy constitutes a 'brigade' on his own.

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29 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

Yes all me. Said in the heat of the moment of a terrible performance and obviously he's by far the best manager the club have ever had but I do think ;


He's not ruthless enough anymore

He's too loyal to players who are not up to the Premier League anymore (Keita, Milner, Elliot, Chamberlain)

He doesn't seem to care as much as the Klopp of old

That bemused toothy grin when we concede soft goals drives me mad. 

I do wonder if his heart is really still in it. He's made millions, won everything apart from the world cup. He must struggle to raise his personal motivation for Brentford away knowing the league has gone when the German job is waiting for him. 





With the exception of giving Thomas Frank the job you have essentially repeated everything you said in the heat of the moment.

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