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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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“We broke the rules, we knew what we were doing, other clubs got relegated instead of us, the Prem bent over backwards to help us out,  we covered it up, we put forward spurious claims to justify our losses, we didn’t send our senior officers to give evidence to the inquiry but we don’t deserve to be punished because it’s so unfair and corrupt and the big boys don’t like us”. 



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34 minutes ago, dave u said:

All those pundits and MP's ignorantly spouting off about how 'unfair' this is should be forced to read that Sam Wallace article as many times as it takes for them to realise how wrong they are.

Politicians currying favour by playing to the gallery. Who’d have thought it?

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7 hours ago, Anubis said:

They’re all excited because Martin Samuel has written in support of them. His son is on City’s payroll so he clearly wants to damage the PL because of the City investigation.

He was on the Times podcast this week on the Everton charges. Against my better judgement, I listened. His shtick was basically that investmet into your business should be allowed. Everton have loads of money so should be allowed invest in their own company - I don’t know if he realises that they are virtually bankrupt.


He justified it by saying that a club can't buy everyone, and City have sold their unwanted crumbs (my words) to Chelsea and Arsenal in the past couple of years. The traditional clubs are blocking anyone else competing and unfettered spending should be allowed, if it doesn't mean debt on the club - but fails to add that Everton are in huge debt, are looking to be taken over by a dodgy outfit to survive and are in serious danger of going out of business. It was obvious that he wasn't referring to Everton in his defence of Everton at all. It was all related to the 115 charges against City but he was pushing the closed shop "cartel" agenda and masking it with a defense of Everton not being allowed spend what they want. He is a disgusting prick but is beloved by Everton fans now. 


Newcastle seem to have stayed within Premier League FFP (so far) and have gone from relegation candidates to Champions League football in less than two years. It is possible to compete, without cheating. 


And the one thing that nobody mentioned, is that the PL is all 20 clubs. If the other 15/16 clubs have an issue with the traditional big 4/5 clubs, then they can outvote them. Everton signed up to the rules, admitted they broke said rules, and now (backed by fat sloppy journalists) call corruption. Weird bastards. 



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There's actually a deeper and somewhat sinister symbolism to the shite being allowed to accuse football authorities of corruption simply for punishing them for breaking the rules.


The same sort of forces were roused by Trump and Brexit, I'll do what I want and if you call me out I'll make it look like I'm being mistreated because I'm actually the virtuous one here and you're not.


I've sad for years the really bitter, nasty shit was unleashed by Moyes with all the people's club shit, and it's always been the 'go-to' solution to divert fan anger from their own failures. Lampard was no different.


When populist politicians fuck up, they point the mob towards a fictional villain. The elite, the refugee hordes, the woke.


When everton do shit, they point the finger at us, or the Premier league, or anyone else except them. Their ex players do it all the time, fan this narrative that their fans are special, or have some kind of moral superiority. That they're hard done by. 


It's produced the same mob mentality. That's how you end up with pitch invasions, directors having their lives threatened, fucking road blocks.


The shite about our lads using inhalers and it going unchallenged was peak modern everton.


They're a Trump/Brexit/15 minute city fanbase surrounded by their own enablers, their own social media spin, fanning their conspiracies and bile.

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32 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

There's actually a deeper and somewhat sinister symbolism to the shite being allowed to accuse football authorities of corruption simply for punishing them for breaking the rules.


The same sort of forces were roused by Trump and Brexit, I'll do what I want and if you call me out I'll make it look like I'm being mistreated because I'm actually the virtuous one here and you're not.


I've sad for years the really bitter, nasty shit was unleashed by Moyes with all the people's club shit, and it's always been the 'go-to' solution to divert fan anger from their own failures. Lampard was no different.


When populist politicians fuck up, they point the mob towards a fictional villain. The elite, the refugee hordes, the woke.


When everton do shit, they point the finger at us, or the Premier league, or anyone else except them. Their ex players do it all the time, fan this narrative that their fans are special, or have some kind of moral superiority. That they're hard done by. 


It's produced the same mob mentality. That's how you end up with pitch invasions, directors having their lives threatened, fucking road blocks.


The shite about our lads using inhalers and it going unchallenged was peak modern everton.


They're a Trump/Brexit/15 minute city fanbase surrounded by their own enablers, their own social media spin, fanning their conspiracies and bile.

They always need to remain on that High horse pretending to be the moral guardians of the game/Corinthian spirit fc. So even when they do something blatantly wrong they ignore it to stay on the high horse.

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7 hours ago, Mudface said:


Calm and level-headed article- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2023/11/26/everton-mps-premier-league-ffp-10-point-deduction/


The bandwagon jumping MPs, journalists and pundits who've ignorantly proclaimed about this should be ashamed of themselves.

What is that?

The sound of nail being hit firmly and squarely on the head....

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It is an absolute boon for them this.....they have fuck all to shout about - are largely irrelevant to everyone, nobody really has a rivalry with them bar us because they are no threat to anyone - and they whore themselves out to pretty much every other set of fans to try and get at us....


So following them is duller than a long rainy weekend in Rhyl.


This actually gives them something to get involved in, a bit of media coverage, some pats on the head (which the needy meffs need) from other fans and the chance to shout some shite and hang some badly painted bedsheets up.


Sad gets.

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17 minutes ago, an tha said:

It is an absolute boon for them this.....they have fuck all to shout about - are largely irrelevant to everyone, nobody really has a rivalry with them bar us because they are no threat to anyone - and they whore themselves out to pretty much every other set of fans to try and get at us....


So following them is duller than a long rainy weekend in Rhyl.


This actually gives them something to get involved in, a bit of media coverage, some pats on the head (which the needy meffs need) from other fans and the chance to shout some shite and hang some badly painted bedsheets up.


Sad gets.

Think one of the reasons they have tried to force the rivalry with us even more by going OTT about us is that we are their historic rivals but we just see them as a figure of fun and no one else cares about them. Therefore they need to hate us even more but it just winds them up that we see them as a complete and utter irrelevance. 

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