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TLW Deathpool 2024

The Woolster

Recommended Posts

If you haven’t played before please get involved. Rules listed below.


1. Each contestant much pick 10 celebrities who they think will die between 00:01, 1st February 2024 and 23:59 31st December 2024. Lists are final as of the starting time.


I will accept late entries, perhaps someone finds this thread half way through the year and would like to enter, however if someone dies within 1 week you won't get the points for it.


2. When the death has been confirmed, points will be awarded, and the people who had them chosen may choose a new celebrity for their list. Please post replacements in this on this thread, PMs may be missed or not come through.


3. A celebrity is defined as a person who lives their life in the public domain. If we have not heard of them, then we can reject them. A good rule of thumb is if they have a Wikipedia page that you didn't just make.


4. Death row prisoners and people in public 'right to die' cases are not permitted.


5. Your picks can be any age at all. No minimum or maximum for the categories, but points will be awarded like this:


50+ - 10 points

35-49 - 20 points

Under 35 - 30 points


6. You will get fewer points if it is one of your replacements which dies. This is because the new pick may be based on more recent news, so is not 'as skilled' as an original pick. 


50+ - 9 points

35-49 - 15 points

Under 35 - 20 points


Please PM me your lists, and I will begin the spreadsheet. Even if you want your list carried over from last year, please PM me to let me know so that I can 1. confirm your list, and 2. keep track in one place who has entered. This also stops people copying your lists. Once the game begins, I will post the lists here. When you're sending your lists in, please put in the categories of your entrants in order like this...


1. John 50+

2. Mike 50+

3. Steve 50+

4. Sam 50+

5. Arnold 50+

6. Peter 50+

7. David 35-49

8. Liam 35-49

9. Tom U35

10. Paul U35


Please don't use nicknames!


I will not open the PM until my list is posted. 


If your message bounces back, please let me know on the thread, I may need to pay for membership to get the space in my inbox...


Good luck everyone!



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