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Featured: That was the Week that Was (Nov 6-10 2023)

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Monday Nov 6:


I’ve fixed the statement that Luton put out today.


“Luton Town Football Club is saddened by reports of inappropriate chanting towards Liverpool supporters during yesterday’s Premier League fixture at Kenilworth Road.


The atmosphere inside the stadium was electric for the most part of a pulsating game, in which Rob Edwards’ side came close to pulling off one of the results of the season.


While we do not wish to dampen the atmosphere at our home ground in any way, we are extremely disappointed that a small number of supporters soured the occasion with chants that may be interpreted as being in relation to tragedies that have affected Liverpool FC in the past.


The Club condemns any kind of chanting that knowingly seeks to divide, and our safety and security team launched an internal investigation at the earliest opportunity.


What has quickly become evident is that a number of people may have taken part without knowledge that the words used were in relation to the Hillsborough and Heysel tragedies, and we see the route to persuading supporters not to repeat these chants in future is through communication and education.


On this basis we are reviewing CCTV and media footage from the match, and will speak to witnesses to identify individuals who may have taken part. Any perpetrators could (will) face stadium bans and potential criminal prosecutions.


If anyone has information and video evidence that will support the investigation, please email myvoice@lutontown.co.uk with the subject ‘Inappropriate Chanting’.


The eyes of the world are upon us in the Premier League, which we are all learning quickly to adapt to, and we have to remind our supporters that you are all ambassadors of the Club and it is your responsibility to behave according to the rules of the ground. This includes understanding the songs that cannot be sung in line with the Love Football, Protect The Game campaign.


On behalf of all at Luton Town, we would like to wholeheartedly apologise to anyone offended by the chants heard during yesterday’s match, and will continue to work with supporter groups to educate fans on chants that are classed as tragedy abuse by football authorities, the police and CPS.”


All that extra shit in there makes them look like fucking knobheads. Then you’ve got their fans, acting all indignant about how the chant “isn’t about Hillsborough, it’s about Heysel” as though that somehow makes it ok. Everyone knows it’s a Hillsborough song and regardless of what tragedy they might claim to be referencing, the fact it’s seen by us as being about Hillsborough is the only thing that matters.


Luton’s fans were a disgrace yesterday. Some were even chanting about Diaz’s dad apparently. Nothing like the same numbers that sang “Always the victim” but even so, what the fuck is their beef with us? They’ve been in the lower leagues for 30 odd years yet they’re acting like we’re their big rivals. Weirdos.


Meanwhile, the reaction of the media to Arteta and Arsenal’s statement isn’t what they probably thought it would be. They’[re being mostly hammered for it. If they’d been paying attention to what happened after our statement they would have known what to expect. We were on the receiving end of the worst officiating disgrace in the history of this country and we had universal support. Until we put out a statement sand then the football world bizarrely went “fuck you for complaining” and sided with PGMOL.

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