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Welcome to Liverpool, Alexis Mac Allister

El Rojo

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1 hour ago, Anubis said:

Is it correct it’s been overturned?


Edit: Yes it has.





Quite right too. A scandalous decision in the first place.


That twat Tierney and the other bellend should be hauled up and forced to explain their reasons for not drawing it to the Refs attention that it wasn't a sending off offence and all.


Or would it show it to be clear and obvious that the cunts have an agenda.

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Very welcome and to me surprising news - not surprising because it shouldn't have been overturned - because obviously it should never have been a red in first place - just surprising that they've held their hands up so to speak.


Shame the useless cunts got it so wrong in first place and even worse failed to correct it with the opportunity and tool they had available to them at the time.


Ref and VAR should be dealt with now - stood down, given some training/refreshers or something before officiating again.


I can live with ref getting it wrong - it happens in real time - what is inexcusable is it not being corrected at time by VAR.


It is all well and good overturning it on appeal - but had it cost us 2 or 3 pts on Saturday we can't get them back can we - so FFS get the decisions right at time, especially when have a system designed to help that happen available.


I dare say Tierney will be gunning for revenge now mind - but fuck him the little prick.



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2 hours ago, Scott_M said:

I don’t think Tierney is biased. 

I think somebody like Mancony Taylor is biased. Somebody is actually a decent official but is determined to show everybody he’s the fucking boss and will penalise anybody who dares question his authority.

That isn’t Tierney. Tierney is just incompetent. 


We’ll it’s just a bit weird then that he’s at his most incompetent when he’s refereeing us and his incompetence is invariably to our disadvantage. 

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Good if surprising news. I think the fact that practically every commentator and pundit called the red card an appalling decision certainly helped sway opinion.


Keep calling PGMOL out. They have VAR to help them gets decisions right but they still manage to fuck things up. If VAR is ditched, the man in the middle and his assistants will just fuck things up in real time anyway.

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5 hours ago, Scott_M said:

One of mine as well. Not only the reaction in the away end & players, it also propelled us towards the Treble.

Pretty sure we lost to Leeds on Good Friday and a draw at Woodison on Easter Monday would have made Leeds favourites / in their hands. Barca at Anfield was the Thursday night.


Without the elation / relief / confidence  that goal gave us, I’m not convinced the rest of the season would have snowballed as it did. 


Started a run of 5 in 5 games for Gary Mac. He only scored 9 goals in his two years at the club but those 5 in a fortnight were huge. Everton, Spurs Coventry, Bradford and the penalty v Barca. 

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13 hours ago, Reckoner said:

It’s probably been discussed on here to death but why not just send it to a VAR check at the time?


As others have said, it was referred, but they've got the cowardly get out clause that it has to be a 'clear and obvious' error, which pretty much allows them to do what they want. Offsides don't have to be 'clear and obvious' of course, because VAR is apparently accurate to millimetres. Although this miraculous accuracy isn't applied to throw-ins and free-kicks that lead to goals, these can be taken from wherever you fuckin' want. And bullshit yellow cards that lead to sendings off- like the one shown to Tomiyasu- can't be referred at all, because *reasons*. 


Considering it's the most popular sport in the world with multiple billions of pounds sloshing around, it's such a fucking mess compared to other sports.

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12 hours ago, DaveT said:

We’ll it’s just a bit weird then that he’s at his most incompetent when he’s refereeing us and his incompetence is invariably to our disadvantage. 

He’s shite for everybody. We noticed it more because for some ridiculous reason he seems to get 20% of our games. 

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3 hours ago, Scott_M said:

He’s shite for everybody. We noticed it more because for some ridiculous reason he seems to get 20% of our games. 

That’s your view, fair enough. I was going to challenge you to name a specific decision of his which was clearly wrong or even slightly dubious which favoured us, but instead I’ll just post this from the very thorough Tompkins analysis which has been linked elsewhere….. ‘

On his own, Greater Manchester’s Paul Tierney has only given three subjective calls in 18 Liverpool games as a VAR … each to disallow a Liverpool goal or rule out a Liverpool penalty due to a subjective decision.

Add those to his worrying on-pitch ref data, and no wonder Jürgen Klopp seems to have a massive problem with him.

Prior to the moment when Tierney’s assistant elbowed Andy Robertson at half-time against Arsenal, Tierney had done 21-and-a-half games as a Liverpool as ref and 18 as VAR, and given zero Big Decisions for the club in that time (the one sending off for an opponent was by the VAR, Michael Oliver, who got Tierney to overturn a yellow for a last-man foul at Stamford Bridge and make it a red).’

you make a great point about the frequency with which he referees us. He and Taylor reffed 25% of our games last season IIRC, even though they represent about 10% of the referees roster. That’s without adding in their VAR appearances.

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7 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

They should be able to figure out how to get refs on a schedule where they each work the same % of all teams matches.

The refs considered the "best" have always been given the big games each week. The problem here is Tierney is considered a top ref. That lad from Saturday won't ref us against a top 6 side for another 5 years. Its a boys club they have and some no mark going around actually making decisions is not going to be rewarded. 

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