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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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I've just seen the lowlights of their game and how in the name of fuck, did young and the bitters get away with those cast iron penalties today?

That forest statement isn't fucking strong enough.

3 of the most blatant penalties you'll see all season, all committed by the same player, not given is corruption, plain and simple.

I'm flabbergasted

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I messaged the blue in my team this morning saying I don’t want to hear about “corruption” again. 

Didn’t go down well. Very touchy. He goes the game, his response was “they didn’t look pens in real time so can see why they weren’t given”. 

Feel there is a massive floor in that argument…

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With Premier League safety all but guaranteed after the win against Nottingham Forest, Sean Dyche’s plucky low cost underdogs who are a top club face their second Cup Final of the season. Midweek see’s the arrival at the Old Lady of overrated bottlers and cultist disciples of Satan, Liverpool.

Everton will be looking for a much improved refereeing performance than they saw versus Forest, as is well known they never get a decision and are singled out by the PL for merely Cooking the Books on a regular basis. It’s PC gone mad.

Liverpool themselves are fresh from victory against Fulham where fortune shone on them yet again this season with three obvious off side goals, whilst Fulham were penalised at every turn, one player was booked for smiling in a “Smarmy way” and another for “ Continual foul smells” you couldn’t make it up.

The game will is sold out but can be watched on television all along County Rd and the surrounding area, it will also be shown live across North Wales and Widnes.

Everton are offering a Limited Edition Souvenir Programme for the Derby game featuring greats such as Phil Neville, Glen Keeley and Dan Gosling amongst others giving their Derby Day memories. 
It is available for £25 just go DerbySovUzzy.com. The first 100 sold will receive season tickets for the new stadium. Unreturnable.

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3 hours ago, Scott_M said:

I messaged the blue in my team this morning saying I don’t want to hear about “corruption” again. 

Didn’t go down well. Very touchy. He goes the game, his response was “they didn’t look pens in real time so can see why they weren’t given”. 

Feel there is a massive floor in that argument…


Aye, strange how the corruption shouts have suddenly died down after that game, it's been quite something reading the paragraphs by the blues I know/talk to justifying why the first two were definitely not penalties, they've all oddly not had a word to say about the third one though,

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They know they’ve been bang to rights with years of malpractice and corruption but they’ve been putting the pressure on with the victims stance ever since and as soon as Masters crumbled at the hearing, then got his comms wrong, they had all the deflection material they needed, to the deductions down as low as possible. 

It’s finally worked onfield too, with the PL not willing to give anything up to 3 penalties against them 


In a way, they’ve played a blinder, albeit a brazen, shameless one. 

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Everton have borrowed more money from 777 today, taking their exposure to over £200m. If 777 are unsuccessful they'll be wanting their money back sharpish, ideally before the end of the season so they can be deducted a further 9 points.  You've got to worry for them, you really do.

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2 minutes ago, Furmedge said:

Everton have borrowed more money from 777 today, taking their exposure to over £200m. If 777 are unsuccessful they'll be wanting their money back sharpish, ideally before the end of the season so they can be deducted a further 9 points.  You've got to worry for them, you really do.

Worrying times at the Old Lady for the Senior club in the city. 

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53 minutes ago, Furmedge said:

Everton have borrowed more money from 777 today, taking their exposure to over £200m. If 777 are unsuccessful they'll be wanting their money back sharpish, ideally before the end of the season so they can be deducted a further 9 points.  You've got to worry for them, you really do.

So they're borrowing more money from an organisation that is struggling to raise the required funding to buy them? This is going to end well.

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16 hours ago, Furmedge said:

Everton have borrowed more money from 777 today, taking their exposure to over £200m. If 777 are unsuccessful they'll be wanting their money back sharpish, ideally before the end of the season so they can be deducted a further 9 points.  You've got to worry for them, you really do.


I think the 777 loans are completely unsecured. If Everton go into administration, they're fucked. And there's plenty in front of them to get their money back, MSP, media and rights, HMRC.


16 hours ago, Anubis said:

Maybe not. Maybe they're just looking for some dodgy finance for 777.



That doesn't really make sense does it? Are they trying to say Everton are seeking funds to 777 are able to buy them? Shouldn't 777 find that? Or are they saying the 100% of take over might be off the table so 777 only take a slice changing their loans into equity? 

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