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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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They’re lunatics. My cousin shared some nonsense from an Everton page on Facebook and bile and hate towards ‘the Big Six’ in general and Klopp in particular is off the scale. How will Klopp benefit, he’s leaving you fucking blerts. Did Everton vote against it? They don’t know. I just left a laughing emoji on my cousins post. Deranged. 

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3 hours ago, Harry Squatter said:


Add the Boxpark to Dominoes, Papa John's, Paddy Power etc.


Alienating "half" the city.



In fairness to the advertisers, they did try to get a picture of Evertonian enjoying watching football, but they couldn't find a colour one.

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22 minutes ago, Red74 said:

Imagine building 3 stadiums and the only one you owned was a shithole 


I get its a joke but the myth they spout about building Anfield has always been less truthful than that of Theseus and the Minotaur. This was the Anfield they 'built'





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7 hours ago, Lee909 said:


I get its a joke but the myth they spout about building Anfield has always been less truthful than that of Theseus and the Minotaur. This was the Anfield they 'built'





If they where only renting how did they build anything. None of it belonged to them. 

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1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

If they where only renting how did they build anything. None of it belonged to them. 

It was already built before they moved there. They class building a stadium as painting a few stands that were already there. They also nicked the turnstiles when they flounced off. 


When you tell them this they come back saying "another kopite who doesn't know their history" but they never say why you are wrong or explain how they built a stadium that already existed and they rented off a local businessman. 

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10 hours ago, Lee909 said:


I get its a joke but the myth they spout about building Anfield has always been less truthful than that of Theseus and the Minotaur. This was the Anfield they 'built'





The original old lady lad.

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22 hours ago, Anubis said:

777 trying to offload a couple of clubs to keep the dream alive. What next, turning the sofa upside down?



For the record, this is week 31 of the 12-week regulatory approval process for American investment firm 777 Partners’ takeover of Everton, which started on September 15, 2023. It is also 31 weeks since anyone involved said anything on the record.


Here is what you did not miss.

777 Partners has still not satisfied the four conditions the Premier League has placed on its approval of the deal: convert £180million ($225m) in recent loans to Everton into equity, put £60million into a ring-fenced account to get the club through the summer, secure about £100million in funding to complete construction of the new stadium and pay off the £158million Everton borrowed from MSP Sports Capital, another U.S.-based investment firm, last year.

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4 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Pepper needs an LFC rival with the familiarly condiment themed moniker of 'Salt Cellar.'

There was a fit lass posting videos of herself a few years ago, singing stuff like "What a Difference van Dijk Makes".  Proper talented musician, but never showed any leaning towards the recorder or dressing up as Sean Dyche, so she doesn't make the grade.

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All this shit is being dragged out so Everton do not go into administration this season. They should of faced the points deduction last season and now be playing in the championship. Protected every step of the way and they complain about corruption. Players they bought that they shouldn't of are keeping them up at others expense. Cheating pays in this country. 2 point fucking deduction! Refs alone have cost us more than their entire cheating has cost them.

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4 hours ago, The wanderer said:


For the record, this is week 31 of the 12-week regulatory approval process for American investment firm 777 Partners’ takeover of Everton, which started on September 15, 2023. It is also 31 weeks since anyone involved said anything on the record.


Here is what you did not miss.

777 Partners has still not satisfied the four conditions the Premier League has placed on its approval of the deal: convert £180million ($225m) in recent loans to Everton into equity, put £60million into a ring-fenced account to get the club through the summer, secure about £100million in funding to complete construction of the new stadium and pay off the £158million Everton borrowed from MSP Sports Capital, another U.S.-based investment firm, last year.

Alll this has to be in place before they buy the actual club?

Before they pay Usmanov (via his bagman Moshiri) a penny? 

Then they’ve got to fund the sacking of Dyche and his team, instal a new coaching set up, then offer them a budget for the squad rebuild, just to achieve a level of sporting stability. 

Either 777 are thick as mince for getting involved in the first place and don’t know what they’re in for, even if they can afford it all, or they’re putting loans in purely with the intention of making money via the interest. 

If it’s Usmanov all over again, just with a different frontman, they’re still in a mess - his appointments and overseeing of it all were alarmingly bad and there’s a high chance someone finds out, leaks it and they’re back at square one - let’s have it right, Masters and the PL have made a botch of the hearings and comms but they know full well how bent it’s all been and just aren’t letting it go on, especially with clubs like Southampton, Leeds, Leicester and Burnley - all historic members for one reason or another, going down as a result of it all - and kicking off about it.

Thats £500m just to prove sustainability and clear the debts, then another agreed amount to buy Uzzy out - say another £400-500m, then funds. 

Anyone with half a brain is waiting for an investment piece in a well run club or for the European Super League to buy into.


That or 777 are just another bunch of bent shysters looking to wash a load of dirty cash…


A match made in Walton. 

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