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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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12 hours ago, Leyton388 said:

So Everton to sue the Premier League. I would love to see that japonica and thr Premier League to absolutely destroy them.






The 2nd post there seems to be arguing for someone independent, rather like the independent panel of agreed adjudicators who have already heard the case. Does this mean they've already got what they want? Or do they only want independent people who are on their side? 


10 hours ago, Red74 said:

They’ll go into administration as soon as the seasons over. 

No way will they want to be handing over the money that’s due for those duds Beto and Chermitti next summer. 

I don't think going into administration will save them from that. I think all footballing debts require full payment or you're unable to come out of administration, which obviously would lead to bankruptcy. I do think they'll go into administration before that because moshiri hasn't got a pot to piss in without uncle uzzie's pocket money and 777 won't get approval to own the club..

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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:


The 2nd post there seems to be arguing for someone independent, rather like the independent panel of agreed adjudicators who have already heard the case. Does this mean they've already got what they want? Or do they only want independent people who are on their side? 


I assumed the poster was referring to the independent football regulator which is to be created via a governance bill that I believe was passed recently. But really who the fuck knows what the bitters are on about.

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1 hour ago, johnsusername said:


I hardly think facts are relevant for our blue freedom fighters.



I think the Bloos think they are in Scooby Doo, they will be the plucky underdogs fighting against corruption and the league will say "those pesky kids.....foiled again......." and be led away to the police cruiser while they pile in the VW camper and zoom off to the milk bar.

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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:


The 2nd post there seems to be arguing for someone independent, rather like the independent panel of agreed adjudicators who have already heard the case. Does this mean they've already got what they want? Or do they only want independent people who are on their side? 



Looking at the facts, they could have Ratcliffe, Stubbs and the ghost  of Bill Kenwright and still lose.

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Who do they think the PL is exactly?

Its rules and regulations are set by the clubs and are voted in by the clubs. 
There is no Spectre type organisation in the background, just a load of people trying to uphold the rules the clubs agreed on. 
That is all that is happening, Everton, despite given so much leeway, still had to plead guilty to breaking the P&S rules that they voted for. 
The rules state an independent panel try the case, which is what happened. There may be an argument that 10 points was harsh, but similarly there is one that says it’s lenient too.

 The ironic thing that they are overlooking, is that the P&S rules are there to stop clubs going bust. 
Everton broke the rules and are now nearly bankrupt. Karma

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14 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I cant see them going into administration, some cunt will buy them. Chelsea built all their success on massive debt to a russian gangster and rather than be punished they were given free reign to do what the fuck they like.

I’m enjoying all this but if Chelsea and Man City aren’t punished extremely harshly in the future I think some protesting blues will have a point. 

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34 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I cant see them going into administration, some cunt will buy them. Chelsea built all their success on massive debt to a russian gangster and rather than be punished they were given free reign to do what the fuck they like.


Chelsea are Tory darlings from West London. And have (yes, illegitimately) become one of the most famous and successful sides in world football over the past 20 years.


Everton are Everton. 

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3 hours ago, Carra_is_legend said:


I assumed the poster was referring to the independent football regulator which is to be created via a governance bill that I believe was passed recently. But really who the fuck knows what the bitters are on about.


An independent regulator wouldn't be involved in rule breaches though. Nobody promoting the independent regulator says it would or should. The PL and FL will both still have their rules and will govern in much the same way they do now. They will just have a framework to work towards, which doesn't include doing fuck all like the PL have done for the nearly 30 years of sportswashing in this country. 

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26 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


An independent regulator wouldn't be involved in rule breaches though. Nobody promoting the independent regulator says it would or should. The PL and FL will both still have their rules and will govern in much the same way they do now. They will just have a framework to work towards, which doesn't include doing fuck all like the PL have done for the nearly 30 years of sportswashing in this country. 


There's only ine reason the Government want a regulator. Amd it's to pull money away from the Premier League. They'll have the league funding the lower leagues and youth sports so they don't have to. 


The EFL is terribly managed. I heard something the other day that for every £100 they bring in they spend £250 on average. 


In League 1, the 100 top earners take home over 7k a week. The avg salary in League 2 is around 80k a year. Its completely unsustainable. No issue with money dropping down the pyramid but they need to get the house in order and start living within its means

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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:


An independent regulator wouldn't be involved in rule breaches though. Nobody promoting the independent regulator says it would or should. The PL and FL will both still have their rules and will govern in much the same way they do now. They will just have a framework to work towards, which doesn't include doing fuck all like the PL have done for the nearly 30 years of sportswashing in this country. 


Oh I know, I assumed the post was referring to the so called independent regulator that is not even in place yet. If the post was not referring to the regulator then I have no idea what it was referring to, just like I have no idea what the fuck the bitters have been on about since the points deduction.


When there was some noise about forming an independent regulator in the papers, I didn't even bother to read it properly. An independent regulator to be formed by THIS government, the government that got bulldozed by Saudi into accepting the Newcastle deal. Its like the number 1 criminal being in charge of appointing a panel of judges. 



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