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Report: Karius to stay at Besiktas this season 

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For a player who has made less than 30 appearances for Liverpool, Loris Karius sparks no end of discussion among the Reds fanbase.


After an unconvincing first campaign in 2016/7, the German goalkeeper looked like he was making some steady progress last season but it was also clear that he had the odd howler in his game.


Never was this more noticeable than in the Champions League final where Karius gifted two goals to Real Madrid that sealed a 3-1 win for the Spanish side.


The aftermath caused mass ridicule and humiliation for the 25-year-old which led him to offer a tearful apology to the fans and while that was an honourable thing to do, for many it did not erase the nature of the defeat.


While Jurgen Klopp staunchly stood by his man, more errors were seen in pre- season and it became clear that a decision had to be made about his immediate future at the club.




The German goalkeeper is currently on a two-year loan at Turkish club Besiktas after been deemed surplus to requirements with the signing of Brazilian keeper Alisson from Roma in the summer.


It has not been a smooth entry into Turkish football for the German as he made a couple of notable mistakes in Europe and also in league action.


Multiple reports emerged yesterday that Besiktas were looking to cut short the loan in January and instead sign striker Divock Origi.


However all parties have subsequently denied that talk with Four Four Two reporting Karius' agent Florian Goll as saying:


"Complete nonsense, I wonder where such things come from. This news is absolutely untrue.


"Loris is on loan to Besiktas for two years – that's the situation. The club has no intention of ending this loan contract prematurely.


"It's fact that Loris is the clear number one at Besiktas, he played every game and showed good performances."


Karius who is not shy in sharing his thoughts on social media also produced this not too subtle message.


" Coffee first. Media's bullshit second," Joe.co.uk reported.


With the growing pedigree and consistent performances of Alisson, it is highly unlikely that we will see Karius play a substantial role for the club in the future.


But just like any player who has spent time at the club, there will be some passing interest to how his career progresses from here.

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For the first time since the final I watched the goals again the other day and that first goal......


Hate to say it about someone but fuck me I hate the cunt what was he thinking especially when you see Robertson is in acres of space and he looks at him but decides to be a clever cunt by trying to switch the play so much so he virtually throws it at Benzema....I can forgive the third goal as that is a mistake even the greatest make but that first goal it's fucking horrific.


Every now and again it pops into my head how great would it as you're doing day to day things you think to yourself "we're European Champions again. It would have sent a buzz down your spine and for me that clown took that away.

As far as I'm concerned I never want to see him in a red shirt again 

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19 minutes ago, Stickman said:

For the first time since the final I watched the goals again the other day and that first goal......


Hate to say it about someone but fuck me I hate the cunt what was he thinking especially when you see Robertson is in acres of space and he looks at him but decides to be a clever cunt by trying to switch the play so much so he virtually throws it at Benzema....I can forgive the third goal as that is a mistake even the greatest make but that first goal it's fucking horrific.


Every now and again it pops into my head how great would it as you're doing day to day things you think to yourself "we're European Champions again. It would have sent a buzz down your spine and for me that clown took that away.

As far as I'm concerned I never want to see him in a red shirt again 

This 110%. I haven't been able to watch the goals since the night and hopefully never will. What is vivid in my mind though is that he is a fucking clown. 1 mistakes, ok yes mistakes happen to even the best but 2. Of that magnitude in the biggest game of them all?! We might be grateful of it in 4 years time seeing as we went out and bought a top top keeper who really looks the business. My Dad said the other day that he hasn't felt this comfortable with a Liverpool keeper since Clemence. Karius should never ever be seen in a Liverpool top again. I wish him luck in his career and stuff but nah, not here. 

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