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Nantwich girl

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Everything posted by Nantwich girl

  1. Yes, I work in planning Mr Gut but quite honestly you probably wont know me and Im not sure just because you are in "Architectural Services" why you would even think you do :-/
  2. I really miss Chester as well. :-( Saturday afternoon lunch and a cheeky glass of Chablis or two in Harkers .
  3. Hello Jessica Apparently we are the same person according to the TLW intelligence services. If that's the case can you remember to take some chicken out of the freezer for dinner please? ;-)
  4. Oh yes!!!!! New York was fab, as usual. Had a little chat with my ex and tactfully informed him where I thought our relationship was going before we went. We decided to still go together as planned, but as friends. He had a wonderful time ( he'd never been before). He had bought a ring which was stunning, he managed to get a refund as well so All's well that ends well I suppose.
  5. Hmmmm well I've moved house (again) and got a nice new job. New boyfriend as well.(yes he was single!). So how are you? ;-)
  6. Been a long time. Thought I'd check in and see what I've been missing ;-)
  7. Do some reading on the subject. The Internet is a stalkers paradise.
  8. Ok thanks I appreciate your comments but I think it is illegal to post a picture of somebody who actually isn't me! I have no idea who it is or where it's from. I know cheetavhs thinks hr has done a cracking job on revealing who I am but all he has done is posted s picture of two random women. Its extremely unlikely that either of them come on here but if they did and saw some of the abuse the pictures have generated then I think that's a matter for the civil courts to decide. There is a law against publishing personal and private details without the owners consent particularly if it involves causing the person distress or defamed their character in a public place such as this. The fact is I don't have an Internet footprint anywhere! No facebook, myspace, twitter nothing! All as a result of being stalked a few years ago. Im a fairly intelligent girl and although im truthful I am always mindful of my past and i have always made sure that certain personal facts places and names are always skewed just enough to protect myself from being subjected to that experience again. That is one of the main reasons why i wont post pictures or meet up with people when they have asked. To be honest I find it very disturbing and somewhat creepy that somebody on here has apparently been trying to stalk me, albeit unsuccessfully over several months. It has brought back some very unpleasant memories for me. :-(
  9. Regardless of what some of you say about me I have always taken the majority of it as Tongue in cheek and I have no problem with all the nonsense posted about me or with the majority of people who post it. However; The culture of mob bullying on here though is something to behold and as an Internet community it's not something to be particularly proud of. It's amazing to witness how people jump in after one or two have started with abuse its similar to watching a pack of wild dogs in action and . I wonder if you act like this in real life. I doubt it to be honest but i hope not for your own sakes. What's actually done it for me is not the cyber bullies or the cock jokes but actually being threatend with physical violence. And what for exactly? Have I abused somebody?, have I threatened anybody on here with violence or intimidation?, have I insulted anybody or their family's in an unacceptable and unforgivable manner? Have I tried to invade anybody's personal and private space and published their details on the Internet? The answer to all of these questions is NO! It's actually illegal in the UKto threaten acts of violence against somebody. There is a law against it believe it or not and for good reason. If it's condoned on a public website then then that's worrying and says a lot about the whole site. Not all people are like that on here though and some have the courage to speak up about it. Well done to you people for being an individual and having the decency to say what you think. I appreciate your support.
  10. One of these posts has been copied and noted. I will be taking some legal advice on Monday afternoon. I have also reported it to the site administrators. Good night!
  11. Thanks for all of your kind suggestions. :-)
  12. Hmmm you're right you don't sound like a nice person at all.
  13. It's my birthday present from my dad!!!!!!
  14. Oiooihhhhh get you! All riled up and defensive. Get a sense of humor. If you can't take a bit of ribbing don't dish it out in the first place!
  15. Nice idea but I love NYC more!! Thanks anyway
  16. Youreright I would never do that! I think you need to look somebody in the eyes when you tell them it's over. Texting somethin like that is poor form. As I said he's a really nice bloke I don't want to hurt him but I suppose I will have to at some point :-(
  17. Ha ha abusive? How can you take offense about being told you have a penis by a stranger you have never even met? Lady gaga has made a career out of it! Sometimes the mischievous side of me snaps back but it's all a bit of nonsense really!
  18. Ooooh the ramblings of a bitter man. No doubt back living with mum in your old bedroom after your wife took everything including the kids. Maybe you shouldn't have been looking at that speciality Internet porn and shed still be with you. Nah she's a fffffucckkin bitch you're well rid of her. Have another pot noodle and a wank you'll be fine. :-)
  19. Really? I was going to go withbthe colonels suggestion of dropping a few big hints about not wanting to get married etc and hope he picks up on it. Thing is he is really excited about the trip and I don't want him not to go he's been telling everybody and I mean everybody! about how much he is looking forward to it. Arrggghhh my head is in the shed over this :-(
  20. That's really good! One of my friends is getting married in September so that could work! Plus he gets to enjoy the holiday!
  21. Been going out with my bf for several months now and initially he seemed great, but as time has gone on I've sort of lost interest in him. He's a really nice bloke but I've decided it's over for me. I have a horrible feeling he is going to ask me to get engaged to him on my 30th birthday next month. Dilemma is my dad has paid for us both to go to New York staying in a really nice hotel, my birthday is during our stay. Do I tell him before and ruin the trip for him (he's never been to NYC and he's been really excited about going) however it would save him the embarrassment of me not accepting his proposal! or tell him when we get home?
  22. The taljiistquinz - half sprit, half living beings. They frequent moorlands and the edges of ancient forests. They have various shapes some beast some humanoid, they are not evil or good but exist in a state of impartial neutrality in the world. They avoid most human contact, but sometimes they appear at dusk or Dawn to lost travellers usually wearing pyjamas beneath a large coat and clutching a carton of milk. Sometimes they ask the traveller for 50 groats for a cup of tea or sometimes they just stare at them whilst picking their nose.
  23. I moved for a promotion and for personal reasons. In truth it's a move that I probably wouldn't have chosen, but the most important thing is to tell everybody it's the best thing you have done. Especially when talking or emailing ex colleagues! Anyway if all goes well (fingers crossed) then my next move will involve moving house yet again, 3rd time in 12 months!
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