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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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1 hour ago, No2 said:

The problem with being successful is you need your pitch to play the actual matches. Their plans to have Taylor Swift play there every second Wednesday will be impacted by CL participant and presumably deeper runs into domestic cup competitions.


Taylor would die of hypothermia down there with some of her stage outfits.

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What is this sleeping giant shit.


FSG we’re able to turn things around at Liverpool because Ged and Rafa had kept things ticking over and we still had a massive worldwide fan base despite dropping off.


Everton don’t have that, and a stadium they’ll struggle to fill and monetise won’t do anything to help them. Given the level of debt involved they’ll have to build things very slowly.


The idea the stadium sill suddenly make them some worldwide attraction is ridiculous.

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Just now, Anubis said:

What is this sleeping giant shit.


FSG we’re able to turn things around at Liverpool because Ged and Rafa had kept things ticking over and we still had a massive worldwide fan base despite dropping off.


Everton don’t have that, and a stadium they’ll struggle to fill and monetise won’t do anything to help them. Given the level of debt involved they’ll have to build things very slowly.


The idea the stadium sill suddenly make them some worldwide attraction is ridiculous.

Aren't you forgetting about the millions of fans who'll instantly switch allegiances and bend the knee to Everton the moment they unveil the BMD Ark? All somehow local and born, yet imported and manufactured at the same time.

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5 minutes ago, Anubis said:

What is this sleeping giant shit.


FSG we’re able to turn things around at Liverpool because Ged and Rafa had kept things ticking over and we still had a massive worldwide fan base despite dropping off.


Everton don’t have that, and a stadium they’ll struggle to fill and monetise won’t do anything to help them. Given the level of debt involved they’ll have to build things very slowly.


The idea the stadium sill suddenly make them some worldwide attraction is ridiculous.

That's the school of science you're talking about there. Very disrespectful. 

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9 minutes ago, Manny said:

Aren't you forgetting about the millions of fans who'll instantly switch allegiances and bend the knee to Everton the moment they unveil the BMD Ark? All somehow local and born, yet imported and manufactured at the same time.

I’m doing my best to forget the current lot.

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8 hours ago, sh#t waffle said:
The teller for me will be when the other affected teams will get their points deduction. If uts this season, we may see them fall below us, or within easy reach, even with out 10 robbed. 

If the prem dilly dally and do it next season, so that we cannot possibly benefit and (as usual) are the first to suffer their sanctions, then I think it starts to show a clear vendetta.

Get rid of a sleeping giant before a new stadium breathes life unto it so they can challenge sky's comfy, easy selling brands to the armchairs around Europe. They don't know how that will affect sales, so they don't want it.

Sleeping giant is superb. Fucking deluded 



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6 hours ago, Anubis said:

What is this sleeping giant shit.


It’s completely beyond me. They’ve been an embarrassment to the city since 1995. They’re a fucking non-entity that literally nobody gives a single fuck about. 
The sooner they’re sent into oblivion the better for everyone; the stupid cunts. 

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1 hour ago, TheBitch said:

It’s completely beyond me. They’ve been an embarrassment to the city since 1995. They’re a fucking non-entity that literally nobody gives a single fuck about. 
The sooner they’re sent into oblivion the better for everyone; the stupid cunts. 


Since 95


They've won 8 trophies since 1945

1 trophy a decade on average and fuck all for nearly 30 years. 

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2 hours ago, an tha said:

It is absolutely ridiculous a club that has won as little as they have post war considers themselves to be as 'big' as they do.


Tottenham are another one similar.




Villa the same. The only thing separating Villa and the rest is the European Cup win

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19 hours ago, sh#t waffle said:

This is a classic of its form. Somehow Everton will automatically become an awoken giant. And then somehow that might affect sales. So Sky must quash it. Anyway, you do the maths, no further details required.


18 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Sleeping giant... how. Is there this giant fan base in hibernation  ready to wake up when Everton actually do something worse noticing. What does it mean?

You don’t have to be a giant to be a sleeping giant but they are a sleeping giant.

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Liverpool v Luton - Everton round-up.


Herr shippmann knows exactly what he’s doing tonight, saving the big guns for the final knowing that the officials will give them absolutely every decisions going at Mordor so he can throw in the rezzies and still win the game at a canter.

Watch salah and Nunez be fit as fiddles on Sunday, and maybe a few more



The rs would love this, losing to Luton puts us back in the drop zone...
It's a win win for them


Just logged onto LiveScore. Fouls. Libpool 8 Luton 6. 2 yellow cards for Luton, sounds about right. Logs off,


Just logged onto LiveScore. Fouls. Libpool 8 Luton 6. 2 yellow cards for Luton, sounds about right. Logs off,

Red card will bail them out second half. No way the PL’s number 1 tv subscriber base will suffer the indignity of being beaten by Luton at home.


Doped up to their eyeballs.

If even that isn’t enough, a friendly ref bails them out.

A sickening organisation.


I'm so certain that Pedpool will win that I'll get a pot noodle haircut, wear a mankini and go knock one off on the trop of the traffic lights if Luton win.

Breathing more easy than a rs player after a half time inhaler.
Here goes the gurning chemist fist pumping to every stand after beating the mighty Luton Town FC

"just get down the tunnel" eh Jamie



No idea where this number of fouls = cards has come from, but it seems to be a new narrative from the shite.

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