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Women's football


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2 hours ago, razor said:

Does anybody else hate that England goalkeeper?


Strutting round like she's the over-confident daughter of John Wayne and Megan Thee Stallion.


She saved a penalty and it should have been retaken as she was well off her line.  She's very difficult to like.


It's a tick for feminism as I hate both of the pumped up psychos who occupy the goalposts of both the England men's and women's teams.



I thought her left foot was still on the line.

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12 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I thought her left foot was still on the line.

She stepped forwards and was well off the line when she went left for the shot.

Should have been a retake.

Maybe the ref thought the handball had been contentious, so gave the Spaniard one chance, it was a poor pen though.

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On 20/08/2023 at 13:12, lifetime fan said:

I thought watching England mens games in public was bad. But fuck me! 

Just watched that in a rugby club full of women who until yesterday have spent their entire lives stating as a matter of fact, how shit football is and rugby is a proper sport. 

England kits everywhere, about 70 pissed women who have never watched a match before but now believe they’re more knowledgeable about the game than Sacchi and Cruyff combined. 

It was fucking horrendous and equally hilarious. 

Reminded me of match threads on the ff. 


They’ve started a change.org petition to force Nike to sell the England women’s keeper shirt. 

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4 hours ago, Champ said:

Is this man still in his job?


Stomach turning


In his neanderthal brain, he thinks the biggest compliment he can give a woman is that she has "balls" that resemble his very own precious testicles.


He's like an ancient fertility symbol drawn inside a cave in the Amazonian plateau.  In a suit at a football match in Australia. 


And yes, he should resign.

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If woman want the game to be taken seriously, they need todo more than just support England for a few weeks every couple of years and start to actually support the woman’s game. It’s all well and good saying we want this and demand that. You need to back up your words with actions all year round.


This is each clubs average attendance from last season and it’s puss poor.






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On 22/08/2023 at 18:02, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

This, the more they push the less they’ll get. Let it happen organically man.

Nah.  It does need pushing (although not to the degree of equal sponsorship).  Inequalities tend not to disappear "organically".  The women's game needs more grassroots investment than the men's game, to make up for the 50 years it was banned followed by decades of under-investment.

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22 hours ago, Fugitive said:

If woman want the game to be taken seriously, they need todo more than just support England for a few weeks every couple of years and start to actually support the woman’s game. It’s all well and good saying we want this and demand that. You need to back up your words with actions all year round.


This is each clubs average attendance from last season and it’s puss poor.






You realise that men and women can attend men's and women's football?

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6 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

You realise that men and women can attend men's and women's football?

I do but it is is women who keep pushing this equality in the game issue but don’t seem to back it up by actuality attending the games. It all seems a bit hollow. 

You can guarantee that the vast majority who were up in arms and being very vocal over the past few weeks will now go back to not giving a fuck.


If they backed up their words and the attendances were consistently high, to viewing figures high and club merchandising sales high, maybe the woman’s game would have the money pumped into it to make it on a level par with the men’s game.


Do you attend, watch and buy merchandise for Liverpool ladies much?

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39 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

I do but it is is women who keep pushing this equality in the game issue but don’t seem to back it up by actuality attending the games. It all seems a bit hollow. 

You can guarantee that the vast majority who were up in arms and being very vocal over the past few weeks will now go back to not giving a fuck.


If they backed up their words and the attendances were consistently high, to viewing figures high and club merchandising sales high, maybe the woman’s game would have the money pumped into it to make it on a level par with the men’s game.


Do you attend, watch and buy merchandise for Liverpool ladies much?

You're missing the point.  Leaving it to the free market isn't going to work; it never does.  The women's game needs high levels of investment in facilities and coaching from the under-10s upwards, before there's any hope of improving the quality of the elite game to a level where it can become seriously lucrative.

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The Irish Women's national team are sponsored by Sky. The men's team have no sponsor because the brand is toxic due to corrupt governance of the game for 30 years and secondly because the men are shite. 


This is the way forward, separate the sponsorship, there will be businesses that don't have the financial strength of Standard Chartered that would love to pay 500k to sponsor the women. I'd go as far as to completely separate the club's, if the women's game does grow then in 20 years they're arguing they should be playing at Anfield at 3pm on Saturday and the men need to rearrange.


The game is in the perfect place to do this, form a break away league with 20 clubs officially unaligned with the original club. Use Pro Evo type names. They seem to do this in the states, all the teams have completely different names to the mens teams. It's got a captive audience right now, build a load of 15-20k all seaters and away you go. Now is the time to do it.

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