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The Foodie thread


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On 14/05/2024 at 20:01, Stouffer said:

Keep meaning to try cauliflower wings. Anyone had a go?

Yes. From a recipe in the Bosh veggie book my missus got me for Christmas when we weren't actually together yet because she's a vegetarian.



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5 hours ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Well that took an unexpected turn.

Reminds me of when someone posted the entire twitter feed of a daily mail journo on an FF thread one time and got negged to fuck for making everyone have to scroll through it.

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Pork ribs doused in sweet chilli sauce, garlic and sesame seeds. In the oven on 160 on a wire grill tray for 1 hour 15. With noodles stir fried with broccoli, onions, water chestnuts and soy sauce. Fucking beautiful. 



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2 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:

Couldn’t be arsed doing a roast today, wanted to be able to just sit on the sofa all day watching the telly and feeling sorry for myself. 

So it was just a big Ploghman’s. 



Needs peas.

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21 hours ago, lifetime fan said:

Couldn’t be arsed doing a roast today, wanted to be able to just sit on the sofa all day watching the telly and feeling sorry for myself. 

So it was just a big Ploghman’s. 



Looks great, that, Col. I’d swap the grapes for a Russet apple, though.

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My Brother went to the chip shop for the three of us (me,him,dad cost almost £30) and I had this slab of fish,to give you an idea how big it was,the plate its on is 10 inches by 10 inches and that's a full tub of mushy peas.Finished it then went for a 5 mile walk with the dog later in the evening!


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20 hours ago, Gruntfuttock said:

My Brother went to the chip shop for the three of us (me,him,dad cost almost £30) and I had this slab of fish,to give you an idea how big it was,the plate its on is 10 inches by 10 inches and that's a full tub of mushy peas.Finished it then went for a 5 mile walk with the dog later in the evening!



A child's portion compared to this....



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18 hours ago, an tha said:

A child's portion compared to this....



This shit that chippys have started pulling in the last few years needs fuckin off. That is a portion of chips for two adults, maybe even a kid as well. The prices reflect the portion and i doubt many could finish it. 

The ammount of food that goes in the bin when i come home is a joke.

Was this yours/did you finish it?


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On 22/05/2024 at 01:32, Gruntfuttock said:

My Brother went to the chip shop for the three of us (me,him,dad cost almost £30) and I had this slab of fish,to give you an idea how big it was,the plate its on is 10 inches by 10 inches and that's a full tub of mushy peas.Finished it then went for a 5 mile walk with the dog later in the evening!



Looks great 


where is that chippy?

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5 hours ago, DalyanPete said:

This shit that chippys have started pulling in the last few years needs fuckin off. That is a portion of chips for two adults, maybe even a kid as well. The prices reflect the portion and i doubt many could finish it. 

The ammount of food that goes in the bin when i come home is a joke.

Was this yours/did you finish it?



This sort of shit is rife up here. Cheap rubbish, badly cooked, seemingly cheap.



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Never I thought I'd see munchie boxes in this thread.


That chippy upthread looks great other than the mushy peas, fuck them off for normal peas and you're seriously talking.

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6 hours ago, DalyanPete said:

This shit that chippys have started pulling in the last few years needs fuckin off. That is a portion of chips for two adults, maybe even a kid as well. The prices reflect the portion and i doubt many could finish it. 

The ammount of food that goes in the bin when i come home is a joke.

Was this yours/did you finish it?


You don't want to know the price of that little lot.....you really don't - it is fucking scandalous, even given the massive amount of food.


As it happens I did finish it - but it is a once in a while job (and i mean a while) and when it is eaten it is the only thing eat that day.

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1 hour ago, an tha said:

You don't want to know the price of that little lot.....you really don't - it is fucking scandalous, even given the massive amount of food.


As it happens I did finish it - but it is a once in a while job (and i mean a while) and when it is eaten it is the only thing eat that day.

As I said, it was almost £30 for the three of us.The order was fish&chips twice plus one extra fish and two mushy peas (sorry Mook!) I split the chips into three and I could easily have fed another person what with the size of the fish...


We only have it occasionally at that price and as Dad fancied some for his 81st birthday we treated him.

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6 hours ago, an tha said:

You don't want to know the price of that little lot.....you really don't - it is fucking scandalous, even given the massive amount of food.


As it happens I did finish it - but it is a once in a while job (and i mean a while) and when it is eaten it is the only thing eat that day.

Fuckin hell! Well done on that and the biggest dump that followed. When we where doing family chippy nights the carrier bags where like a workout they where that heavy and rather expensive.

I hate food waste when the people are starving.

I always get laughed at as I count food portions per person, if i say 3 pieces of garlic bread each, thats it unless you can negotiate with someone. So fuckin anal, can't help it.


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