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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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1 hour ago, Smell The Glove said:

This fucking nonsense that Liverpool or Manchester United were always juggernauts needs to stop. That we were always dominant and the only way to compete is to cheat and spend and bend the rules.


We built a club through fair means success. If anything actually holds us back it’s the Premier League. If we went solo on TV subscriptions for example, we'd be making a fuck load more than now.

The irony being - it was spending that crippled us in through the 90’s and beyond. The first splurge was probably KK when Barnes etc. arrived - was a quick fix. We tried buying our way back in at various points and failed. Probably led to the whole Hicks farce too. 

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20 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Shite blocking up the Premier league bog again.


Yeah, Brighton are a charity game for them every season, thankfully got 1 back at the end there to at least mean they only took a point. Having sat and watched Everton play extensively for the first time in a while, no fucking wonder their fanbase are so pissed off and upset all the time, if I had to watch that brand of football dished up every week id be raging to.

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19 minutes ago, Tenfolder said:


Yeah, Brighton are a charity game for them every season, thankfully got 1 back at the end there to at least mean they only took a point. Having sat and watched Everton play extensively for the first time in a while, no fucking wonder their fanbase are so pissed off and upset all the time, if I had to watch that brand of football dished up every week id be raging to.


She knew Brighton had equalised before it happened on the channel we watched it on and went "Fuck sake" I ran in from the kitchen just to see the away end reaction. They'd been silent all match until they scored then it was just "wooooohhh" and a load of weirdos doing this until the equaliser





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33 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:

Longest run without a league victory since 1994.

9 games - nigh on a quarter of a season. But what is a quarter of a season without a win when you have gone over a quarter of a century without a trophy....

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2 hours ago, Fallen Angel said:

The irony being - it was spending that crippled us in through the 90’s and beyond. The first splurge was probably KK when Barnes etc. arrived - was a quick fix. We tried buying our way back in at various points and failed. Probably led to the whole Hicks farce too. 

Do you have any proof of this?

Kenny spent a bit of cash that summer, but the sales of Rushie and Walsh meant we more or less broke even on Barnes, Aldo, Beardsley and Houghton combined, and every one of those was a great signing. Plus, it wasn’t a quick fix - it was a restructure of the whole team which then barely changed for the next four years. 
Kenny’s questionable transfers came after. Rushie cost an awful lot of money the following summer (almost the entire transfer budget aside from David Burrows), and there was a good reason that the assembled press corps at the time assumed the mystery arrival was going to be a central defender to replace Lawro and/or succeed Al Hansen. 
The following summer our only first team signing was Glenn Hysen, the epitome of a quick fix (his first season was good!), and Ronny Rosenthal’s arrival on loan was a quick fix signing on steroids - he was here for four years but a third(!) of his goals came during his initial two-month loan spell. 
And then, in the final season: £1m for Rosenthal, and similar sums for David Speedie and Jimmy Carter who were both gone within months for less than we’d paid for them. 
The spending didn’t stop after 1987 but the signings got progressively less and less successful. That’s not to say Kenny wasn’t brilliant, but after that splurge his best arrivals were youngsters who wouldn’t hit the first team until some years afterwards. 

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3 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

And annoyingly they still aren’t in the relegation zone.


Yup, says a lot about the rest of the shit at the bottom that theyve had 10 points taken off them and not won in 9 games but they are still a point above the relegation zone. Literally unflushable.

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Just watched the Dunk equaliser. It’s a great header, I don’t think Pickford cover himself in glory. No pace on the cross, a really well directed but quite slow header, Pickford doesn’t more his feet, dives from a standing position and it drops him.


Obviously keeping like that would be fine if he was Reed Richards or Dhalsim but he’s more like Jeremy Beadle or Alex Brooker. 

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10 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

They slag Nunez off. Calvert-Lewin hasn't scored in 20 games. 

If you look at GOT they slag DCL off as well. And Beto. And Cherniti. And next-big-thing Patterson is being questioned as well.

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22 hours ago, Smell The Glove said:

This fucking nonsense that Liverpool or Manchester United were always juggernauts needs to stop. That we were always dominant and the only way to compete is to cheat and spend and bend the rules.


We built a club through fair means success. If anything actually holds us back its the Premier League. If we went solo on TV subscriptions for example, we'd be making a fuck load more than now.


It's utter nonsense. I think, apart from the side that was allowed to spend beyond these 'anti-competition' rules for a decade, the league is much more competitive than it was back in 2000. There's not a team in the top 10 I don't respect as a threat. 


Besides, since then we've gone from a top two, to three, to four and now six teams expected to land near the top of the table, with Villa, Brighton and Newcastle apparently threatening to join in. Is that an ailing level of competition?

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