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Crystal Palace (H) - Sun 14th Apr 2024 (2:00pm)


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Just now, BeefStroganoff said:

Well for you two fly boys. Success isnt an imperative as long as you go the game and support the boys.

All you do is moan. Put the methylated spirits down and have a roast 

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3 minutes ago, Dave D said:

Anyone recommend a pub with a really dark corner that selling flagons of strong dark ale. Preferably playing very melancholy music 

The Swan, Wood Street.


Many dark corners.


The jukebox is well stocked with melancholy. And the bar has strong ale. But you may want to invade Scotland and North East England afterwards.

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4 minutes ago, redinblack said:

What would you have suggested? A manager staying in post for something he plainly had had enough of and just making the club fire him and pay him off?


Eh, what gave you that idea? I was genuinely interested to know what you meant by a "different tack", i.e. stop even trying to compete with City? Plough a load of money into it? Or just hope a new manager has more about him than Jürgen?

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1 minute ago, redinblack said:

The Swan, Wood Street.


Many dark corners.


The jukebox is well stocked with melancholy. And the bar has strong ale. But you may want to invade Scotland and North East England afterwards.

Fantastic pub. Used to go in their before a night of drunken idiocy in The Krazy House

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5 minutes ago, Dave D said:

Anyone recommend a pub with a really dark corner that selling flagons of strong dark ale. Preferably playing very melancholy music 

The Prancing Pony? 

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I had to go to a funeral with about 20 to go in the game. It was for a young man, 40ish, who took his own life, 4 weeks after his partner passed away from cancer. He left behind a 7 year old daughter and a heartbroken mother and father (I used to play football with him). There was a Liverpool picture on his coffin. It put some perspective on this for me.

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4 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I wouldn't totally dismiss the tourists.  I was talking to a South African woman in the chippy before the game the other night.  She was probably in her seventies, knew and loved everything about Liverpool FC, but this was her first visit.  She didn't have a ticket for that shambles (thankfully) so she wanted a recommendation for a pub to watch it. (I sent her to Jürgen's.)  She wasn't sure where her hotel was and her luggage (with her clothes and her medicine) was stuck in Zurich, but she was just absolutely loving being here.


She's going today.  If the rest of us can match half her enthusiasm, the place will be bouncing.

Well I blame the tourists for everything including losing today and probably the tension in Israel too.  It’s easier with a scapegoat. 

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1 minute ago, NoelM said:

I had to go to a funeral with about 20 to go in the game. It was for a young man, 40ish, who took his own life, 4 weeks after his partner passed away from cancer. He left behind a 7 year old daughter and a heartbroken mother and father (I used to play football with him). There was a Liverpool picture on his coffin. It put some perspective on this for me.

Ah mate im sorry to hear that.


I was hoping beyond hope a title win was in the stars after my dad passed away in January but unfortunately its not to be.

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3 minutes ago, NoelM said:

I had to go to a funeral with about 20 to go in the game. It was for a young man, 40ish, who took his own life, 4 weeks after his partner passed away from cancer. He left behind a 7 year old daughter and a heartbroken mother and father (I used to play football with him). There was a Liverpool picture on his coffin. It put some perspective on this for me.

It’s only a game in the end.

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1 minute ago, Jairzinho said:


Because Salah's goal record means that it doesn't matter how shit he's playing he won't be taken off.

And how many times does someone have to be shite before they run out of credit?


And Jones has got fuck all credit in that bank

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Just now, redinblack said:

And how many times does someone have to be shite before they run out of credit?


And Jones has got fuck all credit in that bank


Yeah, Jones I don't get. As others have said, it was weird he was evening starting.


As for Salah, in the summer. The next manager won't want to start their time here with the problem. 

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Just now, Jairzinho said:


Yeah, Jones I don't get. As others have said, it was weird he was evening starting.


As for Salah, in the summer. The next manager won't want to start their time here with the problem. 

I think you right. We take the money from Al- Whoever

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9 minutes ago, NoelM said:

I had to go to a funeral with about 20 to go in the game. It was for a young man, 40ish, who took his own life, 4 weeks after his partner passed away from cancer. He left behind a 7 year old daughter and a heartbroken mother and father (I used to play football with him). There was a Liverpool picture on his coffin. It put some perspective on this for me.

That is awful mate.

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