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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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5 hours ago, dave u said:


This is where I'm leaning. When the points deduction happened I wasn't that arsed either way. I wasn't made up about it, I sort of just shrugged and thought "they'll stay up anyway, they're lucky it happened this season".


Everything since though has just been mental. I don't actually even know what they're pissed off about. I haven't seen one legitimate grievance so far, and I am genuinely open minded to it. If someone can show me how they've been hard done by I'm more than willing to listen and to try and understand. But all I've seen so far is absolute horseshit.


By comparison, some of my mates are Derby County fans. They got absolutely shafted by the EFL, 21 points deducted, a transfer embargo for at least two maybe three transfer windows. The sanctions put on Derby meant they had close to zero chance to staying up, but ironically they handled it with class and dignity in the main.

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They're like that little shit in school who would start a fight but as soon as he got his arse handed to him would be off crying to the teacher. 


Weird that none of them can see that the whole mess they find themselves in is literally of the club's own making. 


I think deep down they can't come to terms with the fact that they have spent an absolute fortune and gone backwards, and then cheated, so now they're lashing out. 

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5 minutes ago, johnsusername said:

They're like that little shit in school who would start a fight but as soon as he got his arse handed to him would be off crying to the teacher. 


Weird that none of them can see that the whole mess they find themselves in is literally of the club's own making. 


I think deep down they can't come to terms with the fact that they have spent an absolute fortune and gone backwards, and then cheated, so now they're lashing out. 

They know really and all this anger is just them projecting.


I said it earlier in week and i stand by it:


They are wallowing in this like pigs in shit though....Raging with spite, bitterness and hatred without taking any responsibility whatsoever.

Playing the poor, downtrodden victim like they do year after year. It's all so tedious, yet all so expected. Just another supposed injustice to add to their infinite list which they drone on about endlessly....

They became a club without purpose back in the last century with nothing to play for on the park anymore they took on the role of professional victims. A role they now excel in. It gives them purpose once more and gives their vile hatred a vehicle.

No class and no dignity on display from the blue quarter. Just endless self-pity, wallowing and pointing the finger at everyone other than their own, disastrously run little club.


Now they are crying like toddlers because they were caught with their hands in the biscuit tin and have been sent to their room in what has been a light punishment.....

Now they are up there looking out of the window screaming insults at everyone else whilst not once actually reflecting on their own actions.

They've continuously self-harmed, now they are crying because they've seen a little blood. The blade is in their own hands - yet - somehow, it's actually everyone else's fault.



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They’re gonna take us down aren’t they? 

If Everton continue to shine the spotlight on the Premier League they will be investigated and all the corruption around the ESL will be revealed. Liverpool will be in deep deep shit with all the backhanders and corrupt payments made to stop them being kicked out the league
Tough shit whether the Premier League will allow it or not. Liverpool fans are absolutely shitting themselves at the moment in case the Premier League are investigated
It could very well expose stuff surrounding the ESL situation and why the clubs involved weren't punished sufficiently enough. All sorts of skeletons at the Premier League
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Who are 'they' or 'them?' I assume people are speaking about loud mouthed idiots on Social Media who just enjoy the sky generation's tribal take on modern football. I dont judge an entire fanbase this way as there are always loads of pricks involved at every club. The PL have some responsibility here for once again allowing a corrupt ownership regime to launder cash through a football club and laugh at it's own 'fit and proper' test yet again. There is obviously nobody at the top of the club that gives a rat's arse about it despite the delusion of some loud mouthed fans and attention seekers who are so desperate to watch a club win a lot more.

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12 minutes ago, Jimmy Hills Chin said:

Well I, for one, am absolutely shitting myself at the thought of the Premier League being investigated for ... er ... that thing ... er, that they did ... or something like that.

Between shitting myself worrying over what the Bloos are going to expose and my head falling off at the new stadium I'm in a bit of a state to be honest.

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